Great! Thanks for your input. Those plants are moving off-center straight away. Then advanced players will just have to deal with the placement themselves. I guess I'm not that casual-player-friendly in general, what with all those decorate-yourself shelves and cabinets, so at least I can make this one easy. :wink:
Naceygirl, you're right. The cheat doesn't work on surfaces. You need to first place your deco object on a table that has an invisible recolor. Then you boolprop the invisible table and the deco object in place on top of the table you want the deco object to sit on.
Like this. That little block on the left has an invisible recolor and all the deco objects on the tables are placed on one of those before being boolpropped into place:
You just made me think of something. I have a whole host of invisibles in all kinds of heights spread around the entire site. I should probably collect them all on one single page, so they're easier to find for everybody. Hmm ... Something to remember for the next update.