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Author Topic: Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.  (Read 176976 times)

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #120 on: 2007 May 29, 23:21:02 »

This was just posted as a thread on SC2... betting it won't stay for long, so I'm quoting it. Long-ass post, sry.

Delphy > A Pedophile > A Money Scammer? LETS SEE!

Here Chestnut, this is the truth.

Advocates for Truth in the Sims Community
About| MTS2 Exposed| Cult-like Behavior?| Evidence
What Is ATSC?

The Advocates for Truth in the Sims Community (ATSC) exist solely to provide information to the sims community that would otherwise remain virtually unknown. The information here is, to the best of our knowledge, true. Much of what is presented is known through personal accounts of many members within the community.
Those who choose to remain anonymous do so because they fear retribution from those that they have helped to expose. Most of them are well known within the community, and would not have others around them suffer due to their own personal conviction that the truth must be told. Many fear that their personal accounts will be taken out of context or twisted and used against them by those who would blindly defend their position without taking other perspectives under consideration.
While we know it is human nature to believe so, we urge you not to assume that this effort is the work of people seeking revenge and personal satisfaction from it. We provide our accounts simply so that others can be more aware and avoid the humiliation and manipulation that we have all fallen victim to. We warn everyone of the dangers that come with trusting too easily those "respectable" members of the community, about whom we only know what we are told by them. They offer their side of things, and we offer ours. We only appeal to you in an effort to make you consider all perspectives available before personally deciding who is right and who is wrong.
Take what you will from what we offer here and use it to make logical choices within the community. We do not seek to force anyone into believing we are right and they are wrong; we only seek to spread knowledge we feel others deserve to know. If you think we're wrong, then that's okay. If you think we're right, well, that's okay, too.
This site is not meant to be defamatory of individuals but to be informative about those individuals to the public they both lead and represent.

Mod The Sims 2 Exposed
As we all know, Mod The Sims 2 (MTS2) is part of the foundation for Sims 2 content and information accessible by the fanbase. With it and its sister site, Sims 2 Community (S2C), owner and administrator Stuart Stanfield, AKA Delphy, has worked to obtain a leader status within the community. You would be hard pressed to find any member of the Sims community who hasn't heard of Delphy or MTS2, and that includes the Maxiods over at EA. As a leader in the community and thus a role model to others, Stanfield is expected to display a character that the rest of the community can look up to and follow. After discovering the following information, however, it is apparent that Stanfield is not only dishonest, but abusive of his position within the community.

Criminal Charges
In June of 2001, Stuart Stanfield pleaded guilty to 30 charges of making indecent photographs. After his wife contacted authorities, his personal laptop was searched and shown to have, among hundreds of pornographic images, 30 images involving children engaging in indecent acts.
From an article published on
"[Stanfield] admitted to police he had looked at the pictures three times and knew what he had been doing was illegal. He left the images, later found by his wife, on his computer, being "too lazy'' to delete them.
He told the court: "He had not been seeking out child pornography but didn't do anything about weeding out those images involving children. He accepts he is sexually interested in older teenage girls. For his own gratification he has downloaded pornography on a number of occasions but he emphatically denies any suggestion he is a paedophile."
He was fined £2,500 with £585 costs after Judge Paul Darlow accepted Stanfield had not distributed the material and a pre-sentence report stated he did not present a risk to children. He was also placed on the sex offenders' register for five years."
Not long after this occurred, Stanfield moved from the UK to Ireland, where there is no sex offender registry. As a registered sex offender, part of Stanfield's probation included being barred from travelling to the US (hence the reason he was unable to make it to the EA convention he was invited to and had to send someone else) and having no contact with any minor for five years. He violated that probation by beginning MTS2. Remember, he was charged in June of 2001, and MTS2 was created in March of 2004. This puts Stanfield in the third year of his five year probation, and thus in violation of it. By opening a site for a game with a largely adolescent fanbase, he was putting himself in contact with a considerable number of minors.
Those who have been close enough to Stanfield have all, of course, gotten his personal account on the incident. He offers up the story given to the court, but with changes; he claims he was unaware that the girls in the photos were underage and while he had intended to delete them, didn't get around to it before his wife discovered them. His interest in older teenage girls proves to be true, according to at least one account of a then 18 year old girl who had an online affair with him late 2005 into 2006. He not only provided her with money to purchase a webcam but to fund other purchases as well.
It appears that Stanfield does indeed pose a risk to children on some level, in spite of the Judge's thoughts otherwise. A few younger girls, roughly 14-15 in age, have stated that Stanfield, while not soliciting sex from them, has at the very least been extremely inappropriate and overtly sexual with them. One of the girls says that over a course of months she spoke with him in private on MSN, he would frequently solicit personal information from her, asking her things such as how far she'd gone with a boy, what color underwear she was wearing, and what her bra measurments were. When said girl was informed of his history as a sex offender, she attempted to approach the subject with him in conversation, which resulted in him not only claiming the information as untrue, but having a go at her before blocking her.
He has also been confirmed as purchasing a webcam and underwear for at least one minor female, aged 15.

Financial Matters
Stanfield has not worked a confirmed, steady job since autumn of 2005. In the subsequent time, site revenue has been used to purchase plane tickets back and forth from Ireland to Belgium spanning several months and gifts for several women such as webcams, as well as for financing moving costs from Ireland to Belgium and his daily living expenses.
By a rough estmate of donation subscribers (based upon information on member profiles) about .057% of the total members on MTS2 donate. (This includes members of his staff who actually pay him to work there). We can assume this estimate is fairly accurate, as Stanfield himself has said on the site that less than 1% of the total member population donates. Although this seems like a small number on the surface, with a member count of 764,347 members at the time of this writing, the number of members who donate on a subscription basis comes to 3821. Multiplying this number by the minimal subscriber donation amount ($5/month), the total for donation revenue comes close to $19,205 a month. This excludes those who have given him one time lump sums, which have, on occasion, been as large as $300 in one go.
.057% of 764,347=3821
3821 x 5$= $19,205 a month
Aside from member donations, MTS2 also recieves funds from ad revenue. We know that the Google adsense account was closed when it hit $5,000 worth of ad revenue in one month. In the months prior, the ad revenue from Google was totalling $130-$150 per day. We believe it's safe to assume that the donation revenue in these months prior was quite high already. Since then, Amazon ads have replaced the Google ads, traffic has increased, and with the new server system, more and more people are being pushed to donate just to guarentee that they can download at all.
MTS2's system very much resembles that of a paysite's. If you do not donate, you and all the others who don't are given acces to one server for downloading. This server quickly reaches capacity, and 9 times out of 10 the average member cannot download without refreshing and trying for quite some time. However, those who do donate are given access to a seperate server. Here, downloads are instant. This is a very good strategy to push people into donating, using the pretense that it's a "good cause". In reality, it's only giving them faster server access which they should be recieving regardless of donation status because, after all, MTS2 is providing the best there is for free. You can be assured that this system has pushed many to donate more than ever before.
Taking into account traffic, ad revenue, monthly donations and lump sum payments, (excluding cafepress and the monetary fees he charges the sites he hosts, as well as the hourly rate he charges those sites for any technical help) Stanfield is making at the very minimum $5,000 per month.
While he has created a few helpful tools and provided a place for users to share content, Stanfield has created no actual game content for the community, does not legally own the Sims games (nor does he even play), has not written any of the informative tutorials offered on his website, nor does he actually run his forums. The web sites themselves are delegated out to over 25 staff people who run each area of the web sites on a daily basis. These things, combined with the fact that he has only implimented changes to the site design every few months or so (along with splitting the social forums off from MTS2 and doing one extensive visual overhaul on MTS2's layout) only go to show that while his contributions seem to be considerably extensive, they hardly scratch the surface of contributions made by members of his own site.
Now, what makes all of this so incredibly maddening to others in the community is that he uses his "free" site to finance his personal life, while in the same breath condemning paysites for charging in an effort to cover their site costs. While Stanfield claims his site is a free site, it operates on the same principle that paysites do: you don't have to give us any money, but if you do, we'll give you something for it in return to show our appreciation. For paysites, that something is usually a new mesh or set of meshes or any other sort of game content; for MTS2, that something is access to a faster and more reliable server to download.
Exploitation of Hosted Sites
It has recently been community news that a small web site called Universal Sims is currently running a donation drive to cover their expenses. Universal Sims states that their host informed them of an "invisible hacker attack" which caused their traffic to spike, apparently causing them to use more than their allotted terabyte of bandwidth and thus driving the host's overall bandwidth over it's limit. This reportedly happened from late January throughout February, but was not noticed by the host or anyone who runs Universal Sims. No suspicious activity or lag was noticed. The responsibility for the excess cost of $2500 for the bandwidth overage was handed over to Universal Sims' 17 year old owner.
Who is their host? Stuart Stanfield.
Universal Sims has asked to speak directly to the company that hosts Stanfield's servers, but have been refused the ability to do so. They have recieved only JPEG images of the bill and have not actually been shown any proof of the reported "hacking attack" on their site. Due to the community's concerns about how suspiciously this incident has played out (and especially since they are on Stanfield's server which is supposed to have excellent security), some digging was done.
The website is a public source that monitors all website traffic and rankings. Site growth and deterioriation can be be displayed here for any given site, so, on a hunch, Universal Sims' statistics were looked up via Alexa's search. During the months that this site was allegedly hacked to the tune to $2500, there was NO increase in site traffic what so ever.

Traffic Rank for 394,127
Obviously, this information causes a bit of distress. So again, on a hunch, MTS2's statistics were looked up. You can see clearly for yourself that there was a considerable jump starting late January continuing into February (and beyond) in MTS2 traffic.

Traffic Rank for 542,72134
The graphs speak for themselves, but if you feel they are in any way doctored, you're free to use Alexa's website yourself to verify it. (Note that smoothing on the graph is turned all the way up to better show the spike, or in Universal Sims' case, the lack thereof.)

This information implies that Stanfield is making an attempt to minimize loss of profit from MTS2 and to pin his own website's overage charges upon an unsuspecting teenager he hosts.
We understand that because we are offering up what may be considered sensational information, we need to provide as much evidence as possible to back up our claims. While unfortunately much of what we know comes from personal accounts, we have been able to find evidence to support at least parts of our claims, and we are hoping that by proving these things to be true, you can take the rest of the account under good faith.

PayPal Screencaptures
The following are screen captures of PayPal histories from three seperate women. Certain information has been blacked out to protect their identities, but all that is necessary as evidence has been retained. These images provide proof that Stanfield has used MTS2 funds for purposes other than paying for site costs.
Woman #1:

Woman #2

Woman #3

Cult-like Behavior?
While saying that anything in the community is truly a cult, there are some striking and mildly frightening similarities between regligious cult behavior and and that of the MTS2/S2C/MATY crowd. The following is a list of behaviors and warning signs of religious cults, with the Sims community silmilairities italicized.

Are you told not to question what is being taught, because the leaders are honest? That they want the best for you, so you must trust them? Has someone replaced your own choices in life with theirs?
Are you told not to question Delphy's past, his practices, or anything he does? That he's nice enough to offer us a site to share our content and has run it well the past few years, so obviously he's doing no wrong?
Are you told not to ask questions about why anyone has left, and that you're to accept the answers given to you? Do they respond with remarks such as: they fell into sin? They didn’t receive correction?Tthey weren’t open or they had a bad heart and didn’t want to be disciples?
Are you told not to ask questions about why anyone left, and that you're to accept the answers given to you? Do they respond with remarks such as: they were too emotional? They were stalking Delphy? They were control hungry? Do they tell you to stop asking questions?
Are you told that you must be with their particular church or group in order to be saved by Jesus Christ?
Are you told that you must be a free site to be considered a good site? Does any deviation from free site status result in verbal abuse, theft, destruction, harassment, stalking and/or any other form of abuse that you have "earned" by not giving your creations away for free?
If you want to leave, are you being told there is no other church that practices truth, and that you will go to hell for leaving?
If you decide to leave MTS2, and take your creations with, are you considered a low life, user, or scum bag who has only used the site for your own personal gain, when in fact they have used you for their own financial gain? Does this too result in verbal abuse?
Are you being rebuked for things such as the way you say hello or how you respond to being asked to do something for someone else within the church/group? Do they tell you it's a matter of the heart how one complies?
Are you told to keep your mouth shut about Delphy's child porn conviction, womanizing, or what is essentially embezzlement? Are you bought off with gifts (purchased with site money) in order to make you feel as though you are valued? Are you told to work diligently on the site for free if you want to be part of the special team of "elite" staff members?
Are they putting down other churches and building themselves up? Do they sometimes use people as examples of what you are or are not to be doing yourself?
"The thing to remember about all this - about all the people that I have mentioned, about all the tools that you as creators use, and all the help that downloaders get - is that it's all available completely free." (MTS2 Mission Statement)
Do they bring attention to what they do, refusing to acknowledge others that may be doing the same things outside their church?
"MTS2 has lots going on in any given day, as do other sites in the community, but the pervading spirit is of the community as a whole and we are all here - whether you are a site owner, a creator, or a downloader - because of free sites and the work that people I have mentioned have put into them, day after day." (MTS2 Mission Statement)
Do they put down others to make themselves look better, calling themselves righteous and others unrighteous?
Are people banned for showing interest in child woohoo mods or anatomically correct skins for toddlers and children, while the site owner actively goes after teenaged girls?
Do they call those who leave "fall aways", "enemies", "dogs returning to their own vomit," etc., using the examples of Korah or Judas?
Do they ban those who leave and speak the truth about their treatment? Do those whose eyes are no longer blind to the criminal and immoral activity become outcasts? Do the staff create pages or threads on other sites full of slander to hide their own misdeeds?
Do they stop you from reading anything negative about themselves, calling it "spiritual pornography," or recommend you don't read it for your own spiritual protection?
Do all posts questioning Delphy's child porn conviction, donation processes or any other activity that call out negitive characteristics in him get automaticaly deleted?
Do they recommend for you to spend time only around their people and expect you to be at all the group activities? If not, are your spirituality and dedication questioned?
Do you get harassed if you upload to both MTS2 and TSR or any other web site? If you choose to create your own site for your content, are you told you're a user?
Do they defend all that they do, even though it could end up being harmful, wrong or illegal?
Are all the acts of Delphy an "accident," or someone elses fault? Was the child porn downloaded and viewed multiple times by accident, as he and those close to him claim? Does he accidentally use the site's PayPal account to finance his own personal needs as well as purchase gifts for those he dotes upon? Does he accidentally seduce, manipulate, lie to and cheat on the many women he pursues? Does he or anyone close to him deny that any of those things are even true, despite any proof offered?
Do they operate by humility or are they arrogant and demand that you obey if you are considering otherwise? Or do they subtly manipulate you into obeying by making statements such as: real Christians obey their leaders? Or if you were following Jesus, you would see what they're saying is right? That true disciples did not question Jesus?
"Free sites give you:
• Tools
• Tutorials
• Game help FAQs
• Custom content help FAQs
• Projects (Simstones, Poser Initiative, etc)
• Lots and Housing
• Hacks and new objects
• Clothing and skintones, etc
• Hair, bodyshop meshes
• Artistic karma
• Warm fuzzy feelings

Paysites give you:
• Lots and Housing
• Hacks and new objects
• Clothing and skintones, etc
• Hair, bodyshop meshes

Which would you rather support?" (MTS2 Mission Statement)

Things to watch for...
People telling you how talented you are and saying you can really go places. (Flattery goes a long way in cults.)
Constant features of specific creators who are talented enough to break away on their own and have their own sites.
An instant bonding of friendship without your knowing who they are or them really knowing you; they act as if they are your best friend. (Love bombing still works.)
They buy you webcams and other gifts and flood you with praise while claiming you're a stalker or something equally untrue in their private chats and personal messages via an online messenger service.
When you ask questions about their history or the group's, they are vague in their answers or avoid answering them completely. (Not answering or postponing it makes it go away.)
They may not even go so far as to vaguely answer the question, but instead delete your post or ban you instantly, then allow themselves and others to openly ridicule you for having the nerve to ask.
They are emphasizing their church and who they are more than Christ. They teach that one can only be a true Christian by joining them. (Exclusive spirituality appeals to our pride and works well today.)
"Remember that no matter how cool something might seem, no matter how much pay content other people use for contests, the backbone of this community is based upon sharing. By using and supporting MTS2 and other free sites in the community you are validating all the hard work from people whose goal it is to keep this community growing with amazing content and - above all - entirely for free." (MTS2 Mission Statement)
Thus, those who run paysites do not deserve any validation for their hard work, simply because they're using programs provided by these free sites. Mind you, MTS2 wouldn't even exist if Maxis/EA hadn't created the game in the first place, and that the programs they've created were created from many other people's hard work as well.

How do you feel about this??

Posts: 257

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #121 on: 2007 May 29, 23:27:04 »

Aaand now it's gone. \o/ They're fast over at S2C :O

Posts: 1195

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #122 on: 2007 May 29, 23:27:25 »

It just got deleted less than a minute ago.
I just refreshed and it's gone.

ETA: deleted not closed.

"Second thing: if you come out of the disabled toilet to find someone waiting on you, scream, "it's a miracle!" and dance the hell out of there."

Posts: 257

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #123 on: 2007 May 29, 23:30:30 »

It's a mutiny! A group of people all posted these threads, and Tosh just posted:

To the mods, and especially Delphy... FUCK YOU!

Go and ban me... you will forever be ridden with guilt and shame.

I cant believe you are letting this continue.

Shame on you, I am an innocent person, I have LOVED this site and obeyed your rules

I have shown utmost respect to all members...

This is how I am repaid.

I hope you are happy with your life, you bitch.

Good riddens

... what the hell happened to start this?


Guessing this:
has something to do with it.

Posts: 13

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #124 on: 2007 May 29, 23:31:47 »

They are reposting it like crazy. EVERYWHERE. There's not one thread that has not had it posted in. They have random replies, good replies, bad, and suddenly they are gone. But the posts are all deleted. All of them!
Talk about suddenly imploding.

Posts: 1510

Now even more ridiculous! (the bouffant edition)

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #125 on: 2007 May 29, 23:32:57 »

Thanks for catching this and posting it here!

defiantly- marked by defiance; boldly resisting.
definitely- decidedly: without question and beyond doubt

The difference.  You can has.  Learn it.  Love it.
Ensign EO

Posts: 849

Not a cash cow.

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #126 on: 2007 May 29, 23:45:24 »

"[...] Are you told that you must be a free site to be considered a good site? Does any deviation from free site status result in verbal abuse, theft, destruction, harassment, stalking and/or any other form of abuse that you have "earned" by not giving your creations away for free?
[...] If you decide to leave MTS2, and take your creations with, are you considered a low life, user, or scum bag who has only used the site for your own personal gain, when in fact they have used you for their own financial gain? Does this too result in verbal abuse?"


I think it's kind of silly that they're leaving evidence of posts being deleted up.  That's not going to raise suspicions at all.

Posts: 257

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #127 on: 2007 May 29, 23:48:16 »

Heh, they just deleted some random replies in other threads too. I think they're panicking, or something.

Seriously, why not just take the damn debate instead? Deleting this stuff without a comment just makes everyone interested in it, like you said Ensign. They'll look up info somewhere else, and he won't get a chance to defend himself. Sucks to be him.

Posts: 257

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #128 on: 2007 May 30, 00:05:15 »

Quote from: "whinge"
Delphy can't defend himself, that's the point.

That is the message he's sending out, yes. If he didn't have anything to hide, he SHOULD take the debate and defend himself.

Posts: 1510

Now even more ridiculous! (the bouffant edition)

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #129 on: 2007 May 30, 00:18:40 »

Using this account to delete the posts instead of his (Delphy's) own?

defiantly- marked by defiance; boldly resisting.
definitely- decidedly: without question and beyond doubt

The difference.  You can has.  Learn it.  Love it.

Posts: 471

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #130 on: 2007 May 30, 00:30:58 »

*pops popcorn and prepares to refresh this thread for a few hours*
Captain Berg

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #131 on: 2007 May 30, 00:35:35 »

Quote from: "Aquamarine"
*pops popcorn and prepares to refresh this thread for a few hours*

Can I have some? I'll bring soda!


Posts: 1195

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #132 on: 2007 May 30, 00:35:41 »

mmm popcorn.
I love kettle corn. Sweet.

This just keeps getting juicier and juicier.
I too find it odd that S2CStaff kept deleting the posts.
I suppose that mod doesn't want everyone to know who they really are?

"Second thing: if you come out of the disabled toilet to find someone waiting on you, scream, "it's a miracle!" and dance the hell out of there."

Posts: 13

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #133 on: 2007 May 30, 00:37:11 »

The point is that a lot of people ALREADY know. A lot of people are going to get banned over this - and then the questions will start. They will want to know why and some staff might even step down from their position. I don't particularly like (nor dislike) s2c, but way to make it into a soap opera. I love it.

Posts: 1510

Now even more ridiculous! (the bouffant edition)

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Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
« Reply #134 on: 2007 May 30, 00:45:47 »

I don't think as many know as we would like to think..

defiantly- marked by defiance; boldly resisting.
definitely- decidedly: without question and beyond doubt

The difference.  You can has.  Learn it.  Love it.
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