No, no--sorry for the confusion--I didn't mean "move objects on", which I do use regularly. I meant "boolprop snapobjectstogrid false", which I have never used and am very glad to know about now ('cause I always thought coffee tables looked extremely stupid sitting so far away from the sofas :roll: ). If I turn it on and forget to turn it off (which sometimes I do if I get into my game, or want to rearrange a lot of different objects), does it cause any problems with just regular game play? Or should I always turn it off right after I use it?
(And again, I apologize for posting this here...I know this isn't a "help" forum, but since we're talking about it in relation to Morne's wonderful kitchen I figured it wasn't too far off the subject *ducking 'cause she still figures someone will break out a macro...*)
Just another quick tip (you may know this, and if so, sorry for the derail continuation)...I have in my startup.cheat an alias for boolprop snapobjectstogrid false/true. Throw in: alias snap "boolProp snapobjectstogrid true" and alias nosnap "boolProp snapobjectstogrid false" then simply typing snap or nosnap will turn the cheat on and off...cause its a long annoying one to type, even once.