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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Insimenator needs donations or will be closed in 2 days time on: 2008 January 25, 03:52:52
Quote from: "Anouk"
Wicked Nouk Family Task Sheet
Dour - Plan a horrible death for Tyler, hold neverending grudges against Tyler, make 'Kick a Tyler' - content, moderates forum.

Why does everyone keep saying that?  *hurriedly shoves evil plans under some other papers.... (;>.>)
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 November 19, 22:46:41
I like her too pineapple, only her mouth is too sad, is it supposed to be all frowny or is she just expressing displeasure in the game?  Perhaps a bad smell?
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Another One... ?!? on: 2007 September 25, 03:21:04
It looks like someone ripped off GlamourSim.
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / My Story as an Artist on TSR & The Inside Machinations on: 2007 September 19, 04:44:35
As Pesc said in some other antique post:   Good, if they're all in the same place that means only 1 subscription!
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Free Sim Site Hosting on: 2007 September 18, 02:54:50
According to Jessica (who is my stat queen) last month my site has used 75gigs of bandwidth.  My site is not terribly popular and that is on top of the fact that until 4 days ago I hadn't updated since the first of June.

I'm not trying to naysay I'm just pointing out that 50gb is not very much, though it sounds plenty for normal practices.  You'll be able to sustain smaller sites that are new but anyone who is established will most likely be too large for that package, and you'll be getting bandwidth exceeded messages before the middle of the month.

I think what you're doing is a good idea, I mean, it's identical to what Wicked Nouk is doing, it's just that you'll probably catch more medium to big fish with a longer term plan.
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / who's the best and the worst TSR creators? on: 2007 August 02, 19:51:56
I don't go to TSR but Atwa's stuff is pretty awful.

Sharkbait ;P
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 July 28, 04:19:36
I thought the sender of that e-mail was from redefinedsims2, a yahoo group?  At least the version I saw was from them.. or at least claimed to be.
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / wicked sims & hosted sites temporarily offline on: 2007 July 25, 04:33:32
I don't ban IPs.  I don't know what the problem is Sad  I'll ask Jess about it and see if she has any answers.
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Paysites Must be Destroyed MUST BE DESTROYED! on: 2007 July 24, 19:08:52
aww I have to show off my Chicken Smiley

Her tail (bones, not the hair) is 13 inches long Tongue
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / wicked sims & hosted sites temporarily offline on: 2007 July 24, 13:36:44
Quote from: "evilredduckie"
Dour, I love the message you have up on your front page.

Lol that's old.  Seems kind of silly to have it, now that Inge has imploded it (I think she has, I haven't looked).  I've already made a new page, just waiting on ftp info to upload it Tongue
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / wicked sims & hosted sites temporarily offline on: 2007 July 24, 04:58:07
Jess is doing work on her forum for now.  It's in maintenance mode until she has everything ironed out.
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / wicked sims & hosted sites temporarily offline on: 2007 July 24, 03:29:34
We're back.  Like Schwarzenegger, baby.

I'll do penance for the cornyness later, guys :wink:   Right now I'm just so happy everyone is finally back online.  Thank you Jessica for putting in so much time and effort to get everything running back as normal  Tongue
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / PIMP MY SIMS on: 2007 July 23, 08:49:34
Sorry, I thought you knew.  But that is actually just another level of my evilness.  You are doing evil deeds without me even suggesting them to you.  Now you see the brilliance of my evil plan to take down all free sims sites.  

I love how I supposedly have the time and patience for all of this when I have basically been slipping away from the sims community over the last 2 months.
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / PIMP MY SIMS on: 2007 July 23, 08:11:54
Yea, I framed Pesc for all those things people accuse him of, that's how evil I am.
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / PIMP MY SIMS on: 2007 July 23, 07:35:03
Quote from: "HawkGirl"
Anyone stop to think maybe paysites have their little minions running around putting nasty stuff in freesite's guestbooks to cause conflict? Pretending to be pirates? After what happened to Delphy, Kate, etc....I for one wouldn't put it past them for one minute. If freesite creators are thinking it's pirates, there is a reason...

No, according to some people, all of the above can be attributed to me.  I am apparently able to single handedly (or with some help from my little crowd) bringing the entire free-site community to it's knees.  :roll:
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