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31  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR charging for bucketfill on: 2009 August 29, 04:19:52
I was right it's gone and muffinlove's too...oh Dot you stuck up b****!

The word is "bitch". You don't have to do that irritating pretend-censor thing here.
32  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR charging for bucketfill on: 2009 August 27, 09:24:03
I can't believe it's still up. And people thanked her for it.

I'd be willing to make a house if someone else wanted to upload it.
33  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Another new on: 2009 August 26, 07:00:57
I don't care how much you say you're laughing, punie, you're being defensive as hell. Read the faq and stop trying to excuse yourself for doing something obnoxious.
34  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Oh EA, you money-greedy bastards. ): on: 2009 August 24, 23:08:57
Many, many people need medication for their psychological problems the way someone with diabetes needs insulin. I'm not sure it's that medicine is overprescribed as much as that therapy is WAY underprescribed.

I know people who would be dead right now if not for Prozac or Zoloft or whatever. Without therapy, but with just the pills, they'd still be sort of struggling hazily through life. The pills are a patch, therapy (cognitive is what works) teaches you to reshape and rethink yourself and your life in a way that allows you to stop fucking over yourself and the people around you. People with mental health problems often can't think about the problems they cause for others, but they can be severe. Living with someone who has an untreated mental illness is not fun. When that person is your parent, it can be a fucking nightmare. When that parent chooses to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs, guess what, they've just given you your very own set of issues on a nice little checklist, and you get to deal with those issues for the rest of your life. I know because I've finally gotten to the point where I'm mad as hell about it, rather than making excuses for the person who put me through it.

I've also been through depression. I didn't think I could do anything right, and I was completely correct, because depression was taking everything away from me. I chose not to take medication because I was never in an emergency situation, but therapy worked. It does work. I understand the pull of depression, it's a safety blanket, a comfortable, if miserable, place that protects you from life. But it's a false savior.
35  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sirona Sims Adds Pay Section? on: 2009 August 24, 23:01:07
Well, now that she's pay, I can finally say: she calls a white skintone "normal", another skintone "exotic", and a third one "native". NOT OKAY. We pink people are not the "norm", people with another skintone are not "exotic" (hi my papers on the exoticized "other", let me show you them), and "native" to WHERE? She gives me the creeps.
36  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Prettiest Freesite Creation Find: Round Two (Apparently) on: 2009 August 24, 05:51:59
I think they're built on the same engine.

I can see major graphical improvements in Sims 3 when it comes to plants, especially the way they move. Otherwise... yeah. Puddings. I think pretty soon I'll be going back to TS2, at least until Pescado beats TS3 with a hammer enough.
37  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Well here we go, I present the first TS3 Pay items thanks to Peggy on: 2009 August 24, 02:24:23
Some of Peggy's hairs for TS2 were acceptable for certain characters, when they were fixed and retextured. In TS3 they look absoludicrous. All the Sims look like they're wearing very bad wigs.

Users can do a lot more with a little hair in TS3, too, with different color combinations and such. Plus the game isn't nearly as friendly to having lots of Sims as TS2 was. Also, apparently hair that isn't made well (all paysite hair) does very nasty things to your game.
38  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 August 23, 23:19:41
Oh yeah, those are PG-13 all right.
39  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Openhousejack on: 2009 August 23, 23:16:07
This site has never been okay with sharing people's private information. This site, of all sites, does actually deserve to get on a "moral high horse", because we exist to destroy paysites.

I don't care about OAJ's private life. Fine, I love gossip, and he's a sterling example of how paysite con artists don't actually need the moniez to feed their starving children or whatever. But I don't really know what he has to do with destroying paysites. There is a difference between joking about people and calling them vulgar names, and linking directly to their actual real-life information. OAJ's stuff is public, so I don't really have a problem with it other than that it's not really on-topic, but I can see why people would have a problem with it.

If anyone wants to flounce because some people disagreed with them, buh-bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Roll Eyes
40  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 August 23, 03:24:28
I find the Weasley twins incredibly obnoxious. But they aren't zombies with anime hair.

Far more importantly, that is not Alan Rickman. NO.
41  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 August 21, 23:00:15
Those hurt my brain. Photoskinning looks even worse in TS3 than in TS2. And is that a bathing suit with knee tights?
42  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Oh EA, you money-greedy bastards. ): on: 2009 August 21, 22:43:13
Or hey, maybe gamers are actually stronger than average. I know the people I worked with were quite strong and fit, and my boyfriend, whom I met online in a gaming community, is incredibly strong.
Now that, I'm a bit skeptical of. The ones you *SAW* are stronger and fitter, perhaps because they actually occasionally move. Being that computers are rather heavy, you therefore need to become stronger to actually move about with your computer

Yes, that was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. Tongue

Oh, but SoggyFox, it's not that games cause your depression, it's that you're self-medicating! When I was a lonely kid, being made fun of for getting As and not wearing makeup at age 9, I used to read all the time, more than I do now even. I'd read during breaks, I'd read on the walk home, I'd read before bed. When I wasn't reading, I was imagining new worlds and people to fill them. Obviously all of this was sad, because I was self-medicating. My parents should have taken me to counseling and gotten me official approved drugs so that I could be just like everyone else, rather than doing this oh so counterproductive stuff like imagining and thinking. And now, why, since I like playing games, and reading, and writing, I'm still self-medicating!

Exercise to feel better? You're avoiding your problems! Watch TV? Evading the real world! Do carpentry? Obviously an attempt to impose order on disorder, you have serious problems! Feel kinda down until you have sex with your S.O.? ZOMG dependent!! Don't have an S.O., but do have mechanical aids, and cheer yourself up that way? Pervert! Anything you do to cheer yourself up, any kind of entertainment or temporary escape from "reality" (whatever that is), is really just a poor substitute for what you "really" need! This is the kind of mentality that discredits all of psychiatry. The people the most angry about that idiotic report shouldn't be gamers, but mental health professionals. Mental health professionals who are gamers are probably climbing the walls.

Obviously this topic makes me even more soap-boxy than usual.
43  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Oh EA, you money-greedy bastards. ): on: 2009 August 21, 10:11:58
I remember a study from a while ago that said that intelligent people were more likely to be depressed. From my own experience, intelligent people are also more likely to be gamers. Intelligent people are also more likely to see what's wrong with the world -- and then try to change it.
Isn't this sort of intuitively obvious? Stupid people aren't smart enough to see how fucked up everything is. When you're smart enough that you can SEE how fucked up everything is and realize there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, you pretty much have no real choice except to descend into depression or nihilism.

Or you can decide to point and laugh. That's always fun too.

That study population makes the study completely, totally and utterly useless. The correlations which supposedly merit further study are meaningless. I love how they didn't make any distinction among games played or hours played, I adore how everyone was from a particular area of Washington state (gamers more likely to have SADD! and wear fleece!), and I am totally loving that they only used people who signed up to take internet surveys in the first place!

By the way, when I worked in a game store, I noticed that gamers, um, looked like everyone else, except a little better. The girls had a tendency to not plaster themselves with makeup or dye their hair blond as much as other populations of women do down here. (Seriously, most women down here scare me.) Also BMI reports Brad Pitt as overweight for the same reason it reports me as on the high end of "acceptable": high muscle mass. Maybe the people who reported for that study included a bunch of weightlifters. Or hey, maybe gamers are actually stronger than average. I know the people I worked with were quite strong and fit, and my boyfriend, whom I met online in a gaming community, is incredibly strong.

Seriously, what a load of crapola. That's like if I used a population of about 500 people, all at least age 35, in the Boston area in 1760 to generalize about the lives of every Christian in North America at that time. My professors would burst a lung laughing. The fact that anyone is so abysmally stupid as to actually publish a study like that -- well, what can I do but point and laugh.

44  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Oh EA, you money-greedy bastards. ): on: 2009 August 21, 02:46:05
I remember a study from a while ago that said that intelligent people were more likely to be depressed. From my own experience, intelligent people are also more likely to be gamers. Intelligent people are also more likely to see what's wrong with the world -- and then try to change it.

And yeah, I'd be very interested to see how they got their data. What groups did they compare, exactly? Did they survey people playing an MMO then go and survey people on the beach? Or did they compare gamers to people with equally sedentary habits, like watching TV or reading? Did they ask what kind of games the people in question play? Considering they lump in Bejeweled with other games I sincerely doubt it. How large was their sample size? How many males and females did it have? Was it just some survey on a website that people could do?

This study has all the hallmarks of very bad science to me, from what I can tell from the article. Hell, they seem to assume that being introverted makes people less happy than being extroverted, which is extremely ignorant and stupid, showing a marked lack of cultural and psychological insight, not that that stops quite a few people with PhDs from doing it anyway.
45  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Oh EA, you money-greedy bastards. ): on: 2009 August 21, 01:40:48
Oh whatever. Considering "overweight" means "one pound over the ridiculous BMI index which wasn't meant to measure what people are using it to measure when it was first invented anyway", I never believe anything that claims some portion of the population is overweight. Also, I play games because THEY ARE FUN. Watching TV is NOT FUN. Going out and getting smashed is REALLY NOT FUN.

Studies which re-confirm peoples' prejudices are also fun, because they are usually so completely ridiculous. I predict that in a year there will be a study which contradicts this one, but it won't get any play at all. Instead people will keep referring to this one. Junk.

Um, and since when does "lower extraversion" mean "depressed"? Since when is not being outgoing a bad thing, rather than a neutral or even possibly a good thing, showing higher levels of intelligence, self-knowledge and choosiness about relationships? Oh right, since this study was done in America and not in Japan. JUNK.
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