BlahBlahBlah... BlahBlahBlah...
tl, dr.
Seriously, dude, if you want people to read your posts, make them shorter. Also, I read the beginning, and you did not make much sense, so I skipped over the rest.
I like elipses too...they are my vice. See? that wasn't even on purpose. I suck. But they are nice and quiet and round, like cookies. And they fit in my pocket.
Ohh, I like ellipses too. There is something inherently satisfying about using an ellipsis, unless you use them all the time. So, I try to moderate the amount of ellipses I allow myself to use in a post. Two or three is fine, but beyond that, it just gets confusing... ( <- The mandatory ellipsis is right there!)
Immaterial anyway, cause I CALL JAN.
Not Jan. See, not batshit insane, and relatively decent punctuation/grammar.
It's one of her minions.
The thing is, if you guys don't get to kick morons like this every once in a while, you seem to get very bored.. :lol: So I'm always glad when they turn up no matter how over the top they get with their statments.
Yah, trolls are fun. Well, not actually the trolls, but I love reading the witty responses from the pirates.
I am also sad I missed the troll-off of 08.
And what is this? Did the troll come back to post nudie pics? Roffle! How original!