I may be wrong but after rereading the thread I keep having this gut feeling that Blue is deliberately taunting us. Everything drips of thinly veiled insults. He/she packed it up nicely but its plain to see.
Yes, after the 'undereducated' thing I tried to ignore the insults in Blue's posts and concentrate of disputing the points s/he made, however Blue's responses smack of 'I don't have to debate this with you, since I'm clearly a morally superior person.'
to tell you the truth I don't want to change that much. At least not in this...I have some perspective about how people think, feel, the level of their tolerance etc outside of my own community.
This is basically suggesting that if Blue became like us it would be a change for the worse, and that either we're less tolerant than her 'community', or we're more tolerant of mean people, which makes me wonder what community that is. Here the only things I've seen that people are intolerant of are paysites and stupidity. Not many communities (in real life or on the net) that I know of are, more tolerant than that.