A couple things before I post mine (Because yes, I went overboard. I thought this would be a simple idea, but it turned out to be more complicated and involved than I thought)
The pirates picked for this were based on people who have said to have been here when BlueSoup was. I could only use six pirates in this, as a household only holds eight people. I tried not to pick anyone who seemed to really be opposed to torturing the BlueSoup sim. I only picked people who are still somewhat active.
If most of you pirates notice you don't look anything like you do, or your Sims selves do, that's because you either don't have a Sim self up here, or your Simself is now GONE and cannot be downloaded. So, I made everyone with the same skin tone and the same hairstyle and randomly picked faces, makeup, and hair color. I did not try to make anyone deliberately unattractive, but let's be honest, most of the Maxis faces are buttugly, I didn't have much to work with.
None of this should be taken seriously. I did this all tongue in cheek. I also may have gotten parts of it wrong, because I wasn't really here for all of this. No one should ever think of this as a true tale of "what really happened." I took liberties with things, for the sake of making it work.
If you want to sing along, it's to the tune of the themes song from Gilligan's Island.