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Insim under new management!
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Topic: Insim under new management! (Read 1132859 times)
Posts: 1782
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #225 on:
2008 November 27, 22:12:54 »
Hey Corinne and SoggyFox, what about Animal Army? Does that need a website of it's own?
Posts: 327
Not as dangerous as I seem to be
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #226 on:
2008 November 27, 22:16:43 »
Through the tragedy of it all, I am having a wonderful time reading the comments on this scandal both here and on insim.
Creative people are creative.
- Tell me Tool, what dominates your thoughts?
- I think of futility, Adjunct.
- Do all Imass think about futility?
- No, few think at all.
- Why is that?
The Imass leaned his head to one side and regarded her.
- Because, Adjunct, it is futile.
Posts: 18
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #227 on:
2008 November 27, 22:17:55 »
- I'm not sure; I think Nymphy would know better than I. I would hope they get their own site, though!
Posts: 26
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #228 on:
2008 November 27, 22:19:43 »
Quote from: Quorneater on 2008 November 27, 21:51:03
This Walt must be very trusting. He has left several people with Admin status, not taken care to ensure they are on his side (in fact knows some of them are not), and gone off to eat turkey for the day. Heck for all he knows they could be deleting the whole site by now
If I was him, I would have done an immediate lockdown, and held talks with the staff before deciding which ones should keep their roles.
You are so right it's sick. I would have been making sure at least ONE admin was spoken to on each site to make a game plan. I just don't think this guy has any idea about what the site is about or why the people come there. Hell, he didn't even know about the software. So far he has not contacted anyone. His lack of presence is only making everyone want to jump ship more.
Quote from: HystericalParoxysm on 2008 November 27, 21:52:07
Quote from: Yarp on 2008 November 27, 21:02:18
I am at odds with Delphy taking over InSIM. While it would be nice if he did so and didn't change it into MTS2 I am hesitant about how it would work. MTS2 has pop ads that I get on every other page and other ads all around. Besides that I was under the impression that Delphy was phasing out MTS2. Why buy a site if you are not interested in continuing the current site? Not to sound snarky... hopefully he's had a change of heart.
D has retired from major duties of day-to-day drudgery on the site - fixing accounts, setting up new forums, that kind of thing, and has me and Tig to do that, as well as a great team of staff to do the rest of the stuffs. MTS2 isn't being phased out or discontinued at all - there probably won't be a huge amount of new major features on it, but it's sticking around, and who knows, might even get expanded to offer some sort of TS3 stuff, even though TS3 will suck.
If you're getting the popup ads on every other page, something's wrong - you should only get the takeover ad once per day and then it's just the little ads (which you can easily ignore or block). If it's happening that often, post up in Site Issues (I think there's a recent thread on this or you can make one of your own) with info on what browser you're using (including the version) and any further details like which ad in particular it is and I'm sure we can get it straightened out. The ads on MTS2 aren't meant to cause a problem with using the site, and if they are, we'll find a way to fix it.
Thank you for the clarification. It's good to know MTS2 will still be around. I am sure TS3 will suck too, but I am getting that itchy finger to buy it anyway. *sigh* I'm trying to hold off to at least make a statement but ya know...
I remember seeing the thread somewhere and will look for it again. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I use FF so the only thing that keeps popping up is the box without the ad. I'll post there anyway.
I keep waiting for Walt to at least say something that makes me think he has at least ONE clue as to what he got himself into. Tomorrow should be interesting when he returns to once again put out the fires.
Posts: 2263
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #229 on:
2008 November 27, 22:20:04 »
Oh, that might be good - since I think the reason it fizzled on insim was the whole 'No more paysite' debate rule, probably prompted by Beos..... >.>
The Animal Army that is...
"Try diplomacy, you can always invade them later." Pescado
Posts: 327
Not as dangerous as I seem to be
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #230 on:
2008 November 27, 22:22:35 »
Quote from: Yarp on 2008 November 27, 22:19:43
Unfortunately (or fortunately) I use FF so the only thing that keeps popping up is the box without the ad. I'll post there anyway.
Since you use FF you might be interested in this using
. With that you can block
and nothing, depending on your preference.
- Tell me Tool, what dominates your thoughts?
- I think of futility, Adjunct.
- Do all Imass think about futility?
- No, few think at all.
- Why is that?
The Imass leaned his head to one side and regarded her.
- Because, Adjunct, it is futile.
Posts: 62
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #231 on:
2008 November 27, 22:25:03 »
Quote from: Quorneater on 2008 November 27, 21:45:18
Wipe out Kathy and Eric's forums too? (doh where is the evil grinnie?)
damn me ... now there's an idea
Posts: 875
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #232 on:
2008 November 27, 22:25:20 »
I also agree he was a bit stupid leaving people with admin powers when he could tell people were getting a little pissy with the whole thing. I so want to be a fly-on-the-wall when he returns!
- Its not a fake-ass glitter funfest where everyone is wonderful and luuuuved (Ashbashtus)
Posts: 51
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #233 on:
2008 November 27, 22:25:48 »
Quote from: SoggyFox on 2008 November 27, 22:00:27
Quote from: HystericalParoxysm on 2008 November 27, 21:52:07
D has retired from major duties of day-to-day drudgery on the site - fixing accounts, setting up new forums, that kind of thing, and has me and Tig to do that, as well as a great team of staff to do the rest of the stuffs. MTS2 isn't being phased out or discontinued at all - there probably won't be a huge amount of new major features on it, but it's sticking around, and who knows, might even get expanded to offer some sort of TS3 stuff, even though
TS3 will suck.
I don't know - i have faith that the community will make it fun - even without the ability to make new neighborhoods.
That's what I'm counting on. I'm not buying it until somebody fixes those faces.
You can use Noscript to get rid of the takeover ad?!
InSim is dying. While I'm glad to see Kathy and Eric gone because they suck, I'm not sure how I feel about its effects.
ILU, Coconut!
Posts: 4822
Great Cat of no mercy.
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #234 on:
2008 November 27, 22:27:47 »
Ya know, Amazone, I dunno if I ought to take that as a compliment or as a slur... I hope it was a compliment cause this whole shittin thing is tiring as all hell. The fucker can't even bother to deal with the hornet's nest he's stirred up and seems to believe that as long as he ignores us, we're gonna die down into silence. Big, massive honker of a mistake. You don't ignore the masses when you've shit into the community punch bowl, you just don't.
The tea is not fit to drink; it's been stewed and is old.
Posts: 327
Not as dangerous as I seem to be
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #235 on:
2008 November 27, 22:28:15 »
Quote from: Sinthe on 2008 November 27, 22:25:48
You can use Noscript to get rid of the takeover ad?!
I use noscript, and with it, only the scripts I decide is allowed to run. Nothing ever pops up for me, unless I say so specifically.
- Tell me Tool, what dominates your thoughts?
- I think of futility, Adjunct.
- Do all Imass think about futility?
- No, few think at all.
- Why is that?
The Imass leaned his head to one side and regarded her.
- Because, Adjunct, it is futile.
Posts: 1782
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #236 on:
2008 November 27, 22:37:53 »
Synaptic Sim leaving got me thinking about past happenings - where I deleted my creations from the Insim site because I did not agree with BeosBoxBoy's actions towards me. BeosBoxBoy made a point out of insulting me in front of all the other mods and admins, Synaptic Sim chimed in and made some very hurtful comments and accusations towards me based on nothing, then tried to start another paysite debate because I had reported a paysite thread in accordance with the rules.
One of the things I remember him saying was that for leaving, I didn't care about the Insimenator community, that I insulted his home, etc. etc. When I told him I had my reasons for leaving and they were between me and BeoxBoxBoy, he simply told me he didn't care. Also, after Kathy came back and I had returned, she asked him about it, he apologized to
to save is ass, told her it was a misunderstanding, etc., but never once said a word to me. Not a thing.
So I should conclude him leaving must mean he doesn't give a damn about Insim, and per his reasoning, I shouldn't care what his reasons are for leaving.
Posts: 324
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #237 on:
2008 November 27, 22:46:00 »
Synaptic Sim leaving got me thinking about past happenings - where I deleted my creations from the Insim site because I did not agree with BeosBoxBoy's actions towards me. BeosBoxBoy made a point out of insulting me in front of all the other mods and admins, Synaptic Sim chimed in and made some very hurtful comments and accusations towards me based on nothing, then tried to start another paysite debate because I had reported a paysite thread in accordance with the rules.
One of the things I remember him saying was that for leaving, I didn't care about the Insimenator community, that I insulted his home, etc. etc. When I told him I had my reasons for leaving and they were between me and BeoxBoxBoy, he simply told me he didn't care. Also, after Kathy came back and I had returned, she asked him about it, he apologized to her to save is ass, told her it was a misunderstanding, etc., but never once said a word to me. Not a thing.
The more I hear and see, the more I realize that perhaps Insim isn't a place I should be anyway... That's really terrible!
Posts: 841
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #238 on:
2008 November 27, 22:48:18 »
Perhaps some of the newly-disenchanted insim staff can now explain to me why Beosboxboy changed his userID to be the same as his female modding partner? (So they became Marvine and Marvine) I was pretty much told to mind my own business when I expressed surprised before.
Our lil friend must be stopped.
Posts: 458
Re: Insim under new management!
Reply #239 on:
2008 November 27, 22:51:31 »
Quote from: Anouk on 2008 November 27, 22:37:53
Synaptic Sim leaving got me thinking about past happenings - where I deleted my creations from the Insim site because I did not agree with BeosBoxBoy's actions towards me. BeosBoxBoy made a point out of insulting me in front of all the other mods and admins, Synaptic Sim chimed in and made some very hurtful comments and accusations towards me based on nothing, then tried to start another paysite debate because I had reported a paysite thread in accordance with the rules.
One of the things I remember him saying was that for leaving, I didn't care about the Insimenator community, that I insulted his home, etc. etc. When I told him I had my reasons for leaving and they were between me and BeoxBoxBoy, he simply told me he didn't care. Also, after Kathy came back and I had returned, she asked him about it, he apologized to
to save is ass, told her it was a misunderstanding, etc., but never once said a word to me. Not a thing.
So I should conclude him leaving must mean he doesn't give a damn about Insim, and per his reasoning, I shouldn't care what his reasons are for leaving.
No I think it's just some weird phenomenon where people are unable to see things from anothers point of view until they are in the same situation. Unfortunately, most people don't even realize they are doing this, and when you point out that they are behaving in the same way they will find some way to convince themselves that the situations are entirely different
for them
Immolation is the sincerest form of flattery -- Crow
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