Astonished lemons

Posts: 315
WOW. Thats quite a big fat lie, even for Vitasims. I'd say that was TSR worthy.
Posts: 242
Boolprop snapobjectstogrid false= Crutch of the paysite.
Posts: 341
Random writing.
Not really a photoshopped piece of work, but something I came across while playing just then. I noticed a bath from one of Simtomatic's sets had writing in it. I looked around the room but none of my wealls had writing on them, and I moved the camera angle in a way so I could see what it said. It said something along the lines of "+x" on one line and on the next line it said "RIGHT". Here's a screenie I took, it's weird.  Edit : After looking around the bath more, turns out it's just telling people who recolour the bath what sides are what, as there's a left, right, top and bottom written on diff sides of the bath. *facepalm*
« Last Edit: 2008 October 15, 20:42:34 by Beth »
 Updated April 30th!
Posts: 202
Never use a kerosene lamp as an ashtray.
Maybe it's some kind of subliminal message to plant unconscious ideas. *You will pay for this stuff* When I first found PMBD I downloaded all kinds of stuff thinking "Now I can get the REALLY good stuff!" What a letdown. It's the same or worse than free stuff. Except Sussi. I kept all of Sussi's stuff.
Posts: 1110
Bonbons... Sally Bonbons
Sorry if this is the wrong thread, because on Peggy's website, she doesn't really have Sims/Pets shown on her preview pictures. This is why I believe she doesn't. I don't know how long this bed has been in my game, but this house was the first time I had ever used it. It was really the only bed that wen with my white/gold theme I wanted. I originally had the matching endtables as well, but they literally do not match up with any OMSP, so I trashed em. They probably had atrocious polys anyways. And let me have my moment of bare honesty. I thought this bed was pretty. I admit it. But I have a pet peeve when things just don't look right. So I actually got a chance to play it the other day and boy was I pissed. At first, I noticed Lele's kitty floating mid air. This bothered me all to hell. So later that night Lele had a male sim stay over, and he immediately went and crawled into bed. Well I just happened to catch him in the bed, and it's absolutely lovely how his body is contorted all about, while he has no covers to cover him up. I should have also gotten a side view, because his head slightly floats off the pillows as well.   *Sorry if the first picture is gigantic! I've tried resizing in photo bucket three times, and it just refuses to shrink.*
"Why don't you take your sisters barbie and shove it sideways up your rectum. Then send Ken to rescue her."- Soggyfox
Posts: 106
Dude, that's either a very soft mattress or an alien life form disguised as a mattress eating your sim.
Posts: 1110
Bonbons... Sally Bonbons
Dude, that's either a very soft mattress or an alien life form disguised as a mattress eating your sim.
I'd like to think of it as both.  After your comment though, I looked at the last picture again, and on the right side of the bed, a pillow is just floating off of the side. No way would it be at all possible for a pillow to balance itself on the side of a bed.
"Why don't you take your sisters barbie and shove it sideways up your rectum. Then send Ken to rescue her."- Soggyfox
Posts: 1367
patch it where it counts
My mother has a bedspread like that. It is nice, but not very well made as I can see from your pictures Sallybon. And if you are playing for it, surely it should be flawless or near to it. If they haven't mastered meshing, who the hell do they think they are charging for it?
Oh wait, this is paysite owner's mentality: Because they can.
"It's a pity closed minds don't come with closed mouths" - Strix
Posts: 6
Grr dont get me started on this over photoshopped crap, i hate it. I cant stand going onto a site and seeing something really pretty, an objects or even a sim, then i get it in game, it looks like crap!, i dont want to see photo shop skills , i want to see what im getting in the game! eve free sites do that crap.
Posts: 242
My ankles hurt thinking of that poor sim sleeping with his feet flexed out like that.
Posts: 175
There are more than a few beds where sims contort in strange poses while they're sleeping. While they do look very pretty, I delete them immediately if sims sleep on top of the covers, it just looks stupid.
Posts: 106
After your comment though, I looked at the last picture again, and on the right side of the bed, a pillow is just floating off of the side. No way would it be at all possible for a pillow to balance itself on the side of a bed.
Maybe it's some sort of appendage? Like a fluffy cotton tentacle arm or some sort of covert periscope eye? Or maybe Peggy just fails at physics?
Posts: 3
Maybe it's some sort of appendage? Like a fluffy cotton tentacle arm or some sort of covert periscope eye? Or maybe Peggy just fails at physics?
Peggy definitely fails at physics. Just look at hair she makes 
Posts: 160
dumber than EVAR
Maybe it's some sort of appendage? Like a fluffy cotton tentacle arm or some sort of covert periscope eye? Or maybe Peggy just fails at physics?
Peggy definitely fails at physics. Just look at hair she makes  Like the famous Wendy's hair!
Posts: 474
I wish someone would fix that bed and make it available 