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Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
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Topic: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site... (Read 145385 times)
Posts: 37
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Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #270 on:
2008 May 21, 19:11:44 »
Quote from: Rose on 2008 May 21, 18:38:39
1. Did I miss an explanation about Ms. Barrows?
2. How much do FAs get paid? Or, if that can't/shouldn't be answered, what sort of payment is it? Based on how many downloads you get, or how many sets you produce, or is it a flat rate, etc?
1. Ms. Barrows has a couple sets that feature my screencaps, and she had gotten and still has my complete permission to have done so. We even talked about pictures I didn't want her to use, etc.
had emailed us just to make sure we were aware of it, and we do appreciate that.
2. This is how it worked for us, I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone or if different FAs have different 'rates' or whatever. Basically we got paid based on the number of
downloads ('incentives'), and there were monthly caps on the amount you can earn. I personally never even got close to the cap, nor did Gelydh (not that it was a particularly high cap). Different kinds of items earn a different rate of 'incentive,' with meshes being 'worth more' than recolors. (Just for the record, Gelydh and I made/make a lot of meshes because we're addicted to it; it never had anything to do with earning more money.) Walls, floors, and lots were also figured at a higher rate because they tend to get fewer downloads.
Thanks for all the compliments, btw. Excuse me while I sit here in total social awkwardness and fumble over how to express my appreciation.
I know! I'll go and make more stuff...
Posts: 572
El que calla, otorga.
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #271 on:
2008 May 21, 19:44:02 »
Quote from: aikea_guinea on 2008 May 21, 19:11:44
Thanks for all the compliments, btw. Excuse me while I sit here in total social awkwardness and fumble over how to express my appreciation.
I know! I'll go and make more stuff...
I can't think of a better way.
I can has vagina dentata plz?
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Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #272 on:
2008 May 21, 22:38:08 »
Quote from: aikea_guinea on 2008 May 21, 19:11:44
2. This is how it worked for us, I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone or if different FAs have different 'rates' or whatever. Basically we got paid based on the number of
downloads ('incentives'), and there were monthly caps on the amount you can earn. I personally never even got close to the cap, nor did Gelydh (not that it was a particularly high cap). Different kinds of items earn a different rate of 'incentive,' with meshes being 'worth more' than recolors. (Just for the record, Gelydh and I made/make a lot of meshes because we're addicted to it; it never had anything to do with earning more money.) Walls, floors, and lots were also figured at a higher rate because they tend to get fewer downloads.
Does anybody know what system or method is used to keep a running tally on the number of downloads? Is it something that could be easily manipulated? Like say, for instance, being set to count only eight out of every ten downloads.
Posts: 1384
Ms. Smartypants
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #273 on:
2008 May 21, 22:46:16 »
Quote from: aikea_guinea on 2008 May 21, 19:11:44
Thanks for all the compliments, btw. Excuse me while I sit here in total social awkwardness and fumble over how to express my appreciation.
I know! I'll go and make more stuff...
Yay! More stuff is good.
We adore talking to free creators, but if you aren't the talkative kind, we completely understand.
BTW, if you want feedback on some of the things you're doing, both you and Gelydh are welcome to post them in the "
Look at what I made and worship me
" -thread. It's the creator feedback thread on this forum.
And... I really adore your (both yours and Gelydh's) creations. <fangirls>
SunSun a.k.a. Shannis
I aten't dead yet.
Posts: 109
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #274 on:
2008 May 21, 23:01:19 »
I'm glad it is all going well for you over there at your new site aikea - I do go over and raid there often LOL
The freedom is wonderful isn't it
It's official - I haz a crazy, paranoid, psychotic internet stalker... Waves to Atwat
S2A forum
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Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #275 on:
2008 May 21, 23:10:50 »
Quote from: pickles on 2008 May 21, 18:39:09
I'd post a reply, but I'm afraid I'll spill fangirl all over the thread....
It's okay, I have plenty of tissure to wipe it up
I bet you feel a heck of a load of weight off your shoulders Aikea :]
Quote from: aikea_guinea on 2008 May 21, 18:08:06
(It was quite lovely to finally be able to vent, I have to say. Quite good as closure. I don't hold any ill-will toward any of the FAs, I'm just appalled by the way things are handled over there. A little bit of honesty and basic respect for users/creators shouldn't be so much to ask for.)
I wonder if any more FA's will approach the light at the end of the tunnel and escape. There's certainly a lot more of them that deserve to create freely :]
Updated April 30th!
Notorious Pirate
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Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #276 on:
2008 May 21, 23:20:09 »
Quote from: Beth on 2008 May 21, 23:10:50
I wonder if any more FA's will approach the light at the end of the tunnel and escape. There's certainly a lot more of them that deserve to create freely :]
Especially when the experiences of those who have left has been so positive.
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
We made out goal - WOOT!
"There's no such thing as a tasteful drag queen." - Project RunGay
Posts: 64
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #277 on:
2008 May 21, 23:28:43 »
Quote from: Hecubus on 2008 May 21, 23:20:09
Especially when the experiences of those who have left has been so positive.
Well I guess that's why Atwat is telling everyone still at TSR not to talk to the freed FAs.
Posts: 4950
Belili, wife of Ningishzida - or Kali for short
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #278 on:
2008 May 22, 08:23:44 »
Quote from: aikea_guinea on 2008 May 21, 19:11:44
Excuse me while I sit here in total social awkwardness and fumble over how to express my appreciation.
Please express your appreciation through creative interpretative dance, or as an equation.
Everyone else will kill me for not saying "sims 2 content". I'm glad you're out and feeling less stressed - and the bonus is I can use your stuff now (I don't use anything from any site with pay content). So yay me!
To Hotel - never a problem - and I knew it would be a valid thing.
My love to you too - come find me one day.
Posts: 1253
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #279 on:
2008 May 22, 08:29:55 »
I don't either.. from principle. So yay A and G!!
My home sites are
Reclaim Your Game
Posts: 25
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #280 on:
2008 May 22, 16:43:16 »
Quote from: Saraswati on 2008 May 22, 08:29:55
I don't either.. from principle. So yay A and G!!
I don't either. Even free meshes from paysites.
Posts: 5
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #281 on:
2008 May 22, 17:13:35 »
I was doing so good..only downloading maxis like stuff. Then I saw this thread about the Aikea/Geldh website and it's all over now lol. The site is awesome!
Posts: 16
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #282 on:
2008 May 23, 12:34:35 »
Aikea, Im so glad I found your posts here, they explain a lot (Michelle from GoS, btw).
I think you're both very brave about this, and the way you have handled it is very delicate and gentle. Some people would have thrown tons of drama and thrown shit in every direction. Plus, to me, it's good to get some "proof" that TSR and Thomas actually are as bad as everyone say. I've been doubting, thinking no-one could be like that, honestly! Proves Im right, maybe I am too naive. It's really good to see you both creating for yourself again. I see in the quality of your newest things, vs the last things uploaded on TSR that you've both got the good feel about it again.
Ah heck, I can't pretend to be all serious and stuff anymore, you knw about my fangirl-syndrome all too well.
Posts: 35
Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #283 on:
2008 May 30, 09:04:15 »
Wow, I quit the sims for a couple months and missed everything! Aikea, I've been a fan of yours since before you were an FA. I had a subscription to TSR for awhile, solely because I wanted your creations... totally fits my style. I wish I could buy them in real life and wear them myself.
And now you've broken free from TSR, and your new site looks great, and everything is golden. I'm looking forward to the stuff you and Gelydh make in the future, and as soon as I get my new computer and can reinstall the sims, I'm gonna be at your site downloading all of it.
Posts: 37
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Re: Aikea and Gelydh have their own site...
Reply #284 on:
2008 September 14, 23:41:46 »
In case anyone out there had any lingering fears that Gelydh and I may one day trip and fall back onto TSR, you can rest easy. Last week, we went and got ourselves banned.
Turns out we'd been dragged out of obscurity and tossed on the 'Retired Artists' list while we weren't looking. This really pissed me off, so I went and changed my profile information and made a new blog entry. Gelydh did the same, though chose her own words. Here's what we both wrote:
What amused me more than it should have was that my info showed up nice and noticeable at the very top of the retired artists list.
A few days later, Gelydh went to login to her account only to find her password had been changed. No warnings, no nothing. Both our profile information had been deleted, as well as our blog entries, yet we're still on their 'Retired Artists' list. Quite frankly, I'm literally angry with rage at this point. I feel like I'm being paraded around as a name to draw people into the site, while giving people the impression that I've stopped creating. Obviously this is hardly the case.
Anyway, just thought I'd update on our situation.
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