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211  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / helaenes website may be closing but read this on: 2007 January 19, 08:34:03
Eek, stupid forum. Ignore this post. This post doesn't exist.
212  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Divino Sims 2 remaining Free on: 2007 January 19, 08:25:30
OMG her head exploded!

I don't hate Divino Sims at all. In fact, I've used a mesh from that site to make a quite lovely dress, if I do say so myself. Not everything is to my taste (explody hair scares me), but it is by no means terrible.

I think explody hair was part of that ultra creepy couture thing that was so popular for awhile. Lots of scary runway makeup and hair, impossible clothes. Haute couture it may be, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
213  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / irc on: 2007 January 19, 02:05:11
I know how!

You can figure it out too, it's not hard. If it is a MATY IRC channel, perhaps you ought to consider where you should be looking.
214  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Banners anyone? on: 2007 January 10, 01:02:08
Here are a couple from me. They're animated, but not seizure inducing. I made simple, very pirate-y ones.

215  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / A rant over Delphy's censoring (happy piratebooty) on: 2007 January 08, 22:07:54
I've never paid any money over there, but I also have access to the new server because of the "moomoo" and "featured" status. I must say, it is kind of nice to have a perk based on hard work rather than just money. No, not everyone who recolours a couch and uploads it has access to the new server, but really, just about everyone who creates consistently well and uploads over there has a pretty good likelihood of getting on the new server.
216  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Where is this from? on: 2007 January 05, 22:43:40
WTF? It looks like she tried to use hairspray in a wind tunnel. Thinking about why you'd want it makes my head hurt. Also, whoever made that picture should learn that cropping is your friend. The magic wand tool took chunks out of her arm. Also, less on the sharpen.

That is all.
217  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / New FA at TSR on: 2007 January 05, 22:14:50
Heh, I was just being glib. I think the reason I've never been offered to be an FA at TSR is because for one my stuff really isn't mainstream enough, and two, I don't make meshes.

I already do have a sob story up on Digital Perversion, but sadly, it's true. Also, as Nouk undoubtedly knows, people in this community are very generous and willing to help out when not being coerced. In a day or so, I've received about half of what I need in donations. It's really just amazing, and I'd never even think about screwing those kind of people over for something as shitty as TSR.
218  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / New FA at TSR on: 2007 January 05, 21:16:39
If I remember correctly, Seomi turned it down as well. I think her reasons were that she didn't update often enough and liked being able to do things at her own pace. I could be mistaken though.

I must really suck, TSR never offered me the chance to turn down being a FA. Tongue
219  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / warning: on: 2006 December 30, 23:51:20
Yes, that place is a vile, shitty ripoff. You get charged per download, plus a fee for your account. It's the worst kind of double charging profiteering ever, despite what they say. Most of the sites hosted by them are nothing special anyway, so no loss. I do love Artistic Habitats for their trees and plants though, and I would even rather that they went to TSR than stay with simshost.
220  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / The Sims2-community are a bunch of nutters! on: 2006 December 30, 23:12:24
I am nuts, no doubt about it. My shrink wants me to stop saying that though.

Seriously, yeah, this community is absolutely full of nutters, and to the "outside world" we are unbelievably insane. I think the so called "community culture" has evolved to be this way as small quirks were accepted or even embraced, and then the whole mess just ran away with itself. These bizzare ReadMe and TOS rituals clearly show that process, as they go from rather routine to utterly outlandish and just plain weird.

I try to keep a balance though, as a creator at least. I mean, its hard not to get a little pissed off when you see something you've made bastardized or used on something ugly, but I have learned to shrug it off and let it go. It's much easier than running after everyone who uses my hair on fat sims anyway Tongue (though technically, I don't make the meshes so it's not really MY hair anyway, you know?)

People do what they want, no matter what you say, so might as well just let em have at it. Or not upload. Though I suspect that a good deal of people love playing the drama-queen-sims-creator game, so I'll let them do that too. I just refuse to stroke bruised egos anymore. I save the drama for the fight over whether pixelized dolly clothes are worth real monies. Thats what's really important!
221  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Sims 2 Arena Closes on: 2006 December 30, 22:49:50
I got this email today:

Dear Members of Sims2Arena,

We have bad news.

Sims2 Arena is dead. There is no possibility to carry on, because
Arenia has left the forum and the server belongs to PVC.

But this is no reason to be sad.

We (Chalipo, derMarcel, Dschiny, engelchen, Imoen and Tammy) have decided to open
a new forum.

You can find us under a new adress.

We would be glad, if you would visit us here:

Just take a look.

Your All4Sims Team

This is a bit sad, because it was a site that didn't seem to care if items were pay or not. Lots sometimes came with full pay sets in them, and since it was a foreign site, no one really seemed to say anything about it.
222  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I smell bullshit on: 2006 December 29, 02:42:07
I didn't even know you are a mod at TSR, Jfade. I only knew you as the person who makes useful things and pokes around at MATY from time to time.

Personally, I like to deal with everyone who comes here as their own person, regardless of where they choose to spend their time. In several cases, there have been paysite owners who have come here and expressed their opinion coherently, engaged in intelligent debate, and I can honestly say that I have no problems whatsoever with them personally. In previous cases, most of the people who post here can be very civil, even to people they disagree with, if the situation warrants it.

Also, I agree with Pescado. I don't want another TSR! I personally hate the way the database is set up. Yes, I will admit that the abolition of zips-within-zips has improved things greatly, but I honestly prefer Delphy's free services to TSR's for-profit services.
223  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Carla Niven must be destroyed! on: 2006 December 29, 00:58:24
No, no. Not the carla niven ones, I meant the ones on the dress in the picture that .torque. put up. It was totally off topic Tongue
224  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / SIMS 1 PAYSITES on: 2006 December 28, 22:03:05
As far as I know, there are no sites quite like PMBD for Sims 1, but SFV does have a Sims 1 sharing community. He is welcome to venture over there and check it out, as long as he is willing to abide by the rules at SFV.
225  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I smell bullshit on: 2006 December 28, 21:59:33
I absolutely don't think that when I put my lovely, hard worked on texture files into a .package, I should lose all rights to it. It is my complete choice to allow my stuff to be manhandled and dismantled, and that's fine with me. I do support "creator rights", to an extent.

To me, creators should have the basic right to be acknowledged. If you create something, the very least that you should get is credited for your work. No one else should be able to claim your work or anything shady like that. However, in my opinion, rights shouldn't extend to charging for an item that contains code/images/meshes created by someone else. I especially gag when I see paysites that are blatantly using images lifted from the internet (not every image on the internet is free source!), or meshes that have been lifted from 3D sites. Paysite/EA debate aside, using those resources for profit is copyright violation.

Anyway, EULA or not, I just balk at the idea of having to pay for something that should be free. If EA came out and said paysites are kosher by them, I'd still go back to quietly filesharing. I am something of a pirate anyway, I almost never shell out money for software, games or music sight unseen (or sound unheard, as it were), and often I only actually go out and buy the product if it is exceptional. So yeah, I'm not trying to play goody-goody here, I do things regularly that aren't always above board. I think this debate would get a lot more productive if everyone involved stopped pretending that they are above reproach.

Also, I am usually more than happy to keep whatever filesharing I do out of the "community eye". If paysites were operating the way they had done  when TS2 first came out, I would probably still be mum about it. When only a very few sites were pay and they usually had exceptional stuff, I still disagreed with the general practice and would get what I could without forking over cash, it wasn't quite as galling. Now, every mediocre sim creator seems to think it is only their due to set up shop and rake in the cash. This is the trend a lot of us want to put a stop to, and raise a little hell to let those people know loud and clear that this is not okay by us.

Anyway, on my part at least, the FAs at TSR are not being targeted or anything like that. After all, if FAs were raking in the bucks, how would Thomas be making his money? I think the place is rather vile and despicable, but not because of the "talent", though it would be nice to see them move to a free venue. It is because the "owner" is profiting so hugely off of the efforts of others, and rather despotic with the running of the place.
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