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196  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / So it begins... Or something slightly less dramatic on: 2007 February 15, 23:42:18
lol Nouk Tongue
Sure, go for it. Nothing in my (pretty much nonexistant and totally unenforced)  TOS says you can't, just stick a credit on there somewhere. I will admit that yes, I like recognition and all that good stuff, but I'm not too picky on where I get it. At some point, I just decided that my policy is to really have no real policy, it's much easier. If you actually take the time to read the thing, my TOS actually states that you can steal my alphas and textures, if you want.

Nouk, I for one seriously appreciate the fact that your policy allows for distribution of your meshes. I know for a fact that people are still clicking links from my site to get back to you, not to get the meshes, but because your stuff is so nice that they want MORE.

Anyway, yeah. I'm not all out to destroy anyone or to take away from their accolades or anything like that. I want to make things easier on the people who download from me, and to be honest, on me. I get PMs and Emails all the time from people saying "so and so site is down, and I can't get the mesh! Help!" Yes, you may have no plans to take down your site now, but things happen and then we all get the headaches again.

So I'll reiterate, one more time. I am not trying to destroy, hurt, be mean to, or otherwise punish any site by doing this. I don't have any vendettas and though I think this is a good idea, if other sites don't want to do this, thats fine too. I don't believe having meshes distributed freely harms anyone, if that was the case then SimChic would have been down a long time ago. I mean no disrespect to anyone by posting their meshes, if anything I am showing my gratitude and appreciation of the meshes by using them for my recolours. I try to weed out the crappy ones in the hopes that they just go off and die somewhere.
197  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / So it begins... Or something slightly less dramatic on: 2007 February 14, 20:10:58
Actually, the reason I haven't included Marvine's mesh yet is because I'm lazy and haven't gone through to include meshes in previously uploaded work. Rest assured that I do not intend to discriminate either way with this one. I'm not trying to piss anyone off or step on anyone's toes, but I can't please everyone and playing favourites would just make this way worse than it is already. Lethe, I am a huge fan of yours and have been for ages, so I hate to think that doing something like this is pissing you off, same goes for HP. But I am not going to back down. As soon as I start picking and choosing who's meshes to include and who's TOSes to respect, then the shit hits the fan for real.

Also, on a side note, due to demands of the community, Marvine and BBB have given their permission for their meshes to be redistributed with credit and a link. Also, even before that, and before I even asked for it, BBB contacted me and said that if I wanted it would be okay to redistribute the meshes, so this is not me playing favourites.
198  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / So it begins... Or something slightly less dramatic on: 2007 February 13, 21:45:02
Like I said before, posting meshes by free creators who don't take their ball and run away wasn't really the main point in this move at all. I held off doing it because I didn't want to step on the toes of those creators at all, especially since HP has a very good point about updates and that kind of thing. You'll notice that I mentioned that whenever possible, people should go to the original site or thread and get the updates or information if available.

HP, I'm sorry if I have upset you personally or any other creator who has such a good track record for quality and consideration of downloaders. You are right, I should have asked for your permission before uploading your meshes out of courtesy. That one was shame on me.

The caveat in all of this is that I couldn't pick and choose which meshes to post against the creator's TOS, and which not to because then it would become a big mess. I hate to say it, but I did expect that a few people who I would not otherwise like to upset would probably not like the move.

I have not changed the policy about links to the sites that the meshes come from. I also love following the chain of neat sites to find something really cool, and I'm not about to break that. Every item will have a mesh linkback whenever possible (meaning the site hasn't been removed). I'm not trying to take the credit for any of the meshes.
199  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / So it begins... Or something slightly less dramatic on: 2007 February 12, 20:22:23
Exactly TeaII. I get really frustrated when I recolour something then go to post it and the mesh had disappeared. It seems to be happening more and more often lately too.

Drew from Sims Rubicon was kind of a selfish ass when it came to his meshes and things. He said people could use them, but if he even suspected partial use of his alphas or any of his textures, then he'd throw a tantrum and demand they were removed. Eye Candy had a recolour of some of his 70s flip hair, and he created such a crap load of drama that they were pulled. Same thing happened to me on MTS2 when I did some recolours of one of his hair as a request for someone. He threw a tantrum and said that I was a thief. Luckily, I didn't care that much as I thought the hair texture was a piece of crap to begin with, I was just much to lazy to make my own for a hair I didn't even like Tongue
200  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / So it begins... Or something slightly less dramatic on: 2007 February 12, 20:08:08
I don't blame you for deleting the TSR meshes, I don't use them at all for normal gameplay. I use them mostly for pictures where you can't see that they don't actually connect right to the heads.

Anyway, I feel no guilt in sticking it to TSR and pay sites by using their meshes. I actually have written permission from Sussi to redistribute any of her pay meshes I want, just not the pay textures, and that's kind of the same tact I am taking with the others. Still, I am trying to be considerate to the creators by providing credit and links back to their sites or threads. The reason I held off going this route for so long was for those people that provided free meshes and didn't want them distributed, but lately things have just seemed to get very messy what with people moving and closing down so often.

Also Stella, I am not trying to plunge the sims community into internet anarchy... heh. I'm actually following a generally accepted code of conduct by game modders for just about every other game. Give credit and a link back or way for the original creator to be contacted and everything is kosher.

*edit* Also, pay sites are kind of dumb for not letting the meshes be redistributed in my opinion. One of the reasons SimChic has become such a popular and highly visible site is because they do allow mesh redistribution. This prompts people to check out the site that is making all the new meshes and some of them end up paying. Also, I hate having a million meshes that all look the same because some pay sites don't like to share.
201  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / So it begins... Or something slightly less dramatic on: 2007 February 11, 20:36:46
Well, with this update on my site, I've switched to a mesh-included policy for all of my downloads (yes, the creators still get credit and links and all that). This includes meshes with TOSes that say "DON'T!" and paysite meshes. All the constant site going up and down thing and people pulling their shit or making it pay pissed me off, and the fact that it was getting too hard for downloaders to get to the meshes they needed prompted me to just go ahead with it.

It's a good thing. It would be even better if more sites would adopt a policy similar to this one >.>

ahem *hint hint* Smiley

err, before people ask,
202  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Looking for Aikea Guinea's Sims on: 2007 January 31, 08:52:38
I have Tristan... Honestly, I think he is kind of ugly in game.
203  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Hooray!!! on: 2007 January 21, 23:12:33
Pitbulls are like bulldogs and many other hunting and fighting breeds. They have genetic predispositions that make them suited for certain environments and less suited for others. Unlike say, English Bulldogs or Bull Mastiffs, the Pitbull gets an even worse reputation because they are often bred for illegal dogfights, and the owners terrorize and abuse the animal until they are vicious and erratic.

When I was young we owned a Pitbull named Popeye, and she was for the most part a spunky, energetic and fun dog who loved the family and loved to play. On the other hand, she did have certain breed characteristics, like the fact that she was extremely distrustful of strangers around humans who she considered part of her pack. She also had to be watched like a hawk around smaller animals, and at one point got loose and killed a neighbor's cat. She also had several litters of puppies, and they did require special handling as well, since they were too young to understand how to open their jaws after they would lock on to something (or more often, each other).

So yeah, dogs have certain breed characteristics and traits that make them unsuitable for certain environments, they all do. Chow chows are often mean and ill tempered, and not recommended for children (ours was a stupid cuddly pushover though), dalmatians are intelligent but highstrung and bad around kids, most small terrier breeds are very bright and high energy but tend to start destructive and self destructive behaviour if left alone with nothing to do for extended periods of time.

I think that in most cases, problems with dogs and animals in general is because humans don't take the time to understand the traits and personality of the animal. I'm a total cat person (like dogs okay, but vastly prefer cats), but I still make it a point to educate myself to interact with dogs and know what to expect.
204  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Name your dramawhores and why. on: 2007 January 21, 21:37:24

Okay, well no... not really. Sigh. I suck at the drama thing, badly. I need to learn how to throw a hissy fit, take my toys, and go home.

Let me see... BeosBoxBoy, because he manages to not only stir the shit up, but absolutely wallow in it in a way that makes me chortle. Also, because despite whatever differences in opinion I still adore him madly for being a bit insane and entirely too clever for his own good half the time. I still am very frightened of the giant weenies he made on the Insim Adult forum though.

HChangeri, because despite taking her toys and going home in a very explosive and fun bit of drama-overkill, she still came back in a very short time. Also because I had a very nice email correspondence with her for awhile, and I like her very much even if she did go a bit nutso there.

And... Pescado! For creating this whole enormous drama fest in the first place that stirred everything up. Pescado may not believe in drama, but he sure knows how to facilitate it.

And my absolute favourite: Open House Jack. I had more fun reading about his clandestine escapades and selling himself than I have in a very long time. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to throw up. He is a dirty, nasty man and is altogether too foul for words... But I wish he'd go do some more and write about it so I can have a good laugh.
205  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Carla Niven vs. Rat Productions on: 2007 January 20, 01:26:29
Heh, it looks alot alike. But don't worry, I was just getting in the fun of things. I've seen my alphas used on far uglier things (though that green is pretty pukey) Tongue

My site is
206  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Helga may be showing Peggy the way out! on: 2007 January 20, 00:20:07
One of the links is just hilarious "Fruitless Fig tree by Unknown". How in the world are you going to go download that? It's just stupid.

This is why I rarely download lots unless everything is all inclusive. This is one thing TSR is actually good for, most of the FAs that make lots use things that they know can be included so when you download something it comes with everything you need. CycloneSue has quickly become one of my favourite lot builders ever because of her awesome buildings and the fact I don't have to hunt shit down.

*edit* Yeah, it is a pain when you get one of Loverat or CycloneSue's lots and have to organize everything, but I'd still much rather deal with that than going on a scavenger hunt for meshes.
207  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Carla Niven vs. Rat Productions on: 2007 January 19, 23:18:18
I am a girl, and I like boobies.

Of course, I wouldn't go out in public with my nipples exposed. Have to save a little something for later, right?
208  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Carla Niven vs. Rat Productions on: 2007 January 19, 22:36:20
I am fairly certain (though the fugly Paris Hilton hair covers part of it) that the alpha for that disgusting green top is mine. I know I state that people can use my alphas, but I should amend it and say "but not for ugly things". I feel so violated!

Look! Evidence!

It looks to have been mirrored and altered a bit, but I think its the same.
209  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Helga may be showing Peggy the way out! on: 2007 January 19, 08:45:30
I agree entirely on the downloading meshes thing. The problem is that so many people are raging assholes about who can put their meshes where that creators have to jump through hoops to use the mesh. It blows.

On my site, I try to put a link to the exact page the mesh is on so that it can be obtained quickly and easily. I am considering just shoving the whole thing though and including meshes, whether they like it or not. I figure the end result is the same, and as long as I give credit and provide a link to their site then everything is kosher.
210  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / helaenes website may be closing but read this on: 2007 January 19, 08:34:48
The only FA I can think of that did that was that one girl with the poser hair who got kicked out of TSR for stealing poser meshes, then started her own site under a new name and denied being herself. But I don't think that counts because she was a defrocked FA.

Dr Pixel maintains his own free site though, he never updates it at all. NeptuneSuzy and a couple others also have free sites on the side too, I think. I think the issue is that you can't post the things you've uploaded to TSR anywhere else for free. Outside that, you can do whatever.
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