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181  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 31, 07:32:12
Quote from: "tumadre"
Ignorant. Ignorant. People.

I bet you all watch kiddie porn too

lyk zomg!!1111

You are a dumbass.

LyricLee's bum hasn't been frenched for a whole hour, shouldn't you be taking care of that right about now?
182  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 31, 07:30:00
Quote from: "Lilyroseisapirate"
CALLING ALL MODERATORS!!!!!!!! this is the first time someone has pissed me off enough on this site that i actually want this little prick banned or deleted, Tumadre that is


Please don't ban tumadre and her 19 alter egos / 'LEET ADVOCATE POSSE, because she's the funniest thing since giving a dog peanut butter with gum.


Seriously, LyricLee needs a new hobby. Can someone steal her computer and leave her a gift basket of latch-hooks, crochet hooks, knitting needles and yarn? Anything to keep her hands busy and far away from a keyboard for a while.

Maybe she can discover the joy of scrapbooking and fight over how she practically invented the whole thing, ban people for using too much green in their designs, throw shit fits over the high cost of sparkly stickers, etc., and thereby piss off some soccer moms for a while.

Or, hey, here's a thought, she could get a job that is not illegal like paysites, and do some honest work for a change, and maybe even interact with her kids instead of being a big whingy baby online herself.

@kathy: Good for you, honey. Sic 'em!
183  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 31, 07:15:58
Quote from: "Sherry"

Quote from: "tumadre"
Dooooooods. I didn't do the MATY shit. My fellow delphy haters did.

All 5 of them? How did they find time to break themselves away from Chinchillagrl's LJ?

Oh shit, Sherry! I spilled my rum.

184  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 30, 20:58:11
Great minds think alike...chinchillagrl6 and I both gleefully posted the whole stupid thing in our LJs ( and so curious folks in the community could point and laugh...and not at Delphy, mind!

Lucky 'Chilla got all the anonytard comments. Weh, I didn't get any, I feel left out.

'Chilla also made an excellent point: the "Advocate" screed got a bajillion comments, while Delphy's response got nada.

Out of my community, you drama hos. Or I will poke you with sharp pointy things and mock you mercilessly.

I've said it before: I ONLY know about LyricLee at all due to her hypocritical booty pilfering, paysite support, and various histrionic outbursts. Has she done anything at all, at any time, that was not fermented in drama and arsiness?
185  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 May 30, 09:41:38
I are a LOLrobort, and u shud storp starkink at meh bum.

Stoppit, I say!

I kno I are teh sexxxay, but U r shamin urself wif yer shamefool advancings on meh virtuez.

U soilz meh wif yer lustinks.  

TSR, meh saveyer! Save meh frum de pyratez! Mek me faymooz Big Naym Fan, k?

Meh sens ov impawtanz an meh delooshenz ov adekwassy an meh overal grandeeossitay iz not bein suffishently satisfyd. Luk upun meh werkinz und despare! U kin nevar be az kewl an cr8tuv uz MEH.

An U iz still lookin at meh bum, u pervoz. Meh iz not fur de lykes ov yew. Meh knoz u kennot restrayn u-self. Meh bum iz teh roxx0rz.

186  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Nouk's emo hair stolen? on: 2007 May 30, 09:24:16
Quote from: "count four"

And I thought LiveJournal RPG was a seriously irritating, snide, sly, slimy, thoroughly infuriating bastion of nursed grievances, concealed grudges, nearly-intentional misunderstandings and childish temper tantrums...

Which of the approximately 3000 Sims 2-related LJ communities are you referring to?

Also: you weren't expecting a blog site to be populated solely by reasonable, adult, well-behaved people, I'm sure. Right? Smiley
187  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Idiot of the year anyone? on: 2007 May 30, 09:19:08
Quote from: "Pescado"
Quote from: "Quinctia"
It's not all bad, the name put the song "Rock Me Amadeus" in my head!  It's really the only positive thing involved with learning of this person's existence, though.

I think it's more the number-name thing. I hate number-names, but THAT particular number name conjures up images of BURNINATION for some reason.

OMFG, Pescado reads books, pass it on!

What, not gossip-worthy? Seems like it is the only thing these days that isn't.
188  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 30, 09:11:58

This old crap AGAIN?


Whatever caused Delphy and his wife to divorce? Not our business.

The "child porn" stuff? Court records are more trustworthy than web links to ancient news stories, not that I give enough of a crap to go pry in his private business and seek them out.

The above two issues may be linked. Divorces get ugly. Is your PC completely clean of all adult content? Mine is, unless you count nekkid Sim skins. Man, those get me all hot and bothered. So very dirty. Not. (Side note: got any toys that would embarrass you if you died in a fire and your mom had to pack up all your crap after your funeral? (Like you'd care if you were dead, but...) Ever have under-aged kids in your house? Ever leave them alone for any length of time? I guarantee they know where all your Playboys, adult DVDs, candid n00d Polaroids, pot stashes and "toys" are hiding, it's what kids do. Snoop. Should you go to jail? You're exposing kiddies to adult content!)

Fairly certain LyricLee and Mental Medico are the culprits behind the screed. Also find it interesting that this comes out after the brouhaha over EA looking into the paysite issue, and after LyricLee was FIRED from MTS2 (..."quit," my heinie! Liar!)

Quick everyone, stop talking about how paysites are thieves, pick an old gossipy scab about Delphy. Pay no attention to the illegal EULA-disregarding paysite schmucks behind the curtain. Delphy BAD! BAAAAAAAD! What illegal reselling of Intellectual Property are you talking about? BTW, did we mention that Delphy is BAD? Bad Delphy, no biscuit.

Delphy bought some "women" webcams? So farking what?

Also, can't have it both ways. Either they are "women" or they are underaged girls, not both.

Also also, free webcams? What an evil bastard! How dare he give people free stuff? What an arsehole!

The cult crap is so laughable, I don't want to get a headache pointing out just how tardly it is. FFS, people, taking yourselves a bit too seriously, aren't you?

Lumping MATY in with MTS2 and S2C is similarly laughable, as, last time I checked, Pes and Delphy did not share a brain and MATY is not connected to the other two sites in any way whatsoever. Like, der.

People who don't understand how site traffic stats work should not dabble in knowledge beyond their ken.

On a related note, the weenorhed posing as MikeInside is probably not the MikeInside who LEFT THE COMMUNITY OVER TWO YEARS AGO. Whatever, people.

Why certain people feel the need to stir up drama in a community based on a fucking game is beyond my ken. If you're stealing from the community by breaking EA's EULA, you're going to get smacked down. If you like to screw donkeys, I could not possibly care less.

If someone is asking for or posting mods you don't like, but the hosting site allows them to ask for or post them, then just don't download them. For fuck's sake.

On a related note: If you're so concerned about what your kiddies may be exposed to, here's a hint: monitor their Internet usage. NetNanny them. Disconnect the fucking modem / block the bandwidth if you can't be arsed to take responsibility for your kiddies. Don't try to get an entire community to babysit your sproggen for you. Congrats, you managed to breed, now do your job as a parent and leave us out of it. Protect your own damn kids, don't try to force the community to do it for you.

LyricLee: if, as EVERYONE with a brain suspects, you're involved in this nonsense in ANY way, please grow up and find another hobby to be spastic over, you are beyond tiresome at this point.

Medico: if, as EVERYONE with a brain suspects, you're involved in this nonsense in ANY way, please grow up and DO stop being 12. Your duh is ow-ing us all.
189  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Idiot of the year anyone? on: 2007 May 29, 23:58:04
Quote from: "Feverish"
A 44 year old man whining like that....I'm embarrassed FOR him. No offense, but I actually thought it was a teenage girl.

So did I. Jeezum crow; shut up, you whiny old man.

BBB is always inventing these scenarios that will never happen and then writing a novella fussing about EA and, as an afterthought, about the imaginary OHNOEZ! event he's narked off about.

EA isn't going to prohibit free content, as if they could. If they tried, all we'd do is react by not buying any EP that made it impossible to use CC, then wait for the modding comm to strip the crap code out and redistribute it.

I don't have a lot of free time to game, and, frankly, I enjoy the "shopping" for freebies more than playing sometimes, which is why my DL folder was pushing 13G at one point. I actually enjoy the OCDness of running CleanInstaller, SimCat and HackConflictDetect, and organizing folders. I'd probably enjoy binning hair if I had the time to sit down and locate a good tut and just learn to do it.

I also enjoy building (or popping someone else's lots into) a hood, and making Sim people.

I am not so interested in playing the actual game or meeting goals, though I do flirt with the idea of doing a challenge when I have some free time one day.

I don't breed or kill off my Sims, but that's mostly lack of time to play.

I populate houses and install annoyance-killing hacks, then let the Sims pretty much do as they like, and intervene only if they look like they are about to kill themselves stupidly and I need them for screenshots later.

On rare occasions I do play, my houses are full of CC, my Sims are full of CC and default-killing replacements, and I decorate, screenshot, and on occasion set them on collision courses with other Sims. The fun for me is seeing how the game engine will interpret the personality settings I've chosen, ditto turn-ons/offs, ditto skills they've earned, ditto relationships they choose to form.

My style of play isn't for everyone. I do typically run through each EP's scenario at least once, though I typically ignore EAxian default families altogether. With Uni, they go to Uni, I make YASims. With NL, they get a car and go DTown, buy crap. I made one vamp and let him vamp three other hood denizens, including Cassandra Goth. With OFB, they open a business. With OMFGPETZ!!!eleventy1!, they get a cat or two (have tried all pets but dogs so far, that's there a pug in the game?), with Seasons, they gardened their little brains out and fished, and I remembered why I hate the occult characters in the game. Stupid Plant Sims.

Point is, without CC, I have no reason to play the game, because I dislike EAxian defaults. The game engine itself is fun, I like making interactive environments and populating them, but the set goals and default hood denizens are boring.

EA won't ban CC. That's such a retarded non-issue.
190  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Yay, this sucks! SAU is back! on: 2007 May 29, 23:40:46
I didn't sign up at all, and still got the few hair meshes I didn't already have.
191  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 May 29, 23:25:35
Quote from: "PsychoticMess"
Well, I tried creating eyes for the first time the other day, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve, let me know!  

Not bad for a first go.

It would help if I knew what paint prog you use.

Actually, there are bajillions of tutes online for PShop and Corel Painter, etc., and I've seen eye tutes before, probably while snarfling brushes on Deviant Art (which is otherwise to be avoided).

I'd suggest de-flattening the iris. It's nicely coloured, but has the EAxian flatness retained.

Also, eye looks dry. Some stuff to try: light shadowline along top where lashes would hang over, sclera / tearducts. adding a highlight / wet look to white of eye (tuts on making glass-like ball shapes can be adapted to eyes if you can't find eye tuts).

That's one thing Maya is good for: instant blinn manips for glass, chrome, crystal, more. Too bad I don't personally own it or have an excuse to play with it, as Broadcast design isn't my major, it was an elective chosen solely to work with the 3d progs.

Sorry for telegram-type posts; am supposed to be editing a long research paper and am procrastinating on a time limit, so have to hurry to respond. OK w/U? OK! STOP
192  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Big Name Fans in the Sims 2 world? on: 2007 May 29, 23:10:15
Dude...what? Smiley

I just started playing in January. Don't know how much help I am! I can research questions for people and/or share my woes and solution for said woes, and that's 'bout all.

(Pleasantly) startled to see my name on the list. I'd say Hecubus, SaraMK, or Surelyfunke belong there more than I, though.

Blue would have def. been on the list if she hadn't scarpered off to 2nd Life.

Pes! for hack-type hackity hackin' mods that keep me from stomping on my game CDs in frustration

Not familiar with Tig; would add ste @ MATY, Numenor (!) and Mary Lou, Squinqe, and Monique to modders (even if NotAwesome[tm]), ditto ChristianLuv (if hadn't taken toys and gone home) and, def., Inge / Carrigan

Katy & FeeEssen at pc-sims: Katy for clever mods, not so much meshing abilities; Fee for the fug, bless her heart

Almost everyone has Quaxi's censor remover, Atavera's old objects, Gunmod's lighting sys., and, er, who did the cam mods? Still Gunmod?

cyclonesue, nengi65, cashcraft, starrling for lots and objects, probably

Helene, RenSim for genetics, makeup

HP and Daysies for tuts

HoneyB still maintains B List, right? Familiar with her more than Bine's Review

Warlokk for adult meshies and n00dz

Sshodan is like Lyric, known mostly for antics and weirdness
Aikea G probably best known storyteller
OHJ and Delphy (sorry, Delphy): plagued by personal data made public
Carla, Buntah, Atwa: worst crap ever, OMFG, make it stop, baby Jebus, he cries over your crap, and, may I add, AUGH, mine eyes, they burneth!
HChangeri and Lyric both have crap reps, unf. for them, mainly based on whackadoo behavior
BeosBB is a strange duck; also known for bodybuilder mesh work with Marvine

That's off the top of my head; BNFs earlier than Jan, I wouldn't know unless they were holdovers from Sims 1
193  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / How pathetic am I? on: 2007 May 26, 22:44:33
@Hecubus: what folders other than DLs have you tested?
194  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / How pathetic am I? on: 2007 May 26, 18:08:52
You're welcome!

Prior to squishin', I got my DL folder to 9.5G.

Will report back!

ETA: Now at 5.5G. W00t!
195  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / How pathetic am I? on: 2007 May 26, 05:37:27
Welcome, new pirate chum! ARR!!

*hands over rum*

Spread the word, we be lookin' for new shipmates to shanghai all the time.

(If you think 1.5G is bad, I think mine's nearly 14, and some folks have admitted to more...I'll be using jfade's Compressorizer soon:,8316.0.html )
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