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166  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 June 12, 03:22:42
Yup! Very elementary stuff!

I did do some polygon stuff, but apparently didn't save screenies.

Unlikely that I'll have another Maya class between now and graduation, but you never know.
167  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Let me show you my meshes! on: 2007 June 12, 00:34:27
Let me show you my meshes!

My meshes. Let me show you them.

First things first. Good job on your hairs and meshings! Awesomeness.

(Building hasn't shown itself yet, I'm on farking dialup. I am sure it will likewise be awesome.)

ETA: Ooh! Building showed up!

Here is your well-deserved praise: OOH! AAH! Nice one.

I will now show you guys my first ever attempts at meshings. Behold!

Obviously, done in a class on Maya. I'm proud of the banana. It's a way awesome banana.

Frame was a simple extrude, bottle and glass a simple revolve, apple a simple primitive, banana a simple polygon. Textures all variations using blinn.

Not my area of expertise, was taken as an elective to play with Maya.

Got semi-adept at modeling stuff, but would have no clue how to convert anything to Sims. Also, don't have Maya at home, due to cost and resources required, and no time when at grad school to mess with it unless it is relevant to current class.
168  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 June 10, 06:26:44
No worries, mate, I'm an American, and I pretty much hate Americans in the collective as well.
169  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Carla Niven must be destroyed! on: 2007 June 08, 23:26:51
It is the Apocalypse!

I actually thought the shoes were passably attractive!

What next, rains of fire?

Hold me, I am scared. Sad
170  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / What I hate about... on: 2007 June 08, 23:16:04
Well, honestly, what at TSR is worth downloading (that isn't available elsewhere) other than cyclonesue, aikea_guinea and cashcroft (if you like Victorian stuff) and maybe sunair? Am I missing someone vital? Every other folder I've looked into has had piles of shite in it.
171  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 June 08, 23:14:08
Quote from: "vermillionclouds"
Quote from: "Lorelei"
Here's my latest thang.

(Criss Angel Sim and details)

Holy crap on a cracker! YOU'RE the random person that friended me on LJ! XD I feel special now.

Yes, 'tis me! Smiley
172  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 June 07, 20:40:23
I still have the half dozen or so outfits I made for Sims 1 floating around. I suppose if I were really industrious, I could find a similar mesh and cut and paste the images on top.

Not that industrious. Smiley

I was better at making famous people for my game, and replaced all my Superstars with celebs I actually liked, or found amusing.
173  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 June 06, 07:05:03
Quote from: "Lemmiwinks"
Quote from: "Lorelei"
Lemmiwinks, whar kin I download yer awesome flaming O?


(That made me roffle! Hee!)

As soon as my status as FA is confirmed, I am sure Thomas will gladly accept your money in exchange for this wonderful free gift.

Hold on! I'm running to get my wallet!!!one!1

Don't sell out before I get one, okay?!!!11oneeinzuno111!

ZOMFG, I'm not going to make it in time. Where's my VISA?!?!?!!!eleventy!1

Crapcakes! The stress!!!

 :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
174  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 June 05, 16:03:06
Lemmiwinks, whar kin I download yer awesome flaming O?


(That made me roffle! Hee!)
175  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 June 05, 03:59:53
Here's my latest thang.

Link in signature. Knock yourselves out.

The top of outfit is my first attempt at a Bodyshop top. Not thrilled with it, but, eh. It's based on fanseelamb's Mulder/leather jacket + tee tops at MTS2. Back of jacket, which I forgot to picture, has "quick and dirty" Criss Angel logo. It's okay, not as nicely nitpicked over as the front.

I think I would have been happier making a "necklace set" accessory, so it could be added to any outfit (much like the magician wears his) but couldn't find a tut for that, or a "long necklace" mesh.

He is wearing a little stage makeup on his eyes, as many of the photos I found included it. Nothing else.

Edited To Add: Includes chris Perry eyebrows by Petalstaken, serasims eye colour, RenSim Zine blackliner, corvidophile2's metallic (gunmetal-silver-black, I think) eyeshadow, jude's stubble, KSK version 3 Tasty Cream skin (non-Barbie, thank you), Juice 0027 donaton hair male mesh, Peggy donation hair 0027, my fanseelamb-inspired converted top, and two mysterious alphanumerical files which are no doubt the important bits.

Note that the hair was as close as I could come; any hints on where to find more accurate hair are welcome. I looked in all my bins. No joy.

Also, the little wanker has apparently cut and dyed his hair, according to new season previews on the telly, which is why I'm releasing this now. Enjoy it while it is still relevant! *roffle*
176  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 June 04, 22:01:19
You know, it wouldn't hurt anything if we took time to thank 4-5 good free creators specifically, especially those who aren't currently actively involved (or maybe even aware of?) the paysite v. freesite scufflings.

You know.

"Dear [creator],

I wanted to take a minute to thank you for [item(s)]. I enjoy them regularly, and [it/they] make [my Sim(s) look attractive / my 'hoods like great / me enjoy my game so much more / (compliment here)].

I've noticed that a lot of free creators are getting [rude comments / ugly mail / complaints] lately, and I may be a little paranoid, but it seems like a lot of this harassment started when EA began issuing statements that they did not support paysites and might consider legal options against paysite owners. I am hoping that talented content creators like you are not discouraged, because your contribution(s) are appreciated. I would hate to see less free content online, just because some nice folks like you have received a lot of nasty mail.

I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your hard work and generosity, and I hope that if you have received or do eventually receive any unpleasant mail, that you will remember that I'm not the only one who has enjoyed and used your creations to make my game more fun.

Thank you!!

[Your name here]
[links to relevant threads on PMBD]"

Know what I mean, guys?

We bitch about how it may be paysite supporters bugging the nicest freesite people, but are we taking the time to thank these folks, to balance out the kind of feedback they may be getting?

Sure, some folks liek Pes don't want thanks or feedback (BAAA! BAAAA!), but some folks appreciate a kind word and encouragement.

It can't hurt, and it will feel nice to share some positivity.

I admit I don't always hit the "Thanks!" buttons on sites, so my praise for freesite people may not ever get back to them directly. Me telling a bunch of folks downloading something from my paltry little stash of Sims that "the green shirt outfit you like so much and asked me about? It's from Decorgal, she does a lot of nice things" may never get back to Decorgal herself.

So I'm including myself in the ranks of people who could do a little better about showing appreciation. It may be free, thanks may not be required, but it is a nice gesture. If pro-paysite people ARE targeting freesite folks and being insulting in order to discourage them, maybe a little encouragement is the right medicine for the problem.

Of course, we may be giving pro-paysite people far too much credit. You have to admit it shows some smarts and sneakiness to deliberately plan a "piss them off, make them quit" campaign like we're describing. It doesn't seem like their style. Too slow, not guaranteed to give a result, and far too little DRAMA involved.

177  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / On a slightly more positive note on: 2007 June 04, 11:32:46
Quote from: "SnarkyShark"
And it makes me wonder if it was just random idiots or possibly, a more organized attempt to harass and possibly close a free site. (nah, no one's that evil, right?)

You're not paranoid if they are really out to get you.

I, for one, thought it was very interesting how the whole Delphy "scandal" blew up mere hours (or so it seemed) after the "EA is gonna getchu, sucka paysites!" emails made the rounds.

How better to distract the community at large to a huge hit against paysites than by digging up some ancient drama, recruiting a bunch of naive twelve year olds, exaggerating the drama, throwing in some looney-tune "cult advisory" bullcrap, and copypasta'ing it on ever forum under the sun?

Perhaps we need to re-post EA's "Paysites are illegally broaching our copyright" notes, and this time do so just as far and wide as the Delphy slander (Oh hell, is slander the verbal one or the written one?) / libel post was "shared".

If we want to be really snarky, we can then also spoof the "I didn't have anything to do with it at all" butt-covering LyricLee blog posts for lulz.

178  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Is this new, or I am just slow? (Peggy) on: 2007 June 02, 01:35:37
Quote from: "fionaskye"
That poor model looks like she has some horrible birth defect that has caused her head to grow to unusually large proportions... either that or she's "from France".  (Blah-hahaha!)

Like Beldar and Prymat?

Oh dear, my age is showing.
179  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Your personal Anti-Paysite activism? on: 2007 June 01, 17:03:39
Let's see...

I have, during Sims 1 and Sims 2, paid for one thing, the donation set from 11dots. Was it worth it? Probably not. Why? There was no donation button and I did like the stuff. I think that was less than three bucks US, though.

Have donated to free sites from time to time.

Plundered the booty.

Pointed others to the booty.

Advertised the booty elsewhere.

Put links to the booty wherever I thought to do it (ex.: LiveJournal Interests)

Discussed community brouhahas in various locations

Discussed EA, EA's EULA, paysite v freesite wars, etc. with people who are actually active in the gaming industry, including grad students & professors in the game design major (which isn't my major)

Occasional letter writing during my non-existent spare time

Daily pop-ins to PMBD and MATY, occasional pop-ins to grah and elsewhere

Shared booty links & pay .package files with students I otherwise don't know, and with professors who play or who have kids who play the game

Signed petitions

Copypasta'd petition and/or links elsewhere, with credit given to originators / hosts

Patiently pointed out known legal guidelines and why paysites are, in essence, stealing intellectual property to make a quick buck

Pirate avvies elsewhere

Have shared what little I have created for free (

Have spoken up in defense of freesite owners, even if the subject was not specifically related to the free v. pay squabbling (most recently, fussed about how downloaders need to chill on the demands and bitching WRT freebies)

Do not strip out pay content when sharing, on purpose

Post screenies with pay content, and make sure to tell the curious how to get it

When helping others with game issues to the best of my limited ability, always mention download organization tools and MATY / PMBD

Shun sites that require buttlicking and/or censor references to paysites: I have no patience for egotism or censorship. It's a farking game, get over yourselves.

Have other interests outside of the Sims 2, thus am not seen as a one-dimensional crank in need of a life

I also occasionally actually play the game.
180  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Pirate Avatars for newbies on: 2007 June 01, 05:11:26
Quote from: "SoggyFox"

They are the only actually domesticated animal that is still widely considered wild that I know of.  

Current ferret owner. Have owned carious small furry critters *dwarf rabbit, lop rabbit, gerbil, mice, and, the oddest, a mole) and cats.

Ferrets are still considered wild in California, parts of New York and a few other places. Which is ridiculous, as they lack any kind of survival skills if dumped into the wild. They are fearless, which is a bad trait for an animal that weighs less than six pounds.

Mine has been known to doink up to Very Large Barking Dogs and try to make friends (not that I would have allowed it, if I knew...NOTE TO SELF: do not have any more irresponsible roommates who like to let the ferrets out while you are at work and then NOT WATCH THEM, damn it). He's lucky he hasn't become a Scooby Snack.
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