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166  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Who Put This There? on: 2007 April 25, 18:46:43
Not to be a brat or anything, but I don't find that shit even remotely funny. Ridiculing girls on the internet and calling them fat cows is good fun? That's probably one reason so many girls have eating disorders, or even have such awful body image that they think suicide would be a better alternative. If one of MY ugly ass pictures was posted on that site with a quote like "insert bacon  plz", I'd probably seriously want to kill myself too.

I'd like to see the assholes that run that site post pictures of themselves so we can all call them a bunch of greasy, ugly retards too.

*edit* I agree with Garnet. Lyric isn't fat, a cow, or completely ugly either. As far as I can see from her pics, she's probably somewhere around average. We're not all Kate my-hipbones-can-carve-an-easter-ham Moss, you know.
167  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / 2 for u thieving off of Enayla on: 2007 April 25, 18:37:42
Maybe I'm treading on dangerous ground here, but I'm starting to feel just a little bit sorry for Andy. I mean, yes he/she/it took a texture they shouldn't have and used it for a file that ended up in a donation pack. Bad on them! However, there is no evidence that this has occurred before, or that he/she/it had malicious intent. It was most likely an "I need something nice to put up for a donation pack, and this sim looks good" kind of thing.

For the record, I am NOT defending Andy on the use of Enayla's skin. I'm just saying that making unfounded accusations about other thefts without evidence isn't right either. If anything, instead of making Andy want to apologize and get this mess cleared up, it's probably making him/her/it feel like a victim. People make mistakes, lets not all go Jack Thompson on their asses. I know it's a natural reaction to want to protect someone we admire (especially Kathy, who is like a tiger protecting her cubs. Seriously, don't fuck with Kathy's people Smiley ), but lets not let it escalate out of hand either.

Imma go sit down and pet my non-killer anti-attack kitties now. They actually run away from cat fights and cry for me to protect them Smiley
168  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / 2 for u thieving off of Enayla on: 2007 April 24, 18:41:47
I just got here, I've been sick and busy for the past week or so, so this is late but that's okay. Really, I'm posting to applaud Enayla for being such a class act about all of this. She is really a very thoughtful person, and she has handled this situation with grace. I really seriously doubt that she's ever directly lifted anything from another creator, though it is possible that people get inspired by other people's work or have similar ideas. As far as I remember, Ren is also a traditional artist that works from a tablet and hand draws all of her stuff, so maybe that's where the confusion comes from. I dunno. Anyway, not completely on topic, but recently Enayla contacted me to ask my permission to recolour lipsticks that had been made using her textures. Totally not necessary, as they are HER work in the first place, but that's the kind of person she is. Stealing, lifting and "borrowing" don't seem to be anywhere on her agenda.

I really do hope that Chriko had no idea about any of this and it's all a misunderstanding. 2 for U doesn't have the kind of track record that gets them automatic condemnation in my book, so I'm hoping all of this works out amicably.
169  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TS2 Enhancer 1.4 on: 2007 April 10, 06:01:21
I'm going to try to post something actually on topic, feel free to ignore me and childishly snipe at eachother if you wish.

TS2 Enhancer is a program sort of like SIMpe in that it lets you get into your neigborhood files and edit your sims outside of the game. You can change just about all of the traits, do skintone edits, and most of that kind of stuff. I have played with this program before and this is what I thought of it. The upside is that the interface is very friendly for the novice user, and the GUI pretty much explains everything as you go. The bad side is that the damn thing chokes to death on my downloads folder.

SIMpe on the other hand is a much more versatile program that does much more than TS2 Enhancer ever could. It seems pretty scary for new users though, and isn't exactly that user friendly. If you RTFM (or at least a tutorial for what you're trying to accomplish), it isn't actually that hard. It does take awhile to get loaded, but once it starts it never hangs. And it's free.

So yeah, in a limited capacity for a novice user with little CC, TS2 Enhancer may be worth it. For anyone else, SIMpe will get the job done with less of a headache.

As for a crack, I haven't seen a new one. The old one worked fine with pets though, and I was under the impression it worked with Seasons. If not, then you may be screwed for now.
170  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Universal Sims... on: 2007 April 09, 21:01:15
Knowing that the community already is aware of his conviction, Delphy would have to be pretty fucking stupid to use a sims site to solicit teens for pics, especially one he hosts. Look how fast everyone here jumped to the conclusion that Delphy must have done it. I for one would like to see more evidence.
171  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Universal Sims... on: 2007 April 09, 20:52:52
I was not condoning or voicing approval of any behaviour involving pornography and minors, but given the facts of the case and the fact that the courts ruled that he was not a danger to children, I don't see what this has to do with the sims community. As far as I can tell, he has never harmed or intended to harm any children or teenagers, and even though his conviction IS a matter of public record I don't think it is any of our business. There is no evidence whatsoever that he has used MTS2 as a means to solicit or otherwise engage minors in sexual activity.

I'm not exactly heading up the Delphy fanclub, I think the guy seems pretty shady from time to time myself. I just don't think it's right that this business gets brought up every time a little doubt is cast on him for unrelated reasons.  Courts ruled that he is not a danger, he took his punishment, and he is by all appearances keeping his nose clean. Given the context of the images, it is fair to say that it may have even been a very costly mistake on his part.

I was just pointing out before that being attracted to developed teenagers does not make one a pedophile, and there is no evidence that Delphy is attracted to pre-pubescent children.
172  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Universal Sims... on: 2007 April 09, 16:37:21
Hentai Azumanga Daioh doujinshi makes Chiyo-chan cry.

Highschool girls and barely-legal teens are a big moneymaker in the porn industry, from what I understand. Being sexually attracted to teenage girls is hardly an abnormality, as sad as that seems. I don't condone people who seek sexual contact with underage people, but having a few pics of girls who appear to be teens on his computer isn't the end of the world.
173  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / New paysite threatening to open on: 2007 March 31, 22:27:22
Sounding like a porn site is definitely way cooler. Like say, Digital Perversion. That's porntastic!
174  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / The one thing that pisses me off about the simming community on: 2007 March 31, 21:33:40
Cascais, so you think that just because you skin a few mediocre outfits you are entitled to refer to others as "lackluster nobodies" and act like you deserve some sort of special treatment? Get over yourself, please. Learn to take such things gracefully, or shut up. I for one AM a creator, and I find it deplorable that you think it's excusable behaviour to treat anyone this way, regardless of the fact that they posted a rant about your policies. Perhaps this rant was unfairly directed specifically at you, but it is a frustration that has been voiced by many downloaders about people who post free recolours and neglect to mention that the mesh is pay. And yeah, it is your fault that you use pay meshes. You decided to use the mesh, you take the flak. It's what the rest of us do.

Shishmish, at least the maker of the outfit took the time to PM you back and let you know where else to get the mesh. It IS a decent policy to point back to the original creator of the mesh, or at least credit them, even if it is pay. I personally would have added a link to a site that had the mesh up for free just so I wouldn't have to deal with people whining at me that they couldn't get it. Rant if you must, but calling him a moron wasn't called for, especially since he did send you a reply trying to help.

Swashbucklingchicken, way to be a total dick.
175  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Time to replace the fridges Seasons borkinated! on: 2007 March 30, 19:32:11

I'm anti paysite, full stop. Any site that has files that must be bought is a paysite. My definition is pretty cut and dry, so in that sense Holy Simoly is a paysite.

However, on another level, I don't find them to be in the same category as the greedy pricks that fob off inferior crap in the name of greed. I would still like to see them go completely free, but they aren't at the top of my "must be destroyed posthaste!" list either. When I said I don't think of them as a "real paysite", it is because I suspect that at least part of the money gained is actually going for site related expenditures, and not just to line the owners pockets.

In my opinion, the thing hindering the anti-paysite movement is our brigade of anti-paysite rabid sheep that attack at the slightest provocation and a certain number of people who respond with self-righteous scorn toward anyone who dares think the word "donation".  I advocate inviting civilized debate over the subject, which has actually worked, or at least allowed them to gracefully concede to a few of my points, when I've emailed several paysite owners including HChangeri (who isn't as horrible as people here make her out to be).
176  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Time to replace the fridges Seasons borkinated! on: 2007 March 30, 05:46:37
Thats because Holy Simoly is awesome and genuinely seems to want to help people, not just collect money. In fact, I don't even think of them as a real paysite because even though they have a couple of donation sets, their free stuff is of excellent quality and far exceeds the donation sets in quantity.
177  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Glance Model Agency is back! :D on: 2007 March 21, 23:24:53
Oh, I don't mind skintones that have a little facial definition to them, Navetsea has some nice face-in ones that make the faces look interestingly detailed, not strangely pasted on. My main beef with those type of skins is that when a celebrity's face is pasted on, it looks like someone skinned the celebrity and are wearing his/her face like a mask.

178  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Oh dear - We made Fandom Wank again. on: 2007 March 21, 19:36:17
Clearly they don't know that Pescado vs BlueSoup is nothing new. This kind of thing isn't abnormal in the MATY/PMBD universe.
179  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Noukiesims2 hosting account suspended on: 2007 March 20, 19:48:43
Basically, your site receives a lot of traffic and their server can't handle it. It isn't your fault, Nouk. They need to have better hardware in place if they want to be a reliable webhosting company. You paid for a year's worth of service from them and if they can't provide that service then I would ask for a refund for the remaining months and then find a host with a system that can handle the number of hits your site takes.

The reason your site was loading so slowly was most likely due, again, to their server limitations. Moving to a busy server wouldn't be a problem if the server had enough RAM, a decent CPU, and enough bandwidth to handle the load. I'd ask them what the specifications are on the high load server, how many sites it currently handles, and what the page loading time averages from that server.
180  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Glance Model Agency is back! :D on: 2007 March 20, 03:15:13
I must be the only person on the planet who is not at all impressed with this style sim. I hate the skintone/facemask with a real person's face pasted on, and I absolutely hate the whole concept of having those freaky ass models in my game.

Yet so many sites insist on using those sims to model their clothes. It is enough to make me not want to download their clothes. That, and that stupid "sexy walk" people use for pictures. Ugh.
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