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Topic: Retail Sims (Read 141511 times)
Fat Head
Posts: 737
Retail Sims
2006 November 03, 02:37:12 »
Below is a copy/paste of a post on a Sims forum (sorry, no idea which one, this was sent to me by PM) from someone called HChangeri:
Ok, I'm sorry all, but I have to vent. I got an email today telling me that my donation sets are now available for free on a site hosted in Kuala Lumpur. Not only that but these bastards are hosting HUNDREDS OF FILES from paysites and donations sites from all over the world. I cannot tell you how many explicatives come to mind right now.
To make matters worse, they have this cocky little page about how they hate paysites and they are doing *nothing* illegal. To bad the little bastards stole a set I had to remove due to copyright issues. You better believe I fired off an email to the very nice attorneys (seriously, nice people) at Krispy Kreme Inc. letting them know the set was stolen and being distributed. I hope to hell they get shut down. I tried to convince my husband, who is a software engineer who specializes in internet security for the US gov (ie hacking), to bring them down. Unfortunately 'black hat' (illegal) hacking could put his job in jeapordy even if the site is off-shore. So if anyone knows some good black hat hackers looking to have some fun, I'd love it if they could change the content of those files to some really nasty viruses. That way anyone who has the nerve to download stolen content gets a little instant karma for it. Ideally it would be nice to have the site hacked in its entirety but lets face it, the bastards will just pop up elsewhere.
Anyways, after seeing all the files (organized by site name) I had half a mind to make my site 100% pay. I don't care what anyone's opionions of pay sites / donations sets are, it doesn't condone theft. I now only have *one* donation set that I created as a *gift* for those who were generous enough to donate. I felt bad when people donated and I had nothing to give them that was special. If people actually download from that site I think it would only be appropriate for creators to stage at least one day of "pay for everything". Granted I don't think that anyone would / should pay but it's the idea of all the sites banding together to show support for those who've been robbed. I contacted EA / Maxis in regards to the site as much of the content comes from sites listed in the official fan site section. I think EA / Maxis should, at the very least, make the attempt to stand up for their fansites.
Err....what a way to start Halloween.
Posts: 19
Retail Sims
Reply #1 on:
2006 November 03, 02:53:47 »
Fool, though I do understand the problem with the Krispy Kreme thing... Wasn't it sims connection that had the Starbucks set and they had to take it down due to copyright?
Maxis isn't going to do jack shit to help the paysites though, no legal leg to stand on.
Posts: 11
retail sims
Reply #2 on:
2006 November 03, 03:54:33 »
err is she aware that technically all sims2 creations are technically the property of EA/Maxis as the Game itself is a copyrighted Creation belonging soley and legally to EA/Maxis
Posts: 12
Retail Sims
Reply #3 on:
2006 November 03, 04:05:15 »
I tried to convince my husband, who is a software engineer who specializes in internet security for the US gov (ie hacking), to bring them down. Unfortunately 'black hat' (illegal) hacking could put his job in jeapordy even if the site is off-shore.
You notice how every one knows a "hacker" when they get screwed by someone internet wise.
Lolz. These people are good for a laugh, they really dont know what they're talking about.
Posts: 53
Retail Sims
Reply #4 on:
2006 November 03, 04:06:04 »
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Posts: 118
Retail Sims
Reply #5 on:
2006 November 03, 04:30:26 »
I cannot tell you how many explicatives come to mind right now.
Who rhymed what now where?
Oh, and as for the threats...
size=9]Yes, Americans are the cause of all the world's problems. We talk wrong, spell wrong, pollute the earth.. Feel free to spit at us if you happen to spot us in your part of the earth. --missangelica[/size]
Posts: 471
Retail Sims
Reply #6 on:
2006 November 03, 04:34:46 »
If people actually download from that site I think it would only be appropriate for creators to stage at least one day of "pay for everything". Granted I don't think that anyone would / should pay but it's the idea of all the sites banding together to show support for those who've been robbed.
I didn't think anyone would be able to top that "download spree to kill Pescado's bandwidth" plan in terms of stupidity. How the hell does this make ANY SENSE?
Posts: 11
Retail Sims
Reply #7 on:
2006 November 03, 04:52:46 »
Quote from: "Aquamarine"
If people actually download from that site I think it would only be appropriate for creators to stage at least one day of "pay for everything". Granted I don't think that anyone would / should pay but it's the idea of all the sites banding together to show support for those who've been robbed.
I didn't think anyone would be able to top that "download spree to kill Pescado's bandwidth" plan in terms of stupidity. How the hell does this make ANY SENSE?
It doesn't make sense and if she was so "hip" on the law she would know its a federal crime to transmit viruses "knowingly" over the internet.secondly some one paid for these files she is claiming are stolen. this is a file sharing site not a den of thieves :roll:
Posts: 118
Retail Sims
Reply #8 on:
2006 November 03, 05:07:37 »
I didn't think anyone would be able to top that "download spree to kill Pescado's bandwidth" plan in terms of stupidity. How the hell does this make ANY SENSE?
What is this 'sense' thing you speak of?
But I am curious as to whether or not that Krispy Kreme thing is something to be concerned about. I could see the lawyers waddling down to throw some threats this way, and is there really any defense?
size=9]Yes, Americans are the cause of all the world's problems. We talk wrong, spell wrong, pollute the earth.. Feel free to spit at us if you happen to spot us in your part of the earth. --missangelica[/size]
Posts: 338
Retail Sims
Reply #9 on:
2006 November 03, 05:58:16 »
Just thought I would post a little something from Retail Sims that was posted awhile back:
Personal update: I lost my job on June 15 which only added to some rather serious health issues (mental, not physical). I've had a lot of really bad events come at me all at once and considering the substantial mental (& physical) scars of a brutal childhood I discovered I had a limit to how much stress I could actually handle. I am in therapy and a small host of marvelously ineffective drugs, at least until my health insurance runs out. Doing this stuff keeps me from jumping off my 21st floor balcony or obsessing endlessly over every mistake I've every made in life, the death of every animal I've had (I had to put one of my cats down on the 14th of June, the day after my birthday), and every other bad event in my life. Oh yeah, I got engaged on June 21, 2006. Talk about a whirlwind. Anyways, the site should have quite a few updates for at least the next 3-4 weeks or until it becomes absolutely necessary for me to get another job (which causes a panic attack just thinking about it). At least I can pretend to be sane while I do this. *sigh* The bad news, for all of you, is that I may charge for some of the upcoming sets. I hate to do that but if it keeps me from having to leave the house for a job for a while I may have to resort to it. Of course that depends on my ability to figure out how to set that up. As you can tell I don't know a damn thing about web development so I wouldn't get too worried about having to pay for anything yet.
Make of it what you will. To me, it smacks a little of LyricLee's whole "feed my kids!" argument. :roll: Bad shit happens to people time and time again, but we're all just a little tired of hearing about why we have to give them our money.
Posts: 237
Retail Sims
Reply #10 on:
2006 November 03, 06:02:28 »
Wow. That's all I've got to say.
Posts: 319
Retail Sims
Reply #11 on:
2006 November 03, 06:21:13 »
Quote from: "Silvercoin"
I didn't think anyone would be able to top that "download spree to kill Pescado's bandwidth" plan in terms of stupidity. How the hell does this make ANY SENSE?
What is this 'sense' thing you speak of?
But I am curious as to whether or not that Krispy Kreme thing is something to be concerned about. I could see the lawyers waddling down to throw some threats this way, and is there really any defense?
*imagines lawyers waddling about*
Thank you for that lovely imagery.
quoth my brother-in-law:
"Boobs are
better than video games. I don't care what game or whose boobs."
Pirate King
Posts: 2095
Retail Sims
Reply #12 on:
2006 November 03, 08:11:11 »
I don't really know anything about this "Krispy Kreme" thing. If such a thing even exists somewhere, someone will have to point it out. Is that even a valid registered trademark in Malaysia?
Give a man a fire, and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Posts: 48
Retail Sims
Reply #13 on:
2006 November 03, 08:28:39 »
Well, I don't know if you know. but Krispy Kreme is a huge doughnut chain. She had a very good set. Now it's gone. I fail to see how they (lawyers) can stop you, cause of the country factor. Maybe someone has it and can post pics.
She sounds like a person that needs to take responsiblity for her own life. Hell, I'm poor as shit and can make stuff for the game, but you don't see me opening a website just to make money from this game, and using my mental illness as an excuse. I don't wan't to leave my house either, but if that's what it takes...I DO IT! :shock:
quot;Ever notice that 'What the hell' is always the right decision?" -Marilyn Monroe
I don't laugh in death's face. I tend to make belittling comments and snigger behind death's back.
Pirate King
Posts: 2095
Retail Sims
Reply #14 on:
2006 November 03, 08:59:46 »
Quote from: "LubYouPeeps"
You notice how every one knows a "hacker" when they get screwed by someone internet wise.
Yeah, seems like everyone but me knows some evil hacker to do their bidding for them? Why can't I find anyone like that? Having to do it yourself is such a pain in the neck.
Give a man a fire, and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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