I was only kidding about the kiss my ass, it was kind of like saying, "get outta here, you've GOT to be joking!" My husband plays all Final Fantasy and loves it, but his most favourite are from Konami. Yeah, you guessed it, he loves the Metal Gear series. He's also an old school console gamer, from Nintendo to Atarii to Sega, he loves and plays them all. Sonic, Zelda, Clocktower, you name it, I think he's owned it at one time... help??
lol!! OMG Clock tower is awesome. I recently replayed it with my bro and a bunch of his friends and we were screaming like idiots at the scissor man. That game is epic.
I love sonic as well. Most of my favourite games are really old ones too. I like a select few new titles, but that's all.
And I totally know you were joking, that's why I started videogame ranting. I do it all the time with my friends for fun... and one of my good friends special powers is his "advanced criticism"... or so he claims.. and he pretty much attacks everything with it, regardless of who likes it. I sometimes forget people who don't talk to me often may not realize I'm fooling around when I rant. ^^