2) The creators who have been stolen can direct offenders to this site; this will prevent them from explaining again and again the same thing each time a creation is stolen. They will also find ready-made texts in English and in French to put in their e-mails, and can of course ask for our help if they need a mail translated.
And this is going to help? I think most offenders know very well what they're doing.
When you put a website you like on your links page, you are sharing one of your finds with your visitors. This is of course authorized, and even encouraged! Numerous lists and databases exist on the net. But if you put up creations for people to download from your site, that's as many visitors the creator's website will not have. Now, most creators, and especially the famous ones, have to pay for their bandwidth… In order to keep their downloads free or cheap, they need advertisers. By stealing their visitors, even though you might not realise it, you cause them to slowly lose their advertisers... and the website is forced to close down.
Are all sites charging ONLY for bandwidth? Should sites who run for profit even exist in the first place? And if not, why should we care?