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Author Topic: Would Anyone Care to Chime In?  (Read 42664 times)

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« Reply #45 on: 2006 November 27, 20:47:04 »

Quote from: "neriana"

Jesus.... every one is coming down on me like a f***ing ton of bricks lately.
I don't see any bricks. I do see a lot of defensiveness. People don't mince words around here. It's not a place for the thin-skinned. When people around here get angry, we pretty much say what we think. Just like you just did. Refreshing, but you need to be able to take it as well as dish it out.
Alright... that was a generalised comment. I wasn't just meaning people here. I was talking about in RL too. So sorry. I will clarify in future.

Quote from: "Quinctia"
ETA: I'm aware that you weren't the one who brought up ESL stuff,'s kinda annoying. I'm understanding of nonnative speakers, when it comes to their own messages, or if they misunderstand me, but if they don't know a word, they need to look it up.
Second, no you're right - I didn't bring up the thing about ESL. But to be fair - the person who Denimjo originally cross-quoted here (i.e. took the piss out of for not understanding the big words) was not complaining because English wasn't their first language either. They were just basically saying that at 13, they didn't know what things like culpable, altruistic, semantics, etc meant. As, I believe, I didn't at that age.

Third - Hi Sushi!

hat the...?!?

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« Reply #46 on: 2006 November 27, 21:01:01 »

Should I be glad I never saw what Emma posted that she was angry about? I've honestly never had a problem with her (aka simsfunk), and I think she's one of the better moderators I've actually encountered, so if I've done or said something to bother you, Emma/simsfunk, I really am sorry about that. Sad

And a big welcome to rubbersushi! I offer you greetings and a nice cup of eggnog and gingerbread cookies aplenty (in the shape of Peggy Hairs).  Cheesy

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« Reply #47 on: 2006 November 27, 21:03:41 »

Quote from: "rubbersushi"
Hello, boolpropian Rubbersushi7 here, waving hello to all you... I dunno what they call this site's members. Anyway, I had a feeling Denim, :wink: sneaky little fox that she is, imported some friends to boolprop just for the sake of argument. I see Emma was/is here. Hi Emma! *waves* Cheesy

Onto my point(?) thingy. I realise this site's forum is very different from Boolprop. You may or may not of smelled the over-powering odor of candy, rainbows, and sparkley goodness. Boolprop is a very friendly atmosphere, and I would sincerely appreciate it if you can keep the debate that way. Yes, I'm saying to cut off your balls and decorate it with glitter and marshmellows so that our three-year-old members can understand and take part in the debate. For it is an enriching experience, and an important topic.

No, the mods wont ban you if you're mean, although it pisses all of us off. I just came here to get down on my knees and ask you to be more kind, respectful, act less abhorrent to our members, and obey the rules of our forum, (although I don't believe you've broken any), so that it doesn't bring our squeaky clean community down. Something about rainbows, teddy-bears, and Santa.

Thanks! Wuv, (disgusting cutesy kissing noises)
Concerned Member of Boolprop

Are we really that scary? "Big" words have been perceived as an "attack", apparently, and I sincerely hope no one is about to apologize for treating other people like they know how to read.

I registered at boolprop a long time ago, because I liked all the story threads. But I wasn't about to venture into the general area because I lack time, and because it didn't look like my kind of thing. Too many rainbow Santas (would that mean he had a Mr. Clause at home? Anyhow.) I greatly appreciate that they're actually letting people discuss this topic, and so I threw my opinion in, because I would hate for anyone to think it was an opinion of a small minority.

Since you are asking something of "us", something which "we" were already fulfilling as "we" broke zero rules and I didn't see anyone who came from HERE being mean over THERE, maybe slightly snipish in reaction to other peoples' (over)reactions, but not mean, I have a request as an individual who has absolutely no authority:

Stop coming here and lecturing us or very soon someone will be tempted to stick a candy cane where the sun don't shine.

Thank you and have a splendiferous day.


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« Reply #48 on: 2006 November 27, 21:18:21 »

Denim: :wink: You should know how I feel about Christmas in November. But thanks all the same. >w> *googly eyes*

neriana: Pfft, as if I have any authority anywhere. And it's not the big words really, although they are large and fearful. It's more... I dunno, there seems to be a certain air of... What's the word? Shocked It's times like these I wish my mother didn't do drugs when she was pregnant with me. UmmUmmUmm! You know, that thing that you give off. Makes people angry at you. Anyway, I'm not the only one feeling it so it's not just me.

Denim, do you know the word I'm talking about? My point is kind of ruined if I can't remember what I was going to say. Do you think if I squint really hard it'll come to me? :x

Stop coming here and lecturing us or very soon someone will be tempted to stick a candy cane where the sun don't shine.

Thank you and have a splendiferous day.

:wink: Oh... Kinky.

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« Reply #49 on: 2006 November 27, 21:18:26 »

Mean?  I wouldn't go that far, unless the people over there equate people disagreeing with them as people hating them, and being mean to them.  Just because I say, I think you're wrong, and here's why, doesn't mean I don't like you, or am being mean to you.  I'm simply disagreeing with you.  And yes, Denimjo posted the link to the thread from here, and people here went and read it.  And then, as we are wont to do, we defended our position.  I will admit, by posting a link here, she was certainly going to garner some support.  I mean, people who hang out here tend to be in favor of the issue at hand, it goes with the territory.  So maybe it was a bit unfair, in that regard, but we simply defend our position, and attempt to persuade others to see the issue from this angle.  There is nothing wrong with that.  I don't think anyone can really be accused of being "mean" in the thread.  If people are offended by our position, well, then there's little to be done about that.  They're just going to have to toughen up, and realize that not everyone shares the same moral and ethical views.

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« Reply #50 on: 2006 November 27, 21:26:34 »

:lol: Am I a dog in heat? :wink: So many members jumping on me today.

I would like to point out that I never said anything Denim did was wrong. Nor, have I stated what side I take on this arguement. I just came here to ensure that the Boolprop forum isn't... What was I going to say? No! It'll come to me... Tainted with... something that taints. Shocked For we are the land of sugar-coated gum drops, lollipops and rainbows.

Honestly... I don't believe we've ever had debate, or anything like it this serious. I think the SimShrink forum is the only other place remotely serious, so this is quite the whatchucallet. Culture shock. :lol:

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« Reply #51 on: 2006 November 27, 21:27:57 »

Quote from: "neriana"
Stop coming here and lecturing us or very soon someone will be tempted to stick a candy cane where the sun don't shine.

So.... just to clarify... you're allowed to come to OUR forum and say your piece, but we're not allowed to come here and do the same?! (And now you're moaning about us "lecturing" you??? What were you just saying to me about "don't dish it out if you can't handle it"!?)

hat the...?!?

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« Reply #52 on: 2006 November 27, 21:35:52 »

:lol: Whoa... Emma. o__o Down, hun. You're scaring me. xD I've never seen you ticked. Don't let Miss Thang get to you, they're just the whatchucallet. Thing.

*pat pat* I too find what they say, contradictivenesslikethingyeah. It's very funny, laugh with me. o__o Laugh with me!

._. So very scared now.

edit: I just noticed someone named Crow and Bitsy has joined. Now if they are the same Crow and Bitsy from boolprop, I have no clue. xD I would just like to say, I came here of my own accord, and didn't even have the faintest clue that Emma was here until I started reading this thread. :lol: So this is in no way, a take over or attack on your forum. I repeat, this is not a hostile take over bent on destroying you and your loved ones.

I think I've created more alarm than needed by stating that. On a note to all my boolpropian friends, whachu doin' hur? O.o

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« Reply #53 on: 2006 November 27, 22:03:46 »

Quote from: "simsfunk"
Quote from: "neriana"
Stop coming here and lecturing us or very soon someone will be tempted to stick a candy cane where the sun don't shine.

So.... just to clarify... you're allowed to come to OUR forum and say your piece, but we're not allowed to come here and do the same?! (And now you're moaning about us "lecturing" you??? What were you just saying to me about "don't dish it out if you can't handle it"!?)

Of course you are. But I didn't go to your forum and tell you how to run it, or tell your members how to behave. I just stated what I thought about the issue in the thread there and went on my merry way. I wasn't even responding directly to what anyone else had posted in the thread; if you'll notice, it was a straight cut n' paste from a post I made here a while ago. I'm lazy that way, repeating myself bores me. And of course you're "allowed" to do whatever you damn well please. Just as I'm allowed to be annoyed by it. But I haven't been annoyed by you. You're straightforwardly angry, and I can respect that.

As for rubbersushi: you are irritating. See how easy that is? Now, you can say what you like to me, straight out, you don't need all that passive-aggressive crap. Or maybe you do, I wouldn't know.


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« Reply #54 on: 2006 November 27, 22:13:44 »

Quote from: "neriana"
Too many rainbow Santas (would that mean he had a Mr. Clause at home? Anyhow.)

Could be. BoolProp tends to be very pro about that sort of thing.

As far as I can see you guys are just adults talking like adults would to other adults, but you're talking to kids who are used to being addressed as kids. Its intimidating. It's also not your fault that they feel intimidated and I wouldn't worry about it. I think with the variety of posts that were made there were enough dumbed down that even a sixth grader should get it. If they don't like it, they can avoid the thread. No ones forcing them to read it. So, you're not being mean, you're being adults. To a kid that can mean much the same thing.

Right now I am just glad the discussion is going on, that information is being made public and that people can go there, read it, and draw their own conclusions without being brow beat into thinking one way or another by an admin or mod. Some public community that was not originally involved needed to take the step to not censor this issue and get it out there for the Sims 2 community to decide on with all the facts at their disposal. I'm proud of the fact that BoolProp had the balls to step up to the plate.

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« Reply #55 on: 2006 November 27, 22:16:59 »

I don't know why you're being so agressive.

Boolprop means a lot to me, and I just hope that it'll be the same boolprop after this. That is my one concern, and the only reason I've come here. To ensure that Boolprop stays the way it is. Denim, and Emma probably understand my concern a lot more.

I'm proud of the fact that BoolProp had the balls to step up to the plate.

Glittering and smelling of candy and rainbows as they are. Sorry, I can't help myself. Nice post, and Hi Bitsy.

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« Reply #56 on: 2006 November 27, 22:31:27 »

Quote from: "rubbersushi"
I don't know why you're being so agressive.
Boolprop means a lot to me, and I just hope that it'll be the same boolprop after this. That is my one concern, and the only reason I've come here. To ensure that Boolprop stays the way it is.

I don't think anyone is being particularly aggressive. They're just disagreeing, there is a big difference.

I don't see how you hope to ensure Boolprop stays the way it is by posting here. What do you think you can achieve by this?

And, seriously, Boolprop means a lot to you and you don't want it to change? It's a Sims 2 community, if it changes and you don't like it, stop going, find somewhere else to go or stop spending time on Sims sites. I enjoy spending time here and at MATY, but I honestly wouldn't care that much if I couldn't any more. It's a community based around a game.

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« Reply #57 on: 2006 November 27, 22:40:26 »

I have quite a bit to say, so here's my two cents:

I am most surely for PMBD, although I haven't expressed this opinion on Boolprop, nor in other places, as many of my friends feel quite strongly the other way.

I believe that this debate is appropriate for Boolprop, and that there's nothing wrong with members from here signing up there. After all, if they're being talked about on Boolprop, then they have a right to see it, just like Boolprop members have every right to come here, and read this.

When I read the thread at Boolprop, I felt that some people were being quite agressive, but I understand that's merely a style of debating. What I think some people don't realize, however, is that this style of debating can be seen as a personal attack, rather than someone just trying to prove a point, or convince someone of something.

The thing with first names is quite simple - at Boolprop most people prefer to be called by their names, and I know I consider it somewhat rude when people I know know my name call me by my username. It seems somewhat impersonal to me, although I'm used to be addressed in person where people know my name, so it's mostly a matter of conditioning.

I would be one of those teenagers you talk about being taken advantage of, but I believe that I'm not. No one is pulling wool over my eyes - nor over any of the other member's. Boolprop gets millions of hits a month, so it's natural they would have to pay more, for better hosts. They crashed the servers of sort of host you're talking about, hence the 'Boolprop Blackout' as site members semi-affectionately call it.

Oh, and for those of you who are interested, my username on Boolprop is JustMe, but I couldn't use it here, as someone already had it.

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« Reply #58 on: 2006 November 27, 22:46:01 »

Now, you can say what you like to me, straight out, you don't need all that passive-aggressive crap.

Sorry, but isn't neriana calling me out? That's not a disagreement, that's an open invitation for some kind of confrontation.

I think of myself as a big sister to a lot of our members. And as I big sister, childish and annoying as I am, I feel a certain responsibility. If some friends of mine come to me and say, "Hey, so and so, blah blah blah". I feel a need to step up and ask whoever, whatever they're doing, to cool down. Which I did. But if certain objectors, feel the need to knit pick and get all defensive, don't you think I'm gonna try to defend myself or restate what I was trying to say?

Anyway, what was I going to say. Oh, Boolprop. Don't mess with Boolprop. :x You don't understand the passion! Or something along those lines. Now I'm going to get all gushy, and go on about how Boolprop really is a community in every sence of the word. And place where people are kind and so on and so forth. I don't think I need to explain any further, and I'm not sure how to end whatever I just said.

I repeat: I have never stated my opinion on the debate. Nor have I said that any of you are wrong, or have broken any rules. I just came over, to ask if you'd play nice. No need to jump on me and get all defensive.

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« Reply #59 on: 2006 November 27, 22:51:42 »

Quote from: "rubbersushi"

I repeat: I have never stated my opinion on the debate. Nor have I said that any of you are wrong, or have broken any rules. I just came over, to ask if you'd play nice. No need to jump on me and get all defensive.

They are playing nice, really.

None of them have made personal attacks, or even said anything remotely malicious, on Boolprop. They've merely debated to the best of their ability, and expressed their opinions in a mature manner.
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