'M tawtally wee' ya peeple!
Paysites must be destroyed!
Main Entry: destroy
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: demolish
Synonyms: abort, annihilate, annul, axe*, blot out, break down, butcher*, consume, cream*, crush, damage, deface, desolate, despoil, dismantle, dispatch, end, eradicate, erase, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, gut*, impair, kill, lay waste, level, liquidate, maim, mar, maraud, mutilate, nuke*, nullify, overturn, quash, quell, ravage, ravish, raze, ruin, sabotage, shatter, slay, smash, snuff out*, spoliate, stamp out, suppress, tear down, torpedo*, total, trash*, waste, wipe out, wreck, zap*
Yarrr!! :wink: *goes back to her bottle of rum*