as i decided to browse your board for some time, i could add my own server stats here. Maybe this is interesting for some of you.
I currently run Pimp my Sims.com with the follow stats:
10,000+ users per day on average, more than 15,000 per day at the weekend
About 40GB traffic per day, more than a terabyte per month
About 200.000 Pageviews per day
Based on Typo3 as Content Management System (quite powerfull, but hungry for CPU, RAM etc.)
This is run on a server with AMD Opteron 175 (Dual-Core), 4.096 MB DDR-RAM and 2 x 250 GB harddrive (Hardware RAID1).
More simple servers simply could not handle the traffic and database queries produced by our visitors and i did upgrade every 3 month since the start of my site.
This server does cost me about 160$ per month.
I considered using some cheaper providers but did not due to the following reasons
- lack of stability (i would like to make sure, my provider is still alive next year)
- Performance: i want users to browse my site as fast and easy as possible
- Features: Hosting packets mostly include very much restrictions on configuration etc
- Bandwidth: The most important point. At least in germany, every single "you get as much bandwidth as you would like to" provider somewhere in his terms of use includes a little "reasonable usage" sentence. This means, if you reach one terabyte, you can bet your house they will kick you.
And yes, i could still run my site at lower costs, if i would distribute downloads to yahoo-groups, free webspace etc. But in fact, i would not be able to check hundreds of files splitted on dozends of webspaces, providers etc. This could simply not be handled at a reasonable effort.
I don't cry about the money i spend, but I do not think that those "5 bucks for heaven on earth" examples posted above fit to every site or the country a website owner lives at. Those costs vary from site to site, so a general "if you pay more than XY, you pay to much" isn't realistic in my opinion.