The Sims 2 base game cost me $29.99 USD.
The Sims 2 - University cost me $29.99 USD.
The Sims 2- Nightlife cost me $29.99 USD.
The Sims 2 - Open for business cost me.. guess how much..
$29.99 USD.
*adjusts glasses* Now lets do some math and add some state tax to that.. the total is approximately: $127.35
Now.. I plan to also purchase seasons, so add another, you guessed it $29.99 plus tax
Where are we? We are at $164.55 total spent on this social-life extinguisher of a game.
Tell me something... Why the fuck would I pay a monthly subscription cost on TOP of that??? Lets say I was in a freak car accident and bashed my pretty skull on the steering wheel and became a virtual dumbass (even moreso than I already am) like say.. people who subscribe to Peggy for example... :idea: and decided to pay for a $10.00 a month subscription to get stuff for the game..
10 multiplied by 12 months in the year is..
well shit I dont know.. I'm a public policy major.. but I digress...
My point is, thats too much fuckin money dude...
Heres my story:
Awhile back on Insim, I asked about that cute hair I kept seeing with the little twisties on the side that go into a side ponytail.. i said "gee, that hair is awesome, boy would I love to have it" then I found out I had to pay for the shit ... when I received an anonymous link to the site that shall not be named with a simple message that said "dont say shit"...
I am forever indebted to the folks who created this masterpeice of a site.. so i stopped downloading long enough to introduce myself.. *hint*
I create shit too shit..
Why did I download all those cute photoshopped peggy hairs only to get them in game and see the holes in the neck?? Im constantly downloading files from this site saying "gee, people are paying real money for this shit?.. this poorly crafted crock of shit??" And it makes me mad.. serial killer mad... because like.. its cute.. but its shit.... cute... feces..
But um..
I do have a real question aside from all my shitvo (shit+conversation=shitvo):
What is the difference between a paysite and a site that offers freeshit with the option to donate with little dollar signs by your name if you do? How do we really know the folks arent using the donation to buy condoms and babywipes and liquor?
A recent thread on S2C alluded to the idea that Mr. Delphy himself was travelling and using donations for personal expenses... if this were true.. does he get a pass since MTS2 is a godsend? Or what about Eric and Kathy from Insim??? The other godsend of the sims? Not that theres two gods but.. you get it.. Not that any of them are doing any such thing, but the possibility exists.. we attack rather fervently (and I LOVE IT) other site owners for what they could be doing with the loot.. so, lets put the stilletto on the other foot...
Anywho... hiya!
Oh.. and I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!