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Author Topic: FA Mutiny (well, sort of)  (Read 19581 times)

Posts: 90

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Re: FA Mutiny (well, sort of)
« Reply #15 on: 2010 April 20, 00:20:35 »

Even if MTS2 does have a ".package only" upload policy that might turn people off from using it if they are used to Workshop, I bet the real reason is TSR offers rewards uploaders with something, even if they are just kudos (and as a FA she gets more that just kudos).

I've never understood the argument that sims3packs are easier than packages. I mean, you just drop them in. That's pretty easy. If anything, using the damn launcher is a pain simply because EA insists on breaking it with every other patch.

Ummm guys before this goes on too long, I think the foreigners being discussed are, yanno, us. Just sayin'.

Except that still doesn't make sense to me in the context of her statement. Why would TSR be more accessible to English speakers than MTS?

I sing along with elevator music.

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Re: FA Mutiny (well, sort of)
« Reply #16 on: 2010 April 20, 14:33:51 »

Except that still doesn't make sense to me in the context of her statement. Why would TSR be more accessible to English speakers than MTS?

It simply isn't. I guess people just want to give their claims of TSR's superiority some substance. Hell, I started simming when I was a 12 - three years of English at school and I could browse MTS just fine.
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