At the risk of getting myself unpopular - again - can we please have a serious discussion about what goes into this thread - and the 'Smutty' one - and what doesn't. I honestly think they are both being turned into showcases for paysite content and that is NOT the intention of them or of this site in general.
The two top outfits that PirateKitty posted above are in my eyes not ugly at all. In fact I think the second one is rather pretty. If it wasn't pay and if I actually had Sims 3 I would be inclined to go and download it. I'm sure others would too, so good one for promoting paysite stuff, PirateKitty.

Custom content isn't ugly, because you personally don't like the style of it. I don't particularly like modern stuff and find quite a lot of it ugly, but I don't go around posting any of it in this thread. Custom content is ugly and should be exposed in this thread if it is poorly made, has obvious glitches or is just completely ridiculous. For those who don't understand the concept go and check out the Meat Slab Dress and all the Buntah stuff posted earlier in this thread.
The idea is that pretty much everybody (there are always a few idiots outthere) will look at it and think 'Holy crap, they're asking money for THAT! I wouldn't even put that in my game if it was free." So please stop posting pictures of stuff just because you personally find it ugly. It will only make people who DO like it think we're idiots here and then go and download it.
Likewise with the 'Smutty' thread. An outfit isn't smutty, just because you can see most of the Sim's skin, because it's underwear or a bikini. Smutty means that it also has sexual connotations, is suggestive, or that the Sim's private parts are exposed. Personally I don't have much of a problem with the odd nipple, but others do, so that should probably fall into the category too. The ordinary underwear outfits that were recently posted in the thread should not. Again go back and check some of the early entries, and remember that the 'Smutty' thread also revealed some very unsavoury types among the profiles at TSR.
Edited for typos