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Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
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Topic: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN! (Read 110403 times)
Posts: 583
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #60 on:
2010 January 25, 14:36:07 »
Quote from: Quorneater on 2010 January 25, 14:36:01
Since when did posting on here form some sort of contract to be a pirate and think like the pirates do? I guess that makes Johan a hypocrite since he posts here and one assumes he cosies up to himself as well as Thomas. Or is it ok as long as his post count remains under 800? Lol have you even *read* any of my 800 posts? Have I ever sounded like an anti-paysite militant?
No you sound like a fence hopper. BTW Love your signature Inge
Oh noes i must be stopped
Just what must i be stopped from doing?
*Empress Paden's Fanboy*
*ShanOw, now 100% more stoppable then me!*
*O Coconut, Coconut, wherefore art thou Coconut?*
Posts: 841
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #61 on:
2010 January 25, 14:41:25 »
Quote from: Witchboy on 2010 January 25, 14:36:07
No you sound like a fence hopper. BTW Love your signature Inge
Oh noes i must be stopped
Just what must i be stopped from doing?
You started the trend
Our lil friend must be stopped.
Posts: 210
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #62 on:
2010 January 25, 14:42:27 »
Lol have you even *read* any of my 800 posts? Have I ever sounded like an anti-paysite militant?
I've read quite a bit of it actually, thanks for asking
I sat down once with a cuppa and read the whole thread, where once again your pontification and "class system" on free sites managed to get you a new anus miraculously created.
If you aren't here because you don't like paysites, then why are you? Is it because you like manipulating the community? Is it because you love stirring shit and creating drama? Or (and my personal favorite) is it because you believe your opinion of other is so damn important that it must be heard in all four corners of the internet?
Step back for a moment and think about your accusations. You believe that Scotty, Sugah, Sunhair, WitchBoy and Myself all hacked our own accounts and sites for the attention? Or do you believe that WB somehow got access to my password (when I had never even spoken to him) and hacked my site; that as far as I know he had never heard of.
Your accusations make no logical sense and methinks you should go slander the good names of people who give a crap.
**End Rant
Last Edit: 2010 January 25, 15:01:38 by ShanOw
Sims Central
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The one who no longer needs stopping!
Posts: 583
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #63 on:
2010 January 25, 14:43:06 »
Quote from: Quorneater on 2010 January 25, 14:41:25
You started the trend
Quote from: ShanOw on 2010 January 25, 14:42:27
If you aren't here because you don't like paysites, then why are you? Is it because you like manipulating the community? Is it because you love stirring shit and creating drama? Or (and my personal favorite) is it because you believe your opinion of other is so damn important that it must be heard in all four corners of the internet?
Step back for a moment and think about your accusations. You believe that Scotty, Sugah, Sunhair, WitchBoy and Myself all hacked our own accounts and sites for the attention? Or do you believe that WB somehow got access to my password (when I had never even spoken to him) and hacked my site; that as far as I know he had never heard of.
Your accusations make no logical sense and methinks you should go slander the good names of people who give a crap.
**End Rant
*Gives ShanOw a Standing Ovation*
*Empress Paden's Fanboy*
*ShanOw, now 100% more stoppable then me!*
*O Coconut, Coconut, wherefore art thou Coconut?*
Posts: 841
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #64 on:
2010 January 25, 14:47:27 »
Quote from: ShanOw on 2010 January 25, 14:42:27
Is it because you like manipulating the community?
Do you feel as if I am manipulating the community? My head will get too big for my lovely new teacosy if you tell me I have that much influence lol. I think some sort of prank has been going on, yes, that's what I think. I could be wrong, but why should I lie about what I think? Now *that* would be hypocricy.
Our lil friend must be stopped.
Posts: 583
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #65 on:
2010 January 25, 14:50:54 »
Wait? Wasn't i off to bed? Ok this time i am really off to sleep. I think?
*Empress Paden's Fanboy*
*ShanOw, now 100% more stoppable then me!*
*O Coconut, Coconut, wherefore art thou Coconut?*
Posts: 256
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #66 on:
2010 January 25, 14:52:31 »
Quote from: ShanOw on 2010 January 25, 14:42:27
If you aren't here because you don't like paysites, then why are you?
She's here to take our sights off TSR. Zongzzz, diversion tactics! Sample convo, Inge & Johan.....
<Inge> Watch this, Johan. I'm gonna make them fight with me so that you boys can hack someone else!!
<Johan> Inge, you are so witty.
<Inge> I know! I'll be back, Johan.. don't change that channel.
[Meanwhile, Inge posts on PMBD, MATY, and anywhere else where she thinks that her dung can fester the following, "Oh noezz, a lightbulb just went off in my head! I know who the hacker is! My crystal ball just told me it's that Boy that's the Witch!!11 You know, the one guy who always posts about people getting hacked. He's teh haxx0rzz!! I don't have ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER, but I just know it's gotta be him because I know EVERYTHING!"]
<Inge> *links Johan
<Johan> Inge, will you join TSR and ride off with me into the sunset?
<Inge> I'm not finished riding the fence yet, Johan. But trust me, you'll be the first to know.... Unless I plan on telling the pirates first. I've not decided yet.
Children suck on lollipops
The IRS likes to suck your money
Paysites just... suck.
Posts: 1584
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #67 on:
2010 January 25, 14:53:33 »
Quote from: Witchboy on 2010 January 25, 14:36:07
Just what must i be stopped from doing?
Adding lines to your sig, I would suggest. -
Quote from: ShanOw
A Mighty Handsome Rant
ShanOw, all I can think to say is hubba hubba. Talk dirty to Inge some more!
Posts: 210
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #68 on:
2010 January 25, 14:55:48 »
Quote from: Quorneater on 2010 January 25, 14:47:27
Do you feel as if I am manipulating the community?
Yes, that could be why I said it
Unlike a certain person in this thread, I don't say something when I actually mean something else. To clarify, what I mean is you are always trying to move the community in the direction you want. And yes, unfortunately you are that influential - hence why I'm trying to shoot down your blatant lies right here before someone with half a brain less that you takes them to heart.
Also, I love the way you ignored the rest of my post. Now quit babbling and trying to confuse the situation and answer how you can honestly believe five unconnected people somehow orchestrated a giant synchronized attack (on themselves) over a six month long period.
Sims Central
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The one who no longer needs stopping!
Posts: 29
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #69 on:
2010 January 25, 14:57:21 »
Quote from: Quorneater on 2010 January 25, 14:47:27
Quote from: ShanOw on 2010 January 25, 14:42:27
Is it because you like manipulating the community?
Do you feel as if I am manipulating the community? My head will get too big for my lovely new teacosy if you tell me I have that much influence lol. I think some sort of prank has been going on, yes, that's what I think. I could be wrong, but why should I lie about what I think? Now *that* would be hypocricy.
But what you think really doesnt matter, does it?
Inge: Shut your Piehole.
Posts: 583
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #70 on:
2010 January 25, 14:59:03 »
*Empress Paden's Fanboy*
*ShanOw, now 100% more stoppable then me!*
*O Coconut, Coconut, wherefore art thou Coconut?*
Posts: 841
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #71 on:
2010 January 25, 14:59:59 »
Quote from: Scotty on 2010 January 25, 14:57:21
But what you think really doesnt matter, does it?
No. No, it doesn't!
Our lil friend must be stopped.
Posts: 719
Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #72 on:
2010 January 25, 15:16:34 »
Well, evidently, we can very safely say that it is not Witchboy or Shanow, or very likely any other pirate. And Quoneater isn't a fence hopper, she is a fence sitter. There is a subtle difference between the two, you understand. Not that I see anything wrong with that.
Right now it seems that there is suddenly a great deal of finger pointing going on. One could almost call it a witch hunt. Our little haXXo2 friend must be laughing his/her ugly little head off right now.
My Sims 3 blog -->
(no sparklies, I promise!)
Posts: 1308
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #73 on:
2010 January 25, 18:22:43 »
So we're looking for a reason why some gay boys would attack themselves, and not in the good way. In other words, we need a mo mo.
I'm in ur forums propagating ur discussions
Like free shit? Me too. Get it here!
Posts: 841
Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
Reply #74 on:
2010 January 25, 18:58:34 »
If you want to blame something on someone else, you need to treat yourself the way they would treat you, or it's not gonna look convincing. I mean if I wanted people to believe my site had been hacked I would post stuff like "Inge is a gray fat manipulative hypocrite"
Our lil friend must be stopped.
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