Hi mistymage! I see you are hosting Gnohmon's old Sims 1 stuff. He once made an end table that randomly changed a Sims hight and body shape. He named it after me. "The Lemmiwinker".
Useless info, I know, but I lost my copy of it. Sentimental value only. :lol:
I remember seeing you two discuss that via the usenet ng plus it's in the .txt for the 'winker
.. so every time I see your nic I think "Lemmiwinks -->Gnohmon-->the Lemmwinker" .. but South Park also pops into my head! I love that episode.. the music, the imagery .. and the hamster most of all.
If you didn't find the Lemmiwinker .. here 'tis on this page:
Lemmiwinker page