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Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
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Topic: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3 (Read 109814 times)
Posts: 1110
Bonbons... Sally Bonbons
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #75 on:
2009 September 30, 23:30:16 »
Quote from: lewisb on 2009 September 30, 22:50:38
Yay, now the Cara Big Breast creator can take those awful boobies down. No more CBB needed, boo.
But then where will the lol's come from?
"Why don't you take your sisters barbie and shove it sideways up your rectum. Then send Ken to rescue her."- Soggyfox
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Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #76 on:
2009 October 01, 00:22:10 »
They will come from the idiots who think it is a fun idea to slide the boob sliders all the way up and then upload the Sims for submission. Besides the creator of CBB will probably keep her up and tweak her bodymesh so it is bigger than the highest setting on Delphy's Boob Slider.
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Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #77 on:
2009 October 01, 00:30:38 »
Well, that will just be
Posts: 124
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #78 on:
2009 October 01, 00:45:07 »
Yeah, as wonderful as having breast sliders are, it will be a matter of time before the big breasted sims come out, just like the phallic and breasted monsters from Spore. At least EA is doing a good job of banninating those monsters from the ingame share system.
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rum nate
Posts: 1014
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #79 on:
2009 October 01, 02:26:13 »
Quote from: neriana on 2009 September 30, 23:00:38
Why am I not surprised that breasts are the first to get sliders
. But it's still a good sign -- can you slide men's chests as well? How small can you make the breasts? Hopefully soon we'll see hip and waist sliders at the least.
The sliders do show up for men, but they do not work. Delphy is going to look at taking them out for men.
As for size, I'm not sure if it is because I had awesomemod set to allow 3xs the normal limits or its just how Delphy made them, but I can give my sims giant torpedo watermelon breasts and all the way down to what looks like the breasts are just a shrivel of skin that is twisted up. With depth I can make them torpedo like, or you have have giant holes in the sims chest. Distance you can have the breasts meshed into one giant one, or spread out like wings. And with vertical you can have really really droopy or way to high up the chest.
Quote from: Paden
I would not trust them with a fox, I would not trust them with a fox, I would not trust them here or there, I would not trust them anywhere. I do not like that mental scar, I would not trust that TSR...
Posts: 1110
Bonbons... Sally Bonbons
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #80 on:
2009 October 01, 06:10:21 »
Quote from: dstar on 2009 October 01, 00:22:10
They will come from the idiots who think it is a fun idea to slide the boob sliders all the way up and then upload the Sims for submission. Besides the creator of CBB will probably keep her up and tweak her bodymesh so it is bigger than the highest setting on Delphy's Boob Slider.
*Whew* Emergency diverted then.
I truly do want the breast sliders. BUT I am absolutely petrified that I am going to see townies spawn with breast the size of Trogdor himself. I think I read that he made it so that townies don't spawn with them, but I am still very cautious. Not to mention I don't want a spawn of my puddings to pop out fully developed with ZZZ sized breast at 14 either. I will probably hold off until it's fully working and released to see if theres a way to limit the sizes.
"Why don't you take your sisters barbie and shove it sideways up your rectum. Then send Ken to rescue her."- Soggyfox
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rum nate
Posts: 1014
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #81 on:
2009 October 01, 16:24:43 »
Missbonbon, if you do wait for it, it will be worth the wait.
aikea_guinea updated at dreamwidth. First the button down shirt that came with the game, without the swirly thing on it; not a default replacement. And a tester item, fangs.
Quote from: Paden
I would not trust them with a fox, I would not trust them with a fox, I would not trust them here or there, I would not trust them anywhere. I do not like that mental scar, I would not trust that TSR...
Posts: 1134
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #82 on:
2009 October 01, 20:25:17 »
Quote from: Missbonbon on 2009 October 01, 06:10:21
I will probably hold off until it's fully working and released to see if theres a way to limit the sizes.
Yes, I would love if townies could be limited to a range from A to about EEish. I'd be fine with my own sliders being limited to that as well.
I hope shoulder sliders come out soon too.
Illusions of Grandeur
Posts: 1110
Bonbons... Sally Bonbons
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #83 on:
2009 October 02, 02:44:40 »
Quote from: neriana on 2009 October 01, 20:25:17
Yes, I would love if townies could be limited to a range from A to about EEish. I'd be fine with my own sliders being limited to that as well.
I hope shoulder sliders come out soon too.
Agreed. I would maybe only go as far as D-DD, mainly because I could see it now... a sim spawned at the farthest left on the skinny scale that the game allows, and then some, with EE breasts. I know some people actually do look like that, but it just seems like it would be... painful I guess the word would be. My ideal sliders though are for height, waist, hips, leg thickness, and maybe even arm length. I have been dying ever since sims 1 to have sims of differing heights without cheats and weird wonkiness.
In other news... ever seen
lemoncandy's awesome plants!?!?
I <3 me some lemoncandy. And don't forget
Aikea's new default replacement eyes.
Even comes packaged with new replacement teeth! Only downside is that the teeth won't work if your current default skintones have the teeth replaced anyways.
"Why don't you take your sisters barbie and shove it sideways up your rectum. Then send Ken to rescue her."- Soggyfox
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Dr House
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Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #84 on:
2009 October 02, 18:49:13 »
WHAAAAT?!!! Breast sliders?! Gee, OMG! *runs in circles* Delphy IS a god! I too would like random breast townies... Finally realistic breasts in all sizes!
That news coupled with Risen's release makes this day totally awesome
I'm a female, so what?! Duh! Anyway why are you reading this? Go away! Shoo! Oh and
here are my pills.
Posts: 606
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #85 on:
2009 October 02, 18:59:09 »
Risen's what now? Where? Link for the befuddled, please? Was it a few pages back and I didn't see?
Dr House
Posts: 1554
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Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #86 on:
2009 October 02, 19:02:41 »
It's an RPG game made by the Gothiks' creators
Sorry for the false hope, CatOfWar.
I'm a female, so what?! Duh! Anyway why are you reading this? Go away! Shoo! Oh and
here are my pills.
Posts: 409
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #87 on:
2009 October 02, 23:34:22 »
Don't forget "Ice and Blood" expansion for Sacred2 came out today!
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rum nate
Posts: 1014
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #88 on:
2009 October 03, 19:31:24 »
More clutter, from the Sims 2 we have the Flashlight, Binoculars, Headphones, Hairdryer, Potholder, and the PlasticCup. Also a deco version of the Sims 3 lollipop.
Quote from: Paden
I would not trust them with a fox, I would not trust them with a fox, I would not trust them here or there, I would not trust them anywhere. I do not like that mental scar, I would not trust that TSR...
Posts: 1
Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3
Reply #89 on:
2009 October 03, 21:20:37 »
Pucci/Balmain dresses
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