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TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
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Topic: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! (Read 1027603 times)
Posts: 297
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2325 on:
2009 December 07, 11:32:57 »
Thank you Paden for the link. I am writing my complaint letter now. I've been working on it for the last 4 hours.
I am #20 on the list. Funny thing, when I signed the petition (I know, stupid), I made a mental note that I was the 20th person to sign it. I have a feeling that Atwa's list is nearly identical to the petition's list. Probably omitted specific names for whatever batshit-crazy reason, so there's only 614 names instead of 629.
I'm not worried about my email address and real name being revealed. Anyone with half a brain can figure it out. Since I am an artist, I have my real name and contact info on several sites. I want people to be able to contact me so they can give
their money. I don't care about spam either, I just delete whatever gets through my spam filter, which isn't much.
But I am still pissed off about this. A lot of people like to keep a low profile. Their private info, no matter how inocuous it may seem, should never be shared without their knowledge or consent. It is absolutely unacceptable.
Thomass admitted they have this list. We know this list is the result of BlueSoup's petition being hacked. Therefore, he has in his possession information which was obtained illegally. In this country (US) that is a crime tantamount to possession of stolen goods or even insider trading. Both are punishable by serving serious jail time.
I am fuming over this.
For my complaint letter, I need to know 1) what is the name of the company that owns TSR? and 2) what is the correct spelling of Thamass's full name?
eta: In their statement they say they're talking to lawyers? Yeah, they're talking to lawyers. To find out how to
get sued over this.
Last Edit: 2009 December 07, 11:43:34 by paperbeth
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2326 on:
2009 December 07, 13:34:23 »
According to TSR's wizard FAQ:
"IBIBI AB is the company responsible for running TSR. Certificates can only be issued to registered company, that's why we can´t have "TSR" there even though we could like to."
I think Thomas's last name is spelled Isaacson. It wasn't on his TSR profile.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2327 on:
2009 December 07, 13:39:34 »
It's actually Ibibi HB, and Isacsson.
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Just out of curiosity, when did Thomas say the we have the list?
We have nothing to do with it still people refer to it as the TSR list which i find a bit odd.
Please let me know if you need any other details for the complaint.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2328 on:
2009 December 07, 15:58:07 »
Quote from: johan on 2009 December 07, 13:39:34
Just out of curiosity, when did Thomas say the we have the list?
Nice try. If you don't know anything, then maybe you should speak to Thomas.
I don't think any of us here are interested in helping your crew build an alibi.
If you want to know more, read back a few pages.
You're on your own, Kitty Kat, as far as I'm concerned anyway.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2329 on:
2009 December 07, 16:34:33 »
Quote from: johan on 2009 December 07, 13:39:34
It's actually Ibibi HB, and Isacsson.
Thanks for the correction. You should probably update the FAQ and the wizard as well.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2330 on:
2009 December 07, 17:11:46 »
Quote from: Paleoanth on 2009 December 07, 13:34:23
"IBIBI AB is the company responsible for running TSR. Certificates can only be issued to registered company, that's why we can´t have "TSR" there even though we could like to."
"Certificates"? WTF do we need a certificate for? A certificate of WHAT? Craptacularity?
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2331 on:
2009 December 07, 18:40:04 »
Johan, the list was distributed by Atwa - or CarpeDiem or whatever her TSR name is these days. She said she got it from Thomas.
Hence the name 'The TSR List'. Not odd at all.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2332 on:
2009 December 07, 19:00:10 »
Quote from: minionsRmine
I don't think any of us here are interested in helping your crew build an alibi.
...You're on your own, Kitty Kat, as far as I'm concerned anyway.
That really is the best approach, minions. This one always seems to show up when Thomas' ass is on the line.
Posts: 875
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2333 on:
2009 December 07, 19:32:03 »
Gotta love it when TSR lackes come to us for help when they realise they've fucked up. How about just admitting your a bunch of scamming scum-bags who need to get a proper job rather than swindling money out of people's pockets for something they shouldn't have to pay for, considering the best site out there is 100% free.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2334 on:
2009 December 07, 19:46:26 »
Management level people at TSR are just like snails and the lowly plecostomus; bottom-feeding scum suckers. Rather like some lawyers but without the intelligence and higher education that it takes to get a degree in the application of law. Fitting that Tommy boy would send Johan over here to bat clean-up for him, isn't it? And that, dear viewer, is our installment for now, stay tuned for new ass burning information as it comes out on, "Pixels for Pay, the Saga Continues."
The tea is not fit to drink; it's been stewed and is old.
Posts: 13
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2335 on:
2009 December 07, 22:11:30 »
Don't you get tired of cleaning up after your brother? Seems to me whenever Thomass and Atwat get themselves into a pickle you're always there to clean up the mess. Doesn't that get a little old? How do we even know you're Johan you could just be Thomass trying to cover his ugly bare ass.
I know any moron with a computer can find my information it is the fact that you had no permission to broadcast my information everywhere. We've been told by Inge that your brother sees no problem in broadcasting people's private information if it benefits him. I'm sure when he found out about the petition he decided to get his sweet revenge.
As far as I am concerned Jackass, you, Thomass, and Atwat can go roast in the deepest darkest pit in hell. What your companions did was sleazy and unforgivable, you now have 619 individuals completely sick of your shit, you better goddamn well believe I'm filing a complaint as well as warning my friends and aquaintences about your illegal and sleazy behavior.
You've taken a group of people who have hardly said boo about you and turned them into vocal enemies. I honestly don't give a shit how innocent you act, in my eyes and a lot of other people's eyes you are guilty. If this action is what brings disgusting pigs like tsr down, so be it asshole, it's on! I will do whatever it is in my power to make sure tsr pays for this.
The shit has hit the fan and it's all over your face!
Sorry for the long diatribe.
I need a drink.
Posts: 58
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2336 on:
2009 December 07, 22:12:22 »
I got mildly irritated over the fact that we get the blame for all things bad that happens in the community and the fact that people here just accepts whatever lies Coconut/Pescado comes up with without question.
I realize (once again) there's not much i can do about it but at least i got to vent.
Before i posted i did ask around and we never had the list, that's why i asked why you thought Thomas had it. IF Atwa had it it didn't come from us.
Is it correct then that the only thing you have to go by is what Coconut said and perhaps that Pescado said we hacked some petition?
Have any of them provided some kind of evidence to back that up?
Or is it that we have a "history" of hacking sites in the past that makes it probable? If so, did anyone care to check if there's any evidence for "our past hacking activity"?
Someone said again? You bet.
I definitely don't want to scare anyone off from filing a complaint, please do! We have nothing to hide.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2337 on:
2009 December 07, 22:18:57 »
Lies? Oh really. They must be extremely good ones then, because they were able to provide solid and substantial evidence to prove their case. You got any proof to show that it has all been otherwise? If you do, please show it. I'm sure we are all just dying to see it.
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Posts: 13
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2338 on:
2009 December 07, 22:20:31 »
The collection of road apples seems to be leading back to the tsr batshit cave. There is proof that just keeps piling up and it all points to your brother.
Posts: 21
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2339 on:
2009 December 07, 22:42:07 »
You might not be in the loop, Johan. Your brother, though, knows full well what he has said in the past to several people, including Inge about sharing private information with other people at TSR.
You might go look that reference up. Inge has stated that Thomas has told her that it was fully justified when information was shared because he deemed it piracy of his creators. Since when does breaking the international laws on privacy become justified? When the profits fall?
Write Coconut a letter about this. She might have something to say about TSR. Hell, go look her blog up. She's got a lot of stuff you might be surprised about.
Oh, and go to hell. I was one of those on that list.
But getting the blame for all things that go wrong in the community? You have excellent company-EA is number one. Between them and TSR, the Sims community is constantly roiling from one disaster to another.
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