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TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
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Topic: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! (Read 1031795 times)
Posts: 4822
Great Cat of no mercy.
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2505 on:
2009 December 13, 07:21:15 »
I still don't trust any of it and in the back of my head, I hear Admiral Ackbar screaming, "It's a trap!" Call me paranoid, say I ought to be wearing a tin foil hat, but I'm not trusting this cinciliatory tone between some of the major players in the community one damn little bit. Pescado, I think I've hung around this place too long if I'm starting to see electronic bogey men around each and every corner. It almost sounds, I dunno, like we're being set up once again to take a hard fall and have this crap swept under the rug, unless the people affected take it to the cops or whatever authority that they can.
You're a bad influence!
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Pirate King
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2506 on:
2009 December 13, 07:32:04 »
Quote from: Paden on 2009 December 13, 07:21:15
I still don't trust any of it and in the back of my head, I hear Admiral Ackbar screaming, "It's a trap!" Call me paranoid, say I ought to be wearing a tin foil hat, but I'm not trusting this cinciliatory tone between some of the major players in the community one damn little bit. Pescado, I think I've hung around this place too long if I'm starting to see electronic bogey men around each and every corner.
Eh. Cynicism beats paranoia. Paranoia points at the conspiracies and kermitflails. Cynicism says the conspiracies are true, but eh, this shit happens all the time. From what I can tell, there is definitely a conspiracy afoot, but I don't really think it's even directed at us. What I see at this point is that there's a TSR internal power struggle going on, and players in it are entirely willing to use the paysite/antipaysite fight to further their own ends, regardless of whether TSR's reputation takes a beating from it. Ultimately, TSR is very much the pit of snakes we say it is, but the snakes are attacking each other as much as they attack us.
Quote from: Paden on 2009 December 13, 07:21:15
It almost sounds, I dunno, like we're being set up once again to take a hard fall and have this crap swept under the rug, unless the people affected take it to the cops or whatever authority that they can.
You're a bad influence!
You're joking, right? From a legal standpoint, ANY crap will be swept under the rug. Let's face it: The authorities are utterly useless when it comes to dealing with technology and standards of legal proof make it nearly impossible to get any kind of conviction for hacking unless large amounts of money are involved. If you hack a bank and steal millions of dollars, THEN you risk being actually caught. Mere vandalism or identity theft is pretty much impossible to pin. Complaining to the cops just gets you stuck in the circular file. And didn't anyone teach you never to talk to the police? Anything you say can and will be used against you. While the paranoid view treats the police as malicious, the cynical view is that the police are simply ineffectual and, like a malfunctioning weapon, as likely to blow up in your face as to hit whatever you were aiming for.
Give a man a fire, and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Posts: 4822
Great Cat of no mercy.
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2507 on:
2009 December 13, 07:46:51 »
Pescado, did you forget who you are talking to and my extreme dislike of police in general? On the other hand, they do serve a purpose, aside from shooting animals that are vicious and attack with little or no provocation. For one thing, they scare the shit out of the guys across from us when they're being too loud and waking me up at three in the morning after I've had a hard day dealing with things here at home, and I'm not the one calling them!
The tea is not fit to drink; it's been stewed and is old.
Pirate King
Posts: 2095
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2508 on:
2009 December 13, 08:50:34 »
Probably. You haven't been particularly pottymouthed lately, so you're not too distinguishable.
Give a man a fire, and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Posts: 1308
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2509 on:
2009 December 13, 13:20:50 »
Slightly off topic but still. Good catch at GOS. They really need to stop this, it's starting to get redikulous. Let's see if all the comments get baleeted yet again.
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Dina D
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2510 on:
2009 December 13, 13:31:48 »
Quote from: johan on 2009 December 12, 23:28:34
I'm currently reading up on the Swedish law regarding how personal data can be stored and handled to make sure that we are fully compliant with it.
We have also decided to get rid of unnecessary information in our member database such as home address.
WOW!!! That's mighty big of you since you've been open since what? 1999??
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Pirate King
Posts: 2095
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2511 on:
2009 December 13, 14:38:32 »
Quote from: kenmtl on 2009 December 13, 13:20:50
Slightly off topic but still. Good catch at GOS. They really need to stop this, it's starting to get redikulous. Let's see if all the comments get baleeted yet again.
In all fairness, TSR can't really "stop" this because it is the behavior of a random user. Additionally, it's somewhat of a gray area, anyway: Bruno apparently never bothered to update his stuff, apparently having gone AWOL months ago, and in any event, his MTS2 profile granted permission for reuse. On the other hand, the TSR creator denied having used these textures, which means either they are stolen secondhand (apparently this item is ripped off a lot), or that he is a lying weasel. Both are entirely plausible.
Give a man a fire, and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Posts: 20
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2512 on:
2009 December 13, 15:16:37 »
I can't find CarpeDiem aka Atwa at all on TSR, maybe they really and truly canned her this time or she changed her name again, most likely.
The Pirates wench
Pirate King
Posts: 2095
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2513 on:
2009 December 13, 15:30:01 »
I'm sure the Atwanator will be back soon enough. It's like her thing: "I'll be back."
Give a man a fire, and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
No No No
Posts: 32
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2514 on:
2009 December 13, 16:09:50 »
I wonder why some people seem to assume 'Johan' doesn't know exactly what's going on.
Who would rat out their own family members and/or close co-workers in front of total strangers on the internet anyway? Especially if you're deciding what to and what not to post together?
It's better to be 'not in the know'. There's a reason why Thomas isn't here, and 'Johan' is. He's the 'fresh, unspoiled' one who hasn't caused any visible drama. Through him you can pretend to care a little, and pretend to budge a little. He's a still-usable tool to manipulate public opinion.
Posts: 474
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2515 on:
2009 December 13, 16:36:51 »
Quote from: Pescado on 2009 December 13, 15:30:01
I'm sure the Atwanator will be back soon enough. It's like her thing: "I'll be back."
link for those having trouble viewing the image
Last Edit: 2009 December 14, 18:40:29 by karu
Pirate King
Posts: 2095
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2516 on:
2009 December 13, 16:43:30 »
Quote from: No No No on 2009 December 13, 16:09:50
I wonder why some people seem to assume 'Johan' doesn't know exactly what's going on.
Who would rat out their own family members and/or close co-workers in front of total strangers on the internet anyway? Especially if you're deciding what to and what not to post together?
So far he hasn't given off the vibe of being dishonest, only somewhat clueless. From what I can tell both here and in the modding chat on MTS2, he really believes what he says. Of course, all that means is that he is wrong.
Quote from: No No No on 2009 December 13, 16:09:50
It's better to be 'not in the know'. There's a reason why Thomas isn't here, and 'Johan' is. He's the 'fresh, unspoiled' one who hasn't caused any visible drama. Through him you can pretend to care a little, and pretend to budge a little. He's a still-usable tool to manipulate public opinion.
Doubt it. It's not going to make us like TSR. There's not much that can manage THAT. If he can get TSR to stop committing atrocities, that's fine. If not, well, it's still TSR. It's not like we expect them to really stop.
Give a man a fire, and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Posts: 1110
Bonbons... Sally Bonbons
Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2517 on:
2009 December 13, 16:57:48 »
To just copypasta my reply from GOS:
Quote from: Missbonbon on 2009 December 13, 05:54:55
Quote from: Redikolous on 2009 December 13, 04:45:14
Not sure if this should go into a new thread:
I'm not one to mind conversions at all, because it's a brand new game, but taking without crediting is foul.
looks suspiciously like
, no?
Actually Red, I think it looks suspiciously like
top here at GOS. Granted, that top also used Bruno's textures, but it was modified to be long, and without the decal. Just by looking at the way the wrinkles are/are not shaded in on the tops, the TSR top looks more like the one here.
Either way it's still disgusting. There was another item, by that same creator that was directly ripped from Bruno
Quote from: No No No on 2009 December 13, 16:09:50
I wonder why some people seem to assume 'Johan' doesn't know exactly what's going on.
Who would rat out their own family members and/or close co-workers in front of total strangers on the internet anyway? Especially if you're deciding what to and what not to post together?
It's better to be 'not in the know'. There's a reason why Thomas isn't here, and 'Johan' is. He's the 'fresh, unspoiled' one who hasn't caused any visible drama. Through him you can pretend to care a little, and pretend to budge a little. He's a still-usable tool to manipulate public opinion.
I personally don't see it as the attitude of "not in the know" but rather "not willing to admit." I've seen it happen dozens of times where someone knows the truth, or at least part of a bigger truth, and denies it. Why, maybe because it's family. Maybe because it's friends. Maybe because he doesn't think along the same malicious lines as others at TSR. Either way, I don't necessarily "praise" him for coming here. I won't kiss his ass for it, but it is definately nice to actually try to reason with someone from TSR, and not some troll.
I believe Inge said it before, and I am somewhat becoming more and more accustomed to the thought, that I believe TSR would be different had Johan been running it. Maybe still a paysite, but maybe not
as bad
of a paysite as it has become.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2518 on:
2009 December 13, 17:20:34 »
Why is Johan, a technician, here at all, playing the part of PR?
Two words: plausible deniability
Johan is the only one there with a high enough position for us to pay attention, but clueless enough (or naive enough) to honestly deny things.
Just like George Bush had plausible deniability when Cheney would commit atrocities, because Bush was Cheney's tool. Here, Johan is Thomas's tool. Thomas can't come here himself and deny these things because later it would come out that he lied. But Johan can honestly say he doesn't know and later it would still be true.
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Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Reply #2519 on:
2009 December 13, 17:36:48 »
Quote from: paperbeth on 2009 December 13, 17:20:34
Why is Johan, a technician, here at all, playing the part of PR?
Two words: plausible deniability
No, I will come to his defence here. As I have explained before, we often find ouselves sitting in Delphy's chat room at the same time. Johan expressed a view that some of the statements on this forum and MATY were unfair to TSR and I suggested he come to the forum and try to sort it out. Simple as! I don't think his appearance here has been masterminded by Thomas etc at all. And I am not convinced the TSR owners agree totally on every decision. Not that he's come straight out and said so, but I get that impression.
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