15,000 downloads..I wish! lol
I have over 45, ooo and that is with deleting about 2 thousand in the past week! And yes I am picky about what I do download.There is just so much good stuff out there! But every once in a while something nasty will be hiding...mostly sneeks in from lots I will download.
Holy shite! My computer would probably take an hour to load if I had that many! And that's with having organized the files and compressing them.
If you have trouble with sneaky cc when you download houses and lots, you could use the clean installer to import them into your game. You can see all the cc listed and check which ones you want to include in the lot. Or you could just click the lot slot and leave everything else blank (that's what I do).
I use the clean installer when to import simmies, too. That way if I like the sim, but it's wearing clothes, makeup, hair or accessories I don't like, I get to just keep the nice parts.