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Photoshop shopped!
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Topic: Photoshop shopped! (Read 174669 times)
Posts: 351
Mean, callous, Harpy.
Photoshop shopped!
2008 September 24, 19:31:43 »
As promised, here is our comparison thread - what the creators SAY it looks like, and what it actually looks like, in game.
Now, I have a decent graphics card that runs large lots smoothly, shows fish in ponds, reflections on water, that kind of thing, so what I am about to show you, isn't because I've got a crappy system.
This first one, isn't as bad as I seem to remember it. Either it's been updated, or my memory sucks, because it does now join at the corners. Meh. I know there are others that don't, and I will get to those in due time
So, here we go. Spot the difference
Note at the right hand side of the counter the end of the counter goes into the counter itself. Now, this isn't glaringly obvious if you put the stove there (as they have) but to combat this you would have to use the snapobjectstogrid cheat. The animations work on the dishwasher/trashcompactor, but the bag pokes out of the bottom.
Also worth noting is that I have a lighting mod in game. With the standard maxis lighting in use, this set looks even worse. The round vases, have square shadows.
The rug, unbelievably, is the same rug.
And here is a recolour.
Scrummy, eh?
So, whilst not TRULY fugly, it is nowhere near what they show you on the site.
Every time a woman masturbates, God creates a kitteh. Think of the Kittehs people!
Posts: 29
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #1 on:
2008 September 24, 19:39:08 »
Wow, I can't believe they don't feel guilty about selling that crap to innocent, paying customers.
False advertisement much?
This thread is a great idea for those who are thinking about purchasing CC.
I'd share, but I don't have any sets.
Thanks, though!
When it gets dark enough, you can see the stars.
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Bonbons... Sally Bonbons
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #2 on:
2008 September 24, 19:41:36 »
Eww. That looks tremendously horrid. You'd think that if they spent that much time photoshopping, editing, and hiding all the imperfections of their creations, that they could put that much time into making them look better.
Not to mention a HUGE pet peeve of mine is when I have to use placement cheats because a counter, a fridge, or something like that is sliced in half by a wall.
This tempts me to load my game up with some payfiles and post some pictures as well
"Why don't you take your sisters barbie and shove it sideways up your rectum. Then send Ken to rescue her."- Soggyfox
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Posts: 1134
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #3 on:
2008 September 24, 19:43:26 »
Reflexsims does that all the time. Their stuff used to overwrite Maxis objects a lot, too. I haven't downloaded anything from them for quite a while, so I don't know if they've improved in that area.
Illusions of Grandeur
Posts: 351
Mean, callous, Harpy.
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #4 on:
2008 September 24, 19:48:28 »
Quote from: Missbonbon on 2008 September 24, 19:41:36
Not to mention a HUGE pet peeve of mine is when I have to use placement cheats because a counter, a fridge, or something like that is sliced in half by a wall.
This tempts me to load my game up with some payfiles and post some pictures as well
The Deseo set, doesn't even come with a fridge! The pictures (wider ones) if you place them wrong, cut through a wall.
Reflex are VERY good at sucking people in. I spent a lot of money on their sets, because they look wonderful on the site. Get them in game though, and well, you see what you get.
Every time a woman masturbates, God creates a kitteh. Think of the Kittehs people!
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Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #5 on:
2008 September 24, 19:53:35 »
I love the idea of this thread. Who did that set? Was it Reflex Sims?
Get my Barn set at
Shakeshaft is a THIEF and Thomas is pathetic.
Posts: 1110
Bonbons... Sally Bonbons
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #6 on:
2008 September 24, 19:59:54 »
Quote from: tomato on 2008 September 24, 19:53:35
I love the idea of this thread. Who did that set? Was it Reflex Sims?
Can't you tell by the over use of the sharpen?
"Why don't you take your sisters barbie and shove it sideways up your rectum. Then send Ken to rescue her."- Soggyfox
My dreamwidth!
Posts: 351
Mean, callous, Harpy.
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #7 on:
2008 September 24, 20:44:32 »
Vitasims turn next
I downloaded one at random here. I am shocked by the results
Now, this look wonderful, doesn't it? I'd buy it, if I didn't know better.
In game
In game
Now, lets have a closer look. Notice the way the sims legs are swallowed by the table....which is to be expected, given the design of the table, but even the chair on the left goes into it.
In the preview picture, the detail on the cabinets looks ok. Get close up, and you can see it's just literally painted on. I have to say, even these pictures do not show how truly bad it is. It is much worse, in game than these photos could ever show.
Magic piano, anyone?
These were taken with shadows on. The objects, zey has no shadows. Consequently in game, they lack any real depth at all.
These objects, are probably very high poly. Suffice to say, my usually smooth running puter, really wasn't liking this set at all.
This one is quite subtly done, but I do think that yes, it's been tweaked to look better. The detail in game is nowhere near as sharp as it looks on site.
Every time a woman masturbates, God creates a kitteh. Think of the Kittehs people!
Posts: 16
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #8 on:
2008 September 24, 20:52:00 »
I don't know if it's just my personal preference or not but I think the in game shots are better than their preview pics.
Posts: 351
Mean, callous, Harpy.
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #9 on:
2008 September 24, 20:59:44 »
Download it, have a look in game, and then tell me that
Every time a woman masturbates, God creates a kitteh. Think of the Kittehs people!
Posts: 242
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #10 on:
2008 September 24, 21:02:12 »
Quote from: Millie on 2008 September 24, 19:31:43
As promised, here is our comparison thread - what the creators SAY it looks like, and what it actually looks like, in game
Scrummy, eh?
So, whilst not TRULY fugly, it is nowhere near what they show you on the site.
Ugh. The first post. That's reflexsims, right? When I first discovered this site, I was under the delusion that paystuff was superior. No basis for that belief, other than the assumption that money makes everything magically better.
So I go into a shitstorm of downloading, and can't wait to get all the stuff in game. Imagine how perplexed--
I was when I saw how shitty it was in game.
I had to delete almost everything. I was the MOST let down by the reflexsims stuff. OH, that stuff is beautiful---- ON THE REFLEX SITE ONLY.
Oh, and in game, the decor has weird white, pixelated borders on everything too.
(I'm still bitter, obviously).
The good news is that my game runs so much better after deleting all the peggy/murano/reflex/ and rosecrap.
Please post more of these!!! LOVE!
Posts: 16
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #11 on:
2008 September 24, 21:17:19 »
Quote from: Millie on 2008 September 24, 20:59:44
Download it, have a look in game, and then tell me that
Heh, Ill take your word for it. Im sure they're shit in game but your screenshots do them more justice than Vita's
photos do.
Posts: 4950
Belili, wife of Ningishzida - or Kali for short
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #12 on:
2008 September 24, 21:34:55 »
Actually, I don't think that Millie's pictures do make them look better - if you have a kick arse graphics card, there shouldn't be a blurriness to the texture. Maybe if you're not used to a kick arse graphics card, it may look better overall.
Not to mention there is the other detraction for Vita Sims - polycounts. See that insipid candelabra in the fourth picture down? Polycount for that one tile object (upper limit for creators is 1,200 without compromising game running ability for downloaders) is
The total polycount for that set is 60500 - so you need a kick arse graphics card to render it, yet it doesn't come with kick arse graphics.
To Hotel - never a problem - and I knew it would be a valid thing.
My love to you too - come find me one day.
Posts: 1059
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #13 on:
2008 September 24, 21:39:18 »
Holy Moly! That's ridiculous!
Shits and giggles? It looks like shit and we giggle.
- Paden
Posts: 351
Mean, callous, Harpy.
Re: Photoshop shopped!
Reply #14 on:
2008 September 24, 21:46:09 »
Wowza. That IS a lot. I had no idea it would be that high. No wonder my game didn't like it.
I am hunting down my next victim
Every time a woman masturbates, God creates a kitteh. Think of the Kittehs people!
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