Posts: 1253
a lot of it rests on the results of the court case, to be honest and how long the court case takes to run it's course. Keep in mind that the issue with Sony and the music CD copy protection started sometime in mid 2005 and wasn't settled until 2007 (april from memory) and it wouldn't surprise me if EA tries to dig their heels in further on this issue.. so even if they lose one case, they could appeal and put Securom on Sims 3 in the interim..
Posts: 2263
Of course, because it makes more sense to spend that money dragging it out, instead of making money by being big boys [and girls] and admitting it is a failure at preventing piracy and is losing them more money. See, if they did and just settled, its cheaper.
Posts: 1253
*chuckle* you know that, and I know that.. but obviously EA and Riccitello haven't been hit with ENOUGH of a clue-by-four yet..
Posts: 20
ZOMG WTF is webspeak?!?
*chuckle* you know that, and I know that.. but obviously EA and Riccitello haven't been hit with ENOUGH of a clue-by-four yet..
Congratulations on cementing your position as 'Liz's hero of the day'. 
Posts: 1253
 Ah thank you Liz..
Posts: 2263
Well, of course not - because we're just 'The Masses' and obviously don't know that the Corporations only have OUR best interests in mind. And all of a sudden, I've got Institutionalized running through my head. Still, they are so used to being able to get away with practically murder that they'll keep stabbing themselves in the back while continuing with worn out policies.
Silver Arrows
Posts: 123
Disillusioned miscreants FTW!
and it wouldn't surprise me if EA tries to dig their heels in further on this issue Even so, I don't think they can claim that 'any publicity is good publicity' as far as this court case is concerned. Hopefully the damage that securom is capable of will be made more well known as a result and perhaps more people will join a boycott. Here's hoping anyway
Posts: 880
Well, of course not - because we're just 'The Masses' and obviously don't know that the Corporations only have OUR best interests in mind. And all of a sudden, I've got Institutionalized running through my head. Still, they are so used to being able to get away with practically murder that they'll keep stabbing themselves in the back while continuing with worn out policies.
Why does that remind me of $cientology? Have you been reading LRon's propaganda?
Don't forget to use the "Thanks" button!
Posts: 2263
Hell no - I don't even willing touch his books by the covers. However, this is very much the vibe that most corporations have always given off. They stop seeing us as people, and only see us as a number, as just a consumer. I imagine if the people running these actually started to see us as fellow human beings, they would either kill themselves from the shame, or actually put out something of -quality-.
Posts: 34
I actually found out about this through SimSecret, so your plan worked! I don't participate in the whole community much anymore but I like to laugh at SimSecret, like many people, but I will be keeping my eye on this one. I'm so happy someone has finally gotten to EA and has started to sue. I read through a majority of the 30+ pages not understanding most of it but from what I did I found it very impressive and the way it's worded gives a very strong account of what is happening with SecuROM and it gives the lady and all of us a very good leg to stand on. If everyone can get enough evidence together for Spore, Sims 2 and all of the other EA games involved then the scales will balance on our side in no time. I personally have no personal experience in dealing with SecuROM as I didn't buy any expansions or any other EA PC games after Seasons but I warned everyone at work against buying Spore as there was a lot of us interested in it (I work in GAME, so of course there would be) and they were all pretty suprised at what the games contained. The one thing I hate about in GAME is with the amount of post-Seasons and Spore I sell and the amount of computers that must be infected by selling them is just disgusting. Good luck with finding your evidence guys. 
Posts: 1253
Hey Vicci
Y'know that makes me happy? The big thing that anyone who's been working on the Securom issue wants is for people to know what's going on.. that way if you're going into the game shop and you can make choices that with information.. the people who buy something knowing it's got the limited installs on it, I have less concern for than people who get stung.
And I think the protests have had some effect.. all the forecasts before this said they expected EA to sell two million copies of this game this month.. instead of which, they've sold a million.
Posts: 4822
Great Cat of no mercy.
Wonder how many of them got returned to the vendors because of the problems it has/causes?
The tea is not fit to drink; it's been stewed and is old.
Posts: 483
I know I saw many Amazonians (where many is 10-20) declare that they would refuse acceptance of their pre-ordered copies of Spore when delivered. I saw others who had it in hand, unwrapped, declare they would return it. Whether they did or not, who can say.
Bring me a bag of Bigfoot droppings or SHUT UP! -- Prof. Hubert Farnsworth
Posts: 34
Wonder how many of them got returned to the vendors because of the problems it has/causes?
So far I've heard of no copies of Sims or Spore come back to our shop for any issues. Hopefully once this case gets bigger there will me more coming back because people don't like the SecuROM and such. It'll be interesting to see the more publicised this case gets to the amount of copies of Sims/Spore gets returned.
Astonished lemons

Posts: 315
You know what would be completely AWESOME? If the judge or members of the jury were active in the sims community. Like, they know all the dirt going on with Eaxis, TSR, paysites, etc.