Crumbs, I had a dream last night that calalily became FA at TSR... wtf
Shh.... I haven't made the announcement yet.

*Sporfles* I think everyone here would flip out. Including you, Cala. But imagine what you could do if you were on the inside!
I'd also love to see the news announcement TSR would make too. "After tracking Calalily for several hours, some of our
FA's bloodhounds finally cornered her in the swamp. (BTW, thanks Bridgit and Suzy, Extra biscuits for both of you!) She was stuborn at first, so we had to take her to our
dungeon Sooper Sekret Headquarters to
torture persuade her.
First, Steve worked her over with a whip. She laughed.
Then Padre333 cried for six hours, telling her how much her refusing hurts him as a man, and how he just can't create anymore. Calalily spit in his face. Padre ran off, sobbing like a little girl. (Err, by the way? If anyone sees Padre333 tell him it's okay to come home now, that the scary, mean, woman is under control)
Bridget came in and peed on Calalily's shoes. We thought that was going to do the trick, because Calalily got violently ill, but she held out.
All the mods came in and beat her with the spiked bullwhip. Again, she laughed and this time sang several amusing pirate songs and was able to produce large amounts of rum, seemingly out of thin air. Since we have all the originality of a clone, we were taking the rum from her and drinking it ourselves. For a moment, we almost forgot who we are, donned pirate hats, and started talking about how we had to destroy TSR. Then, Thomas realized he only had a few hundred dollars in his pocket and quickly sobered up.
So, we finally pulled our biggest weapon. Atwa came in, sat down, and started talking to Calalily about the wonders of TSR, how great she is, how wonderful Thomas is, and how happy she'll be there. After twenty minutes of this,
and a lobotomy, she finally saw the truth, that TSR is the place for her. As soon as she's out of the hospital and on heavy medication, she'll be creating wonderful things for us, TSR, when she's not whining in the forums about how she needs moar monies. So, head on over to her guestbook and give her a hardy welcome!