You know, When I first saw that free helaene mesh recolored to hell and back and offered for sale on Openhouse Jackasses site, I was peeved a little... but I kept it to myself. Did a little investigation around here and found out about his not-so-private personal escapades on myspace, his general fuckification and overall selfish assholishness. I laughed, shrugged it off and went about my merry way.
Now.. his latest blog on TSR mentions some bullshit about recoloring pay meshes and how it doesn't really make sense since he's only an SA there.. Mesh Recolor
Posted On Jan 12, 2008 | 2 Comments
I noticed that If I re_texture or re_color TSR meshes by FA that are paid, less people download my stuff. Understandably so since all my creations are free, so why download something with a pay mesh.
That's why I uses free meshes from other sites.More practical being an SA
Anyway, his latest update today on his site made me almost spit on my monitor. It's good I didn't because i'm the only one around to clean up the phlegm..
He proceeds to recolor a FREE SAU mesh, a site that I have a shitload of respect for considering the fact that their hair and clothes win at free cc.. So not only does he recolor said mesh... it's up for pay. (Don't trip, I know how shit works here, this aint no stinkin request) COMPLETELY disregarding this shit.. right here.. in big bold letters:
Never upload your recolored files on pay sites or the sims exchange
SAU protests any pay sites and doesn't want our stuffs on any exclusive sites.
No Commercial Usage of Our Stuffs
SAU is a nonprofit site, so we don't want our stuffs to be used for money.
That shit makes me sick to my stomach, utter disgust. Usually I sit back, lurk, agree with the pirates and play my fuckin game.
But this dude is just shitting in quality creators faces while thinking if he uploads to InSim or MTS2 or TSR (as a free-almost-pay creator) he's doing his good deed. All the while his latest blog entry is an extreme case of contridiction.
The infamous recolor that has raised my fragile blood pressure: rant.