Posts: 331
Official #2 stalker of Ry
I wish I could remember what "your mother is a whore" is in German.  Multilingual swearing is fun! Babelfish says: Ihre Mutter ist eine Dirne.
Notorious Pirate
Posts: 2212
Resident Menstruatrix
And no fair - you said something along the lines of "I wish to be called a motherfucker" - I just fulfilled your wish. I live to serve.  I know, but I can still give you shit for it. It's my perrogative as a motherfucker!
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep: $2518 We made out goal - WOOT!"There's no such thing as a tasteful drag queen." - Project RunGay FAQ
Posts: 1201
aka Armywife
Well you know what they say Hec, "Be Careful What You Ask For, You Just Might Get It" and here you never know what you'll get :lol:
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.
Posts: 4950
Belili, wife of Ningishzida - or Kali for short
I know, but I can still give you shit for it. Motherfucker.
Visit CalalilysimsTo Hotel - never a problem - and I knew it would be a valid thing. My love to you too - come find me one day. 
Posts: 978
I know some French Canadian swear words. They're really, really offensive though so I won't use them. And I am someone who uses the word 'fuck' on a regular basis too, so you know they're bad. :lol:
Posts: 33
I know some French Canadian swear words. They're really, really offensive though so I won't use them. And I am someone who uses the word 'fuck' on a regular basis too, so you know they're bad. :lol: Okay now you've made me curious. I'm a French Canadian ( or Quebecois) and I tell you, we swear a lot. Seriously. I remember people in my english class saying fuck all the time until my english teacher explained them that it's wasn't normal to swear that much :lol: . I really want to know what are the words that are considered so offensive. Most of our swear words are related to the church, so I'm guessing pretty much all of them. XD
Posts: 13
I'm curious too, and totally understand about the french using the word fuck all the time. I hear little kids going "Aww, c'est tout fucke" when something doesn't go right. People who aren't from here tend to be a little shocked.
edited to add- I forgot to mention, I'm an anglophone in french canada (montreal) and I used to work at hockey arenas, so I got to hear this day in, day out
Posts: 1357
Inoodle Concordance
Isnt it "Kus umak", Calalily? *googles* :shock: How RUDE! Twll dy din di! Cachu bant ti cachu mes! 
<@Pescado> I would rather eat my own testicles.
Want to donate? Help out? PM Ash, MissB, Dee or Cat!
Posts: 224
Dirty Fanny La Bouche
Bronnau fel bryniau Eryri
i liked this one, if you can call it an insult?
Life! should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO what a ride!
Posts: 181
Beautiful! :lol: I can say today a has been a fruitful one. Two more welsh phrases learnt! "Tits like the mountains of Snowdon"... I might sig that. My breasts are rather mountainous. (Perilous to climbers too).
size=9]Rum is the anaesthesia by which we endure the operation of The Sims Community.[/size]
The cake is a rich, moist and delicious lie.
Posts: 179
CRISE DE TABERNAC! Don't know if it's exactly right, but my dad worked with a local hockey team that had some French-Canadian players. 
Posts: 33
Criss is actually Christ but people say criss. It's my personnal favorite, but I must say Tabernac (or Tabarnac) is fun to say when you're really pissed off. We all learn so many beautiful things on this forum. XD
Posts: 978
Tabernac is what I'm thinking of. I just didn't want to offend anyone in case. :oops: I did Katimavik four years ago, it's a Canadian youth volunteer program where you live with twelve other young Canadians and do volunteer work across Canada. One of the group members was a really strict Catholic and there used to be constant infighting when one of the Quebecious members of the group would use it. Good times. :lol: I remember our French teacher explained the whole origion of it and said that you could even say something like 'fuck' around your Grandmother in place of tabernac and she wouldn't budge. Not totally related, but one time on a trip to Gatineau for Saint-Jean Baptiste Day there was this live band playing. Some of the group members, including the project leader were disgusted with the song, but I thought they were really catchy and kept commenting on how good it was. I found out later that the song translated to 'Eat Shit'. :shock: :lol:
Posts: 654
Awesome, zlatovlaska.  Nice to see you here. Welcome!
Posts: 1367
patch it where it counts
Thanks to my marathon Deadwood sessions I've been calling everyone and everything a cocksucker.
Dropped coffee all over my invoices
Cock sucker.
Got up and my skirt hem got stuck on the chair making me fall over, which made my arms flail wildly which made the phone fall on my head.
A little kid cut me off at the train turnstile
The only surprise I've had swearing since Deadwood was after attempting SimPE and recolouring (which I suck at btw.. noone of my objects look real.. they look like sale items from craptastic'r'us) I found myself muttering the Spanish somewhat equivalent
"It's a pity closed minds don't come with closed mouths" - Strix