hya...not sure if you are the evil deviants who make my sim playing a lot better but if you are (I followed a link from the podium) then bare that butt and let me smoooch it.
And i am not gay (not that there is anything wrong with it). I'm actually kind of new to sims 2 (I had all of sims 1 ep). I thought sims 2 was basically just a posh version of sims 1 so i never bothered to buy it...then saw a friend with the game and had to get it.
without the hacks and mods though this game would be frustrating as i found that hunger, energy etc just went down too fast and a sim getting up at six was napping by 2pm or in bed for the night by 6pm.
So i really dont know if i am thanking the right people or not but you know so what lolololol

nice to be here.
Oh and did you hear about the crazy religious guys just started bashing sim mods like the whoohoo? I'll see if i can find a link. this is just last couple of days that it happened. I mouthed off to them lol then i went back to playing sims.