// ==UserScript==// @name Sims Paysites Must Be Destroyed View Images// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/// @version 1.1// @description try to take over the world!// @author You// @match http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/*/// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function() { 'use strict'; // Allowed types const images = ['gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'jpeg', 'jpg']; const files = ['7z', 'zip', 'rar']; // Styles const styleContainer = { 'margin' : '20px auto', 'width' : '700px', 'font-family' : "'Nanum Gothic', sans-serif;" }; const styleHeader = { 'display' : 'flex', 'justify-content' : 'space-between', 'align-items' : 'center', 'text-transform' : 'uppercase' }; const styleSpan = { 'font-size' : '14px', 'background' : '#333', 'color' : 'white', 'padding' : '10px', 'text-decoration' : 'none', 'border-radius' : '5px' } const styleList = { 'border' : '1px solid #ccc', 'padding' : '20px', 'margin-bottom' : '40px', 'list-style' : 'none', 'border-radius' : '5px', 'box-shadow' : '2px 2px 0px 0px #ccc' } const styleListAlt = { 'border' : '1px solid #ccc', 'margin-bottom' : '10px', 'list-style' : 'none', 'border-radius' : '5px', 'box-shadow' : '2px 2px 0px 0px #ccc', } const styleImages = { 'width' : '100%', 'height' : 'auto', 'max-height' : '500px', 'object-fit' : 'contain' }; const styleBtn = { 'padding' : '20px 60px', 'background-color' : '#333', 'text-decoration' : 'none', 'color' : 'white', 'border-radius' : '5px', 'font-weight' : 'bold' } const styleBtnContainer = { 'display' : 'flex', 'justify-content' : 'center', } const styleDate = { 'font-weight' : 'bold', 'font-family' : "'Nanum Gothic', sans-serif;", 'text-align' : 'center', 'padding' : '5px 0' }; // Functions const style = (object) => { let output = ''; for(let property in object){ output += `${property}:${object[property]};`; } return output; }; // Header let header = document.querySelector('h1').innerText.split('/'); header.pop(); header = header[header.length - 1]; // Pre let pre = document.querySelector('pre').innerText; pre = pre.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); pre = pre.split("\n"); // Setup data const data = {}; document.querySelectorAll('pre a').forEach(link => { let href = link.getAttribute('href'); let name = link.innerText; name = href.split('.'); let type = name.pop(); name = name.join('.'); if(files.includes(type) || images.includes(type)){ if(typeof data[name] == 'undefined') data[name] = []; if(images.includes(type)) data[name].push(href); if(files.includes(type)) data[name].push(href); // Push date to data obj pre.forEach(row => { let text = (name + '.' + type); if(row.includes(text) && files.includes(type)){ let date = row.split(' ')[1]; data[name].push(date); } }); } else { if(href != '../' && href != '.' && href) data[href] = href; } }); // Output document.querySelector('body').innerHTML = `<div style="${style(styleContainer)}" id="target"><h1 style="${style(styleHeader)}">${header}<a href="../" style="${style(styleSpan)}">Go back</a></h1><ul id="list"></ul></div>`; document.querySelector('head').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Nanum+Gothic&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">'); for(let item in data){ let arr = data[item]; let img = null; let file = null; let date = null; let output; if(typeof arr === 'object'){ data[item].forEach(el => { let name = el.split('.'); let type = name.pop(); name = name.join('.'); if(images.includes(type)) img = name + '.' + type; if(files.includes(type)) file = name + '.' + type; if(!Number.isNaN(Date.parse(type))) date = type; }); if(img != null && file != null){ output = `<li style="${style(styleList)}">`; output += '<figure>'; output += `<img style="${style(styleImages)}" src="${img}" alt="${item}">`; output += '</figure>'; output += date ? `<p style="${style(styleDate)}">Date - <span style="font-weight: normal">${date}</span></p>` : ''; output += `<div style="${style(styleBtnContainer)}"><a style="${style(styleBtn)}" href="${file}">Download</a></div>`; output += '</li>'; } else { if(file) output = `<li style="${style(styleListAlt)}"><a style="text-decoration:none; padding: 10px; display: block" href="${file}">${file}</a></li>`; if(img) output = `<li style="${style(styleListAlt)}"><a style="text-decoration:none; padding: 10px; display: block" href="${img}">${img}</a></li>`; } } else { if(typeof item != 'undefined') output = `<li style="${style(styleListAlt)}"><a style="text-decoration:none; padding: 10px; display: block" href="${item}">${item}</a></li>`; } if(typeof output != 'undefined') document.querySelector('#target').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', output); }})();
// ==UserScript==// @name Sims Paysites Must Be Destroyed View Images// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/// @version 0.1// @description try to take over the world!// @author You// @match http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/*/// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function() { 'use strict'; const anchorClass = "position: relative;"; const imageClass = "max-width:600px; height: auto;"; const textClass = "position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 50%; transform:translateX(-50%); background-color: black; color: white; padding: 10px 25px;"; const buttonClass = " background-color: tomato; color: black; padding: 10px 25px; display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; margin: 10px auto 50px auto"; const anchors = document.querySelectorAll('a'); for(let i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++){ let type = anchors[i].href.split('.').pop(); if(['jpeg','png','jpg'].includes(type)){ let text = anchors[i].href.split('/').pop(); const src = anchors[i].href; anchors[i].outerHTML = `<a style="${anchorClass}" target="_blank" href="${src}"><img style="${imageClass}" src="${src}" alt="Preview"><span style="${textClass}">${text}</span></a>`; } else { if(type == 'zip' || type == 'rar'){ let link = anchors[i].href; let file = anchors[i].href.split('/').pop(); anchors[i].outerHTML = `<a style="${buttonClass}" href="${link}">Download ${file}</a>`; } } }})();
// ==UserScript==// @name Sims Paysites Must Be Destroyed View Images// @version 1.1// @description try to take over the world!// @author You// @match http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/*/// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function() { 'use strict'; const anchorClass = "position: relative; text-align: center; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;"; const imageClass = "max-width:600px; height: auto; display: block; margin: 0 auto;"; const textClass = "position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 50%; transform:translateX(-50%); background-color: black; color: white; padding: 10px 25px; text-align: center;"; const buttonClass = " background-color: tomato; color: black; padding: 10px 25px; display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; margin: 10px auto 50px auto; text-align: center; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 500px;"; const anchors = document.querySelectorAll('a'); for(let i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++){ let type = anchors[i].href.split('.').pop(); if(['jpeg','png','jpg'].includes(type)){ let text = anchors[i].href.split('/').pop(); const src = anchors[i].href; anchors[i].outerHTML = `<a style="${anchorClass}" target="_blank" href="${src}"><img style="${imageClass}" src="${src}" alt="Preview"><span style="${textClass}">${text}</span></a>`; } else { if(type == 'zip' || type == 'rar'){ let link = anchors[i].href; let file = anchors[i].href.split('/').pop(); anchors[i].outerHTML = `<a style="${buttonClass}" href="${link}">Download ${file}</a>`; } } }})();
// ==UserScript==// @name Unnamed Script 553917// @version 1// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function() { 'use strict'; const anchorClass = "position: relative;"; const imageClass = "max-width:600px; height: auto;"; const textClass = "position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 50%; transform:translateX(-50%); background-color: black; color: white; padding: 10px 25px;"; const buttonClass = " background-color: tomato; color: black; padding: 10px 25px; display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; margin: 10px auto 50px auto"; const anchors = document.querySelectorAll('a'); for(let i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++){ let type = anchors[i].href.split('.').pop(); if(['jpeg','png','jpg'].includes(type)){ let text = anchors[i].href.split('/').pop(); const src = anchors[i].href; anchors[i].outerHTML = `<a style="${anchorClass}" target="_blank" href="${src}"><img style="${imageClass}" src="${src}" alt="Preview"><span style="${textClass}">${text}</span></a>`; } else { if(type == 'zip' || type == 'rar'){ let link = anchors[i].href; let file = anchors[i].href.split('/').pop(); anchors[i].outerHTML = `<a style="${buttonClass}" href="${link}">Download ${file}</a>`; } } }})();