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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: NEW TSR LEGAL THREAT! on: 2009 April 08, 14:19:22
Your customer has a selective interpretation of the situation, and
on that basis alone, has mounted an army of disillusioned miscreants
against us.


Fail indeed.

2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2009 March 26, 15:38:54
It is kinda like the mailroom girl of a big company that is sinking running around trying to save the place while the top guys drink martinis on the beach getting what monies they can before the whole thing crashes and burns.

I never quite realized how much Dot & Maxoid Drea have in common until this very second...
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 06, 23:59:40
It's not Sblade, but plain old Blade you're thinking about. Two different critters in all ways, shapes and forms.

*kicking myself*

That'll teach me for trying to reply when I'm busy at work. I cannot believe I made that mistake.
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 06, 23:03:35
Doesn't Pandora/SBlade have some nasty mods that he swiped and made pay? Or am I just thinking about his lame nude patch?
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Ea makes statement March 2 making paysites ok? on: 2009 March 04, 22:58:30
I, too, thank you Scotty.

I'm really offended by the cancer statement. My M-I-L is currently living with us and suffering from Colon Cancer. She's terminal. I'll spare all the horrible details, but will say that the poor woman has been unable to take care of herself in any real capacity since the middle of her 3rd round of chemo. It's heartbreaking. I can guarantee to any dumbfuck that thinks that wishing something like that on anyone else, especially over pixles, is going to end up paying karma back in big ways. 

On a happier note, I'm quite the pervy perv and would be more than willing to share my pervy perv sims movies for the butthurt site  Kiss
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Ea makes statement March 2 making paysites ok? on: 2009 March 03, 17:20:09
SimMaster Sweetie makes me laugh too.  Grin

I don't care if EA says that paysites are the shickityshickness, I'm still not paying for game mods. Ever. I'd rather stop playing the game.
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Ea makes statement March 2 making paysites ok? on: 2009 March 02, 22:01:57
Maxoid Drea makes me laugh.  Grin
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Baby Roaster Excluded From Ballot! ROCK THE VOTE! on: 2009 February 26, 17:17:34
I wouldn't compare MTS2 to T$R for deleting my comment. I'm comparing them to the BBS, where rules for deletion get established after the fact.

I left a comment that said something like "What happened to the Babby Roaster? I vote for that" and I posted it before HP or Delphy chimed in with their reasoning for keeping the roaster out. I was one of the first comments. Now, I could understand deleting it if I had posted it after they explained their reasoning for excluding the roaster and I was being a dickbag annoyance that wouldn't let it die, but that's not the case. My post broke no rules and wasn't at all inflammatory. But it was still deleted, followed up by being insulted and called a sheep.  Undecided

But that's still minor compared to T$R nonsense. I'll get over my post being deleted at MTS2, I'll never get over T$R passing around personal information like cake at a wedding.
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Baby Roaster Excluded From Ballot! ROCK THE VOTE! on: 2009 February 25, 20:57:15
Why were the comments deleted??!! It's not like anyone threatened to actually eat a baby. Shinanigans.
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2009 February 25, 18:51:38
If there really is an "announcement", I would imagine it probably has something to do with the tool Thomss has been angling to get in order to make Sims 3 content (whatever that means) exclusive to his site. Maybe some crappy pattern making tool.

I believe this as well. The announcement will be that EA is letting them have a first look at some secret special tool. Some secret special tool that will be obsolete once The Sims 3 is cracked open like a watermelon by the community and better tools are developed. The timeframe of that happening will be, by my best estimate, at least a week before the actual Sims 3 world release  Wink

*Disclaimer: This theory is based upon the idea that the Sims 3 won't suck rocks (even though it probably will) and the community's best are even going to be interested in developing tools (they will because they're awesome) and the timeframe the game gets cracked (early very early)
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2009 February 25, 15:50:36
But, couldn't EAxis sell a license to TSR allowing them to make money off CC?  I've worked enough retail to know that merchandising is big business.  Like the H&M pack, either they gave EA a blanket license to use their name in the packs, or they are getting a cut from every H&M pack sold. 

In these times of Economic greed struggle, why wouldn't EA simply sell TSR a license allowing them to sell custom content.  Granted, it would be a lousy thing to do, but pleasing their fans has never been something EA worried about, why start now.

Both parties are too selfish for anything like that to actually work, but if that's the plan, prepare to p&l at the inevitable legal disputes that will arise.

EA is still a publically traded company, not some single entity that can do whatever they want and don't have to answer to anyone but themselves *cough cough T$R cough cough*. Their fiscal information has to be transparent and subject for review by the shareholders. T$R doesn't have the management to pull off what would be legally required of them to jump into business with EA. They just don't. Someone would miss something (re: Tomass would cook the books) leaving EA to explain why they're losing money in the CC license agreement to a bunch of pissed off shareholders. And that's just one obvious issue, I won't even go into the fact that T$R could never manage the oversight required to keep the CC they're selling with permission from EA teenaged, non borked, without copyrighted logos, ect.

Just because someone at T$R knows someone at EA and their ZOMGBFF!!!! does not mean that EA the company would be willing to risk the potential legal issues that could arise by giving T$R a license. And if they do, it'll be hilarious. 
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2009 February 23, 22:32:02
Since when is a mental condition an excuse for acting like a cunt on the internet and charging the uninformed for crappy Sims CC? That seems insulting to all the many people with verified mental illnesses that don't act like cunts on the internet or charge for crappy CC.

And since bitchy jssimone is bitchy, I vote we continue to make fun of the twats mental illness and apperance. While we're at it, let's make fun of her family, pets and ethnicity too.
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Reflex forum is now closed on: 2009 February 13, 16:02:34
This makes me furious. I don't even have words, I'm so mad right now.

14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2009 February 12, 19:09:01
Dear T$R,

You dno't knwo me. My wealthy uncle recentlily pased away and I am in ned of an bank account in which to deposit his gazillions of dollars. Unforteunately, I'm unable to get a bank account do to internationle restrictons. If you wood be so kind as to open an account in my name with an opening balance of $15000, I will be hapy to share his gazillions of dollars with you. This is obviously all legal. Please contact me via email with your name, address, place of emplymont and social security withn 2 days to take advantge of this amazing offer.

Thank you,
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2009 February 11, 22:51:36
Can someone explain to me why T$R skanky sim thongs always look like they're hanging halfway off the poor skanky, underaged Sim's butt?

I'll admit that I don't know anything about creating skanky sim undies and I'm also going off the theory that Sims use the same gravitational pull as the rest of us. So, with the aforementioned in mind, I would think that it's just a matter of making the line go completely to the top of the butt crack and, viola, realistic looking skanky sim undies. Am I wrong on this?

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