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The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
on: 2010 January 30, 07:31:12
That (if it exists) would explain some of the hackings, but not the people who did not sign the petition
Your hackings ( if they happened ) could not be explained fully by the MSN evidence ( that exists ) connected to the petition list, I have not heard anything to indicate that passwords were ever contained on that list, the copy I have does not contain them, and Atwa has not mentioned collected passwords to anyone I have spoken to, or in the documented MSN conversation. The only possible link that could occur would be if Tom ran the emails on the list against the TSR DB and retrieved the passwords from there. However, the list was hacked a year ago, and now it turns out that Atwa was sharing it as early as May 09, so it would seem he has waited a rather long time to put this plan into action if this is the case. Edited to strike remarks that in hindsight were uncalled for.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
on: 2010 January 29, 09:38:36
I am in possession of several screencaps that were submitted to me earlier this week. These are from an MSN Messenger conversation that took place on May 8th 2009 which occurred between Atwa and a former friend. During the 1 hour and 20 minute conversation Atwa discusses the list, SHARES the list, acknowledges the list came from a petition of complaint to EA, and when asked who gave it to her she replies “Thomas” Unlike other similar conversations that I know about and have mentioned, I do have full permission to publish this one. This by no means proof that Tom hacked or even gave the list to her, simply because she said he did, but it has now basically come down to her word against his.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
on: 2010 January 27, 19:40:40
because if the whole TSR management has to consult and agree on a strategy every time Johan makes a post here or at MATY, it would take up an enormous amount of their time.
Just how large do you think the office is?  How close would Tom and Johan have to be?  This close? If some people want to wear Team Johans custom knitted woolen blinkers I can not change that, but lift them up once in a while, as over use can damage your eyes.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
on: 2010 January 26, 00:22:32
I agree that it may be possible that TSR have passed un-needed parts of their unencrypted DB to ‘script kiddies’ in order to create a diversion, however for the most part I do not believe this applies to a great deal of the hackings - as that would mean they would have not only shared their M.O. of Photobucket/Mediafire attacks but would also have shared the actual type of photograph used in the defacements. I find the argument of all the script kiddies coincidently using the same defacement as TSR unconvincing, but I concede that other styled attacks may have been as a result of a partial ‘leak’.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN!
on: 2010 January 25, 22:23:34
I am here Lois  I do not think for one second that Witchboy has any involvement in these hackings, he has no motive, and neither does any other 'pirate' for that matter. It is a possible scenario that some sites may simply shut down or ‘give up’ after such attacks, this would not be of any value to the ‘cause’. It would also be quite futile for a ‘pirate’ to attack or pretend to be attacked for the sole purpose of blaming TSR, TSR have been quite adept at shifting the blame with smoke, mirrors and the occasional use of a pawn, and they will continue to do so until they make another mistake that can not be covered so easily. It would serve more of a purpose for them to attack TSR, although TSR have claimed such attacks have happened, NO damage was ever done in any of these supposed attacks. This is a perfect example of the theory expressed here where hackers attack themselves with no actual damage being caused. Some of the attacks were made using the same ‘paid for’ proxy server as used by Thomas and Atwa. No one knew about the server details until after the hacks, Witchboy and everyone else outside of TSR would have had no way of knowing it. It has occurred to me that the randomness of the latter attacks could be a case of mis-direction, if we go back to the attack on MTS, on the buggyboo account, the motive was quite clear, as the attack was solely to remove evidence of the theft of her work by a TSR FA. Recent attacks however, are quite random, with no clear motive, which could point to these being scattered attacks to hide the true intended victim(s) and the motive behind it. Tom and the team have been behind a similar website hacking in the past, unrelated to the freesite/pirate movement. It was a hacking seen by them at the time to be of benefit to TSR, although the end result did not work out quite how it was intended to. This attack is not of my concern, and I am certainly not going to put my neck on the block, so to speak, to give details on something I do not care to be involved in. Tom, Johan and the team know exactly what I am talking about. It was around this time that a post appeared on a certain hacking site, one of the posts that has recently been discussed somewhere here. Tom brought our attention to the post, and among other things, I had major concerns that he saw it so quickly after it was posted, it was as if he was already hanging around that site for a response to a certain something else posted..? I spoke to Calalily about this that night via PM on LJ and aired some concerns, before I got a reply, my LJ was deleted by a Swedish IP, traced to TELIA MOBILE NETWORK SERVICES, in Stockholm. Tom, weeks later, commented he thought that one of the posts ( The one asking for Pescado to be hacked ) was made by the person that TSR had hacked because the site owner would have thought he was hacked by Pescado. I have always been in two minds as to whether that was really the case, or whether Tom was covering because he made that post himself. As for the post asking for TSR to be hacked, I had put that down to a misguided kid seeking revenge for the initial post. Regardless of who posted what, which is not really important, my point is that TSR have hacked in the past, for reasons they saw as justified and I fully believe they would hack again. My only reservations are how many of them are involved this time, and what are we being mis-directed from.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
on: 2010 January 12, 11:47:20
And one more thing: That admin that you fell out with and who then moved to TSR. Is/was he in any way close to or friends with Atwa? I know you aren’t familiar with Atwa, but maybe you could PM Coconut with the name of this admin, and she could let you know if there is any connection between the two. That could be another important clue.
I think I know who you refer to, and yes he was a VERY close friend of Atwa, but not of late. If it is indeed the one I am thinking of, he is no longer with TSR, he did soft delete his own work there when he left, which was later restored, although I find it unlikely he would have done this hack. It is more than possible he could have passed information to Atwa during their friendship, who would have passed it to Tom, but I doubt that Scotty would have given his admin password to this person, so again this is unlikely. If his password has been stored on the TSR DB at any time, that would be a more plausible source. TSR stores password history, and despite what Team Johan tells you, it is NOT encrypted.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
on: 2010 January 11, 14:08:26
Initially I was unsure of TSR’s involvement as the proxy differed from the one they have used in past hackings, however after viewing a post from team Johan that was brought to my attention on More Awesome Than You, I do now believe TSR were firmly behind both attacks.
Johan posted to point out the user agent of the hacker, which has not been posted yet. The last time he did this was after they hacked the Buggyboo account at MTS2 in order to delete evidence of a TSR FA ( Shakeshaft ) stealing a mesh. He pointed out at the time that although the IP was one that Tom had used both on MTS2 and another sims forum, the user agent seemingly belonged to a few other users, they firmly focused the blame on one of those users, who I believe is from the UK. It was later proved that the user agent can and was faked, and I also confirmed at the time that the faked user agent in question was one of several supplied by Tom to Atwa at the same time as the private proxy server was bought for her, which she has since publically admitted to. Johan at the time injected himself into the investigation with offers of 'help'.
Fast forward to the present day and we have another hacking, an IP from one of them, which this time is proxied to falsely appear to be from the UK and Team Johan rather eagerly waiting for the user agent to be uncovered, while injecting himself into the 'investigation' and offering help.
Coincidence or manipulation?
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
on: 2009 December 10, 03:48:40
I am here Witchboy  I would like to add a few things to this discussion. Firstly regarding Johan and his ‘bravery‘ in coming forward to answer your questions: Do not be fooled. Most of the replies he has written here have been discussed at length prior to their posting. Replies have not all come from Johan, but rather from 'Team Johan' which consists of more than just Johan and his twin brother Tom. His mission here is simple, to find out exactly what I have, and who I am. They know that by releasing exactly what I have will expose my identity and prevent me from finding out about any future dirty deeds, it will also give them a heads up on how to deny it. If ( for example ) I provided a screencap of Atwa revealing that she got the list from Tom, Team Johan would post that Atwa lied, and then narrow down the exact wording of the conversation to work out the leak. If ( for example ) I were to post a screencap of Tom admitting he sent the list, Team Johan would post that the screencaps were fake, and again use these caps to narrow down who Tom was talking to. For this reason I am not prepared to release anything that can be traced to me or my informants just now, however providing such proof to legal organisations is a different matter. I would not hesitate, they could easily confirm that what I have is genuine, plus it would not matter if I was exposed at that stage, because once a genuine legal agency gets involved, there would be no need for me to stay hidden anymore. Re Atwa: Team Johans account of her ‘sneaking’ in is a down and out lie. This is not 2nd hand knowledge, I know this for a fact. TSR were fully aware of her account, as was Johan himself. They even removed her country flag from her profile in order to hide her identity. It will not be long before that particular snake raises its head again, and Team Johan will have their statement ready. Re Tax & legalities of the TSR business: Interesting reply from Team Johan, any legit business would reply with something along the lines of “of course we are legal, and of course we pay tax” but Team Johan chose a more shady approach. I think it is time I did some enquiries along those lines. Re Proof: I have proof to back up everything I say in my blog, however I do not have any proof that the petition was hacked, or if it was or was not sent to EA. I have never claimed to have any proof in that matter. Tom may indeed be telling the truth that he in fact did get the list from EA, but it is my personal opinion that he is lying. I believe the community when they say that the list is now longer than the one TSR has. I can not see them sending the unfinished petition to EA. As I already reported, Tom says he got the list from EA in March, the community now report that the petition was hacked in March. Perhaps Team Johan would like to insinuate EA hacked it? Any legal action will involve asking EA if they have seen the petition, and if they passed it on to any member of TSR. Either way, that does not excuse TSR for distributing it, nor falsely accusing everyone on that list of piracy. And finally to Team Johan, The event everyone keep referring to took place years ago. It was not without reason, those were names of members who we had found to be sharing our files through the watermark. What i personally think about it may not reflect our official standing that it was justified.
As I remember the official TSR standing at the time was that the 'event' never happened and that I had faked all those screencaps, Your brother must be poking you in the ribs right now, stick to the script.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Ea makes statement March 2 making paysites ok?
on: 2009 March 07, 03:19:55
If Drea is that same Sims 3 Community manager or whatever she's called, did she pick the people who attended the creator's camp? Drea has had some prominent role in the Creator's Camp business, although I am given to understand that some "Danforth"(?), or maybe "PanPan" person was the main contact. I'm pretty sure I have the name wrong, but it was someone other than Drea. Andrea Wendland, AKA Dreadful Drea is the CommunityTeam Manager, she handled all of the invites to the sims 3 camp, The Assistant CommunityTeam Manager, Sherrie Dandan organised the travel arrangements and helped answer any pre arrival questions. sherrie was the more public face for the 'minor attendees', whereas Andrea dealt more with Steve.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation!
on: 2009 February 23, 03:40:44
The first shots of his house were posted on the regular FA forums, this was before the super secret NDA forums existed. Now that they have the new 'Non Disclosure Agreement section', where do you think he posted the completed house pictures? The answer would be- In the regular 'unprotected' FA/MOD forums, not that I would have refrained from posting them if they were in the NDA, I just wanted to point out that he did want more people to see them, other than the few half-wits who actually bothered to sign his silly, non binding little form.
From the shot of the rear, the house itself reminds me of Amityville.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Habitat43 News! Sharing Information!
on: 2008 September 17, 15:27:55
So that we are clear, all this information and more WAS sent to staff here as soon as I became aware of it, the reason it was not made 'public' to the rest of the world is so that staff had the chance to use this information to the best of their abilities without Tom and Co knowing this particular secret was out and giving them the chance to cover their own ass. I am in no doubt that it was dealt with as best they could be at the time, The reason I have now made part of it public is because we feel that enough time has elapsed since I gave the tipoff, to enable appropriate action to be taken, and also it was part of a topic you were discussing.
On the subject of which FA's took part, or encouraged this, it was practically all of them, I would have screenshot the entire thread for you. However I must say that aikea and gelydh had no part in this, to blame them is wrong, but something TSR are happy to see you doing.
I posted information on Atwa as it happened, because quite frankly the woman and her ramblings are just too insignificant and delusional to take seriously enough to be stealthy about. We are talking about a woman who goatse 'd the member pages to gain attention, hardly in the same league as paypal sharing. Although it must be noted that she does continue to play a big part in the downfall of TSR in her continuing search for attention and global domination.
You have to understand that some of the more important things cannot be said on the boards as it happens, but need to be dealt with in private first. Also in some cases, public airings need to be delayed to protect the source(s), again this does not mean info has not been passed, just not publically passed.