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16  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 December 14, 13:45:40
He can honestly say that he doesn't know how Atwa snuck in, or how she became an FA again and again, or how she got a hold of the list. I believe he really doesn't know.
I'm thinking that he's just the better liar. Wink
17  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2009 December 09, 00:57:34

I really don't think the boobs look like they are going to stay in.
In fact, I think the boobs caused a huge rip down the center, which would give reason why it looks like the boobs are about to pop through. BOING!
18  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 December 08, 22:45:26
Ok, Moune, so are you suggesting that everyone who's been wronged by TSR share all of their legal information with others so that the "sheep" find out what's going on? To the point of tainting evidence and allowing said parties to come up with a strategy for proving the prosecutors wrong?

I'm thinking what "No No No" is suggesting is that people not go into such details about what they plan to do about what has happened. Coconut's information, letting people know that this has happened, is fine. Actually, it's good that Coconut did that because unless s/he personally contacted every single person via her website or by email that was on that list (which would've taken Coconut a looong time, no doubt), no one would've known about the acquisition of that list by an unseemly party.

An example... I think there's a reason why police tape off areas that have been offended, to keep from tainting evidence. There's a reason why lawyers (and their clients) don't discuss legal proceedings. I think, in essence, this is a similar situation.

I understand that discussing this stuff gets people riled up to want to do something, and the discussion gets the news out there about shady dealings. However, I think there's a stopping point on how much information you give. WHERE that ending point is is where the debate lies, obviously. I just don't want THIS to end up like another case that has been swept under the rug. It's happened one too many times, and I certainly do not want to see that happen again.

I personally did not sign that petition (BlueSoup is not someone I trust, believe, or like for that matter), but it doesn't matter. It ticks me off that someone got hold of others' information and decided to share it with people who had no business seeing any of it. I hope that the majority of those folks on that list take it seriously enough to talk to a lawyer. And if they do talk to a lawyer, I hope to goodness they don't tell us about it here at PMBD publicly for all the world to read.

The "sheep" can wait. I hope people take care of this situation once and for all. Once the evidence is all there, once someone is brought to justice, then the sheep can sit back and let their jaws hit the floor. It's better to read the WHOLE story than to read only part that might not even come to fruition anyway.
19  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 December 08, 00:45:52
Take it up with the proper authorities and keep all info between you and the FBI, as to not hurt a potential investigation.
Agreed. As much as I like to read what's going on, I'd much rather find out later on that someone got a smackdown for a DDos attack, a hacking, sharing personal information, etc. We can always read the details later. I hope that there are lots of folks making a huge stink about this release of real names and email addresses. No matter what TSR says, there's NO JUSTIFICATION in what has been done with these peoples' information. None.
20  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 December 08, 00:22:11
I would strongly advice against posting any evidence here, unless you want to help out the company you're filing a complaint against.
My thinking exactly, which is where my comment about not giving TSR an alibi came from. When we start talking things out in public, things become easy for TSR to come up with excuses.  Wink
21  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 December 07, 15:58:07
Just out of curiosity, when did Thomas say the we have the list?
Nice try. If you don't know anything, then maybe you should speak to Thomas. I don't think any of us here are interested in helping your crew build an alibi. If you want to know more, read back a few pages.

You're on your own, Kitty Kat, as far as I'm concerned anyway. Roll Eyes
22  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: IN UR COMPUTER, VIRUSIN' UR FILES! on: 2009 November 08, 21:14:51
Anything hosted on their site, regardless of who made it, wouldn't ever find its way onto my hard drive. Cheesy Shoot, I don't even trust them enough to visit their website.
23  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 October 27, 12:12:28
Her Wordpress account has already been suspended. Shocked One thing you can count on is that when there's a few dollars going out of the wallet, Thomas works fast.
24  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 October 24, 20:10:00
tjstreak, if you have to come to Paysites Must Be Destroyed to advertise the fact that you're a lawyer, then you must not really be a lawyer. A law student perhaps or someone aspiring to be a lawyer. This IS the internets; you could be a hobo for all I know.

And really, don't try to prove anything. You'll just make yourself look even more like an arse. If I were you, I'd just logout and lurk for a while. Then maybe if you stop acting like a bumbling idiot, maybe you won't have to try to lamely defend yourself and your best friends at The Sims Resource.
25  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 October 20, 01:18:16
It looks like fabric that has been placed on a scanner and then touched up with MS Paint. Yuck to the Nth power.
26  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 October 06, 15:23:04
Ha, so Thomas is trying to send his minions to slap us in the face. Well, he'll need to prepare a new set of minions for the ones that will be absorbed by us.
* minionsRmine points to her name
If he wants to refute the "lies", then he needs to be a man and fight the battle that is his anyway. But because he wants to send his members to do his dirty job, that right there should show his fans that he's got something to hide.
27  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: IN UR COMPUTER, VIRUSIN' UR FILES! on: 2009 October 05, 15:38:53
While I agree with you, dstar, about being kind to others, there are folks here who do not follow the same, and I guess they're just not likely to change. Just like you won't find me replying & skewering folks who make a WCIF thread, you're also not going to see me suggest to others that they be nice to 12s. I guess I just feel like people are going to be who they are. If people don't like it, they don't have to read here. Undecided
28  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: IN UR COMPUTER, VIRUSIN' UR FILES! on: 2009 October 05, 13:33:15
If anonymous idiots don't like the tone of this phorum, they can go find HappyForum. PMBD is what it is. Period. This place is all about destroying paysites--how do they think we're going to do that? With rainbows coming from our mouths? With smiles on our faces? With a slap on the back and a handshake?

More like a kick in the backside and a wad of spittle in the face.

Wake up, Anonymouses!
29  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: IN UR COMPUTER, VIRUSIN' UR FILES! on: 2009 October 04, 12:58:50
I agree with neriana. Since it's an anonymous sekrit, I think we ought to just consider it a farce and move on. If there was a name attached, then I might try to care a little.
30  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: IN UR COMPUTER, VIRUSIN' UR FILES! on: 2009 October 03, 12:10:44
So, from now on we'll just make stuff up. 
TSR can understand that terminology. They're familiar with pulling ideas out of their arse.

I'm glad the secret individual sees TSR for what it is - an "abomanation". Cheesy
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