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The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2)
on: 2010 April 26, 12:04:31
Mind you, when I was saying homework being attracted by desks never evar worked for me I was talking about EA desks too, not just CC that could be cloned from tables. So once again who cares for that routing homework thingie. Plus even if that thing worked, there's no freaking way to assign that particular desk to be either the teen's bedroom, or the study or the small sis' bedroom desk etc you get the pic. Let's suppose it works in our game (then you're a lucky simmer already lol) your teen for example will drop it off on the closer desk he'll find. Even if it's in his sis bedroom or his parents' one... Totally useless feature. So cloning a table is best than having a half working cloned desk. Either way, good luck for repairing the routing slots 
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2)
on: 2010 April 21, 13:45:39
No 3 tiles desk? Oops. I saw some (CC) so I assumed it was cloned off an EA one. So I guess that the third tile doesn't exist in fact; well I do hope the makers modified the grid to at least avoid sims walking into the sides.
3 tiles dining table isn't an option either due to the homework? Why should it be important? It never worked correctly in sims 2 without mods and in that case you had to put the special object on the desk to locate the 'drop your fucking homework here you dork'! Without these mods homeworks always ended near the bus drop, or when I was lucky on the living floor. I only had one house setup where God knows why the kid always dropped it on his bedroom floor; which was still better than at that fucking bus drop.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2)
on: 2010 April 20, 17:56:50
Well, the second one is useless since it still doesn't "work" as intended and you need a code and the computer won't work anyway. BTW, why don't you clone a 3 tiles desk? Your problem would be solved. Sure, it would be bigger and all but at least it would work perfectly. Or try to modify the placement in the grid for a 2 tiles desk; which seems like a huge headache 
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: FA Mutiny (well, sort of)
on: 2010 April 12, 09:42:35
... I too had some troubles to subscribe at MTS ... I should hope you did, since MTS is a free site.  I forgot the correct word and still can't remember it. So I used subscribe instead  *reads page* ..."Register". Oh crap.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: FA Mutiny (well, sort of)
on: 2010 April 11, 08:43:05
Well I already told yall (last year?) that I found an asian file sharing site that had tutorial with pics on how to subscribe to MTS and Insim but there wasn't any for T$R. Yet most of the files they shared was for T$R (items) and a tiny portion was MTS and Insim (only mods btw, no items at all). So yes, T$R seems to be easier for foreign speakers. Probably because the upper bar isn't cluttered with Your messages, Settings, etc stuff. It only has the login panel and that's it. The booty is easy for them too since there's no clutter everywhere either.
As a ESL myself I have to add that I too had some troubles to subscribe at MTS when at first my log wasn't working. I then got lost in that stupid upper panel trying to find the Help page and then had to browse like 20 pages that had nothing to do with the matter lol. A real maze when you're not used to the site.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: FA Mutiny (well, sort of)
on: 2010 April 09, 17:54:56
Wow, I'm completely astounded; I really thought Modern-Sims was running for FA. I read her (?) announce and it's so cool to imagine Thoma$$' butthurt  'Think I'll be smiling all evening through ^^ Pleasant news, thank you Inge *hands rum tea*
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: rebecah from MTS2 now at TSR
on: 2010 March 31, 12:39:13
Meh, I was only thinking of an old post by Pescado. *searches for very old historical facts*,1595.msg72278.html#msg72278The stigma is only there because of creators going apepoop over someone using their stuff. Now if you avoid these suckers and ask another one of those other creators that DOES allow it, where is the problem? The stigma is that it contaminates the entire community when this attitude becomes the GENERAL perception rather than the diva-esque rantings of a few nutjobs that people simply ignore. Because the crazed ramblings of these people are tolerated and even accepted, the entire community is affected: Even those who don't subscribe to this feel the chilling effects of "never post anything derived from someone else's work". Trust me. It's there. Why is it such a problem... Sims 2 is about to die, we have probably gotten all the stuff we want out of it... now if this were a totally new game, I would agree with you much more. But right now the result of forcing people into stuff they really don't want doesn't have any benefit. Well, I figure we still have another year, but look at the results: When Sims 1 was at this point, we had animations. In Sims 2? Nada. Animations remain an obscure thing utterly unheard of, and this is largely because at this point, no one is willing to share or derive. As for Sims 2 "dying", don't fool yourself: Even Sim 1 is still apparently alive, and you're delusional if you think the attitudes that pervade TS2 weren't carried over from TS1. How do you think paysites got off to a running start even before we *HAD* modding? Well in all honesty: the stuff really isn't untouchable at all. You can grab it and edit it any day. But people do not want to disrespect or harm a stranger, even if the butthurt is in their minds only and they are being completely unreasonable. That is exactly the point: Because very few people are assholes who are willing to cause some butthurt to get results, the chilling effect of this is felt through ALL works in the community: There is the perception that you cannot take someone else's work and try to build on it. Even if this is totally unfounded, and even openly permitted by the creator, the moment you post something like that, people who don't KNOW this will attack like a swarm of screeching banshees. It takes my kind of firm stomach to hold out against that. Most people don't have this, so they just cave, and the work never get posted. The techniques pioneered are thus never refined, and the same thing thus has to be reinvented over and over because no one is willing to share derivative works.Well Oops me, It started with Sims 1 in fact but only got worse with the beginning of Sims 2. It later faded a lot as now open TOS are more and more common, so hurray! 
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: rebecah from MTS2 now at TSR
on: 2010 March 30, 14:22:27
When I said I liked her stuff, I wasn't in fact talking about the quality of her stuff. What was important about her items wasn't their appearance. What is really annoying is that she was one of the rare modders still around the community. Not sure if we call then like that but anyway modders are creators that are focused on creating items with modified usage (hence "modders"). Just like her toddlers bike and such, these items are unique and have unique features/gameplay. Other modders stopped working for the sims long time ago, like retired Atavera and Katy_76 which exploded her site herself (lol that was a massive explosion). Atavera for example made elevators before EA, toddlers planes and cars moving toys, usable lightsabers etc. Kathy_76 was more focused on day-to-day life with neat appliances (btw it was her heaters that EA used in AL) and OFB stands, etc. There was also Simswardrobe that did a lot of stuff like robots items, usable weapons and OFB neat usable tools; he retired too. Inge (in the neighbour topic ^^) and Echo also both retired from creation. See, now there's hardly anyone left to do odd and creative stuff with unique gameplay. So bummer  I love this kind of stuff as each one was a huge step forward in CC creations and always lead to other new discoveries. Sims 2 never had as much creative CC stuff as sims 1 had (IIRC ballet, skiing, karate, all kind of breeding pets, etc all made by modders, not EA's) because the community was already fighting like hellish cats and no informations was shared. Now that rebecah went to T$R I'm afraid she'll just join the wagon of prolific "creators" only making gazillions of chairs and tables. See, you have to create a lot of stuff to have a good payout it's easier to endlessly clones basic dull furniture.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Free Content Pwns Paysite Crap
on: 2010 March 29, 07:50:10
You had a great idea there rum nate! Bleh, the T$R one seems so fugly & boxy. Big empty white square... Odd concept. Who would keep them empty?! I would have filled it with vases & books. *Hurries to Awesims to grab the shiny stuff*