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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sirona Sims Adds Pay Section? on: 2009 September 02, 03:36:05
My guess is that she went back to being free because she wasn't raking in enough money to make being hated worthwhile.  How many people would pay for content that'd been free for years, for an old game, nonetheless, especially since her site wasn't even that well known? Roll Eyes  After all, she knew the community well enough that she had to know she'd be hated for going pay--she must have been getting more hatemail than subscriptions.

I don't know if PMBD has to choose to fall on one side of the fence or the other, but I'm going to stay somewhere in the middle: I'll just ignore her (I won't attack or promote her site) unless she goes pay again or makes a really, really convincing apology.  I was willing to give her a second chance after the MTS2 thing, but this makes it obvious that she's not concerned with being a respected member of the Sims community.  Since she's not doing anything malicious at the moment, I say we just ignore her.
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sirona Sims Adds Pay Section? on: 2009 August 12, 18:07:01
Wow, that's disappointing. Sad  And what makes it worse is that, if she needed donations to keep her site going, she probably could have asked for them and gotten donations pretty easily (it's not like her site is completely unknown).  This looks like flat-out greed to me.
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Free Content Pwns Paysite Crap on: 2009 June 20, 20:14:40
I can't believe TSR moderates uploads whatsoever: just look at all the clearly stolen, floodfilled, and sometimes near obscene content all over the site.  There's no way any of that would get past any kind of upload moderator.  They probably accept everything because it ups their "thousands of free downloads!" number (classic quantity over quality), not to mention that they don't have to pay anyone to go through new uploads.  Seriously, TSR contains so much crap that I think of it as a pay version of the exchange.

Again, the stolen content is hard to tell, unless you want to be moderating all sites.  And by quality control, I mostly mean that they make sure the pictures of the items actually are the items, and that you've done it properly.  I once got a rejection for making a mistake in the files I sent.  

I can't even really fault TSR for being practically a cesspool of flotsam and jetsam, with a fair number of just usable items, and a few jewels. TSR has always been of the opinion that they'll take anyone, from someone making their first flood-filled wall to an expert mesher.  (Not that they have lots of the later, and too many of the first)  And, in a way, they've got something there.  At least with me, when I started creating, I submitted to TSR, because I wasn't sure if my stuff was any good, but I figured that it at least couldn't be the worst thing on the site.  

Ah, okay.  By quality control I was thinking of the kind MTS has, where everything has to be okayed by a moderator before it's posted.  And, as for stolen stuff, I've seen things on TSR where the preview picture has had someone else's name in gigantic letters (I think I saw LAPink eyes upoaded by someone who clearly wasn't icedmango/LAPink but used her preview picture), and I guess I expect anyone to notice when the name on the preview picture is wrong.  It's weird to me that they wouldn't at least screen for inappropriate content too, since they're so bent on being family friendly.

The fact that they'll accept anyone is the one reason I don't blame people for uploading to TSR.  If you want to upload to MTS you risk getting rejected, and I'm sure that hurts.  

No, I have not gone over to the darkside.   Wink  I just get worried that it's too easy to jump up and yell "EVIL EVIL EVIL!" when TSR so much as collectively farts.  The problem with yelling "EVIL EVIL!" is that you start to look as if you're not listening to logic and thus, people start thinking that you are completely unable to be fair.

This is the thing—I don't want anyone to think I'm excusing anything TSR does, but when we jump on every little incident (especially the ones like the stolen BlackOrchid lot, where it's mostly not TSR's fault), it makes us look silly, like we're looking for anything to attack.  It lessens our credibility.  With TSR doing things like hacking into Buggybooz's account and sharing personal info, we have enough proof that TSR is corrupt without having to look like we're part of a conspiracy that will do anything to shame them (which is exactly what they want people to think).
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Free Content Pwns Paysite Crap on: 2009 June 19, 21:38:41
I can't believe TSR moderates uploads whatsoever: just look at all the clearly stolen, floodfilled, and sometimes near obscene content all over the site.  There's no way any of that would get past any kind of upload moderator.  They probably accept everything because it ups their "thousands of free downloads!" number (classic quantity over quality), not to mention that they don't have to pay anyone to go through new uploads.  Seriously, TSR contains so much crap that I think of it as a pay version of the exchange.

I agree with Darqstar that it's not TSR's fault in this case, since it was most likely some random kid who tried to get away with uploading that lot, and TSR took it down once it was reported.  They could punish the person, sure, but I doubt they'd care—that person is traffic for the site (and traffic equals money), just like Shakeshaft makes them money.  They wouldn't even bother to take stolen stuff down if it didn't make them look bad.   Yeah, not good, but not a new thing for TSR either.
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 May 03, 18:46:55
I have a weird aversion to any heels higher than an inch or so.  They make people's feet look mutated to me, and it freaks me out. Undecided  Unsurprisingly, all of my shoes are completely flat.

Those Renaissance shoes are ridiculous.  What is it that people have against women walking?  I don't recall any fashion trends for men throughout history that rendered them incapable of going about their everyday lives.  And don't even get me started on corsets or foot binding (shudder).
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Prettiest Freesite Creation Find: Round Two (Apparently) on: 2009 April 26, 14:52:05
Bruno came out with 50 (yes, 50) new sets of lipsticks. Shocked  This is the first time I've ever had CC make my jaw drop.  Now I just have to quit gaping at them and figure out which ones to download.
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 April 19, 01:30:36
I had no idea who Cheryl Cole was, and from that sim I'd have assumed she was 40+ years old. Shocked
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Juice Newsea Becomes a Paysite on: 2009 April 18, 22:23:11
Back on topic: now that it seems Juice of Peggyzone has their own paysite does this mean they won't be at Peggyzone anymore? Or is this is another sick way of bringing in two 'incomes' Huh
Juice shares the blog with Yu (who someone upthread said might be his girlfriend?), and she's the one with the hairs for sale, not him.  Most of the stuff from Juice seems to be ugly lipsticks (case in point) and eyes, which are all free, and there's someone named Natts with some free uploads too.  Juice probably uploads all of his hairs to Peggyzone, and the extras on the blog might be rejects that Peggy deems not good enough or something.

So I don't think Juice is making money off of the site (not directly, anyway), though if Yu is really his girlfriend, he might be indirectly.

Now I have a question: Isn't the site Newsea is hosted at a Chinese blog site, meaning that they can't even use the "money for bandwith" excuse?  It'd be like someone opening up a LiveJournal account and trying to get people to pay for CC.
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 April 05, 18:28:54
Yeah, aren't there canned animations that are assigned when you make a chair?  It's amazing that she could make it that WTF.  And, even though I know they're sims, looking at those contortionist moves creeps me out a little. Embarrassed

I don't think Peggy's latest free hair has been posted, and it definitely deserves a place in this thread.

It's one's hair is THAT big.  It looks absurd.  I think I'd fall backward from the weight of that thing.
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 April 01, 04:09:13
I agree with cala.  I think Thomas sent Johan here to make it seem like he's doing something to catch that "hacker" that supposedly hacked TSR a few months back—his first few posts were all about the terrible people that try to hack into TSR.  He's acting like he has an earnest request for help, which makes TSR look good.  "Oh, look, we're so intent on catching that hacker that we were even willing to ask our enemy for help!"  I doubt there was a hacker at all, but they're still playing the game.  They've got to look like they're doing something.

Johan could very well think that there was a hacker and he needed him to run over to PMBD to get IP information to catch the person.  If he's out of the loop, that may be what Thomas told him.  Who knows?  It's not like he's to be trusted whether he knows or not, and I doubt he'd not side with his brother even if he were to find out that he's a complete crook.
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Juice Newsea Becomes a Paysite on: 2009 March 30, 02:22:35
I have, but, the way Peggy has been churning hairs out, people who want quantity over quality will still be going straight to Peggy. Undecided  She's been coming out with what, a couple a week?  I still think she must have a few people working for her--she and Juice can't do it all that quickly.
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Juice Newsea Becomes a Paysite on: 2009 March 30, 01:48:45
With their ties to Peggy, I was just waiting for it to happen.  I'm pretty disappointed that I was right in this case--the free community could really use a couple more hair meshers to combat Peggy, Rose, and company. Sad 
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2009 March 30, 01:43:28
I don't understand why it's okay for sim boys to be shirtless and not girls when the bodies are exactly the same.  Yeah, they represent a large age range, but they're completely flat-chested; now we have to cover up boobs that aren't there?  I've never quite understood why I have to cover up when men with more boobage than I have are allowed to run around topless in real life either, so maybe I'm just too literal about this stuff.  I know female boobs are considered sex objects, but, in this case, there aren't any, and there are plenty of pedophiles attracted to boys too. Undecided

But I do think that taking pictures of real life naked kids and sharing them beyond a family album is inappropriate.  I would have been really upset if strangers had access to naked pictures of me, even if I was young when they were taken.  Heck, I'm happy that I wasn't a young kid during the internet age, because I'd have hated for my mother to plaster pictures of me all over the internet too.  I'm sure she thought they were adorable, but I was a funny-looking kid, and I still cringe looking at those pictures.
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Ea makes statement March 2 making paysites ok? on: 2009 March 05, 23:40:08
It sounds like the guy who answered that e-mail did so by reading the actual EULA.  He's probably just a tech support guy and doesn't know much about the paysite thing, so he answered it by explaining what the legal document provided by the game says.  He, like Drea, doesn't speak for EA, but he does show that any person reading the EULA can see that we're right--the EULA does make paysites illegal. Cheesy

But, unfortunately (or fortunately, in the case of Drea), I don't think it matters what he or Drea says.  The people running EA want to have a partnership with TSR, and that's what they're going to do.

Also, I don't think EA really supports the Exchange being a "booty," so to speak.  I think they're too lazy to moderate it correctly (and they probably started including meshes because they got sick of the 12s being confused and spamming them with e-mails when their downloads wouldn't work).  You can get a lot of adult content and read a lot of creepy stories on the Exchange too.  I doubt they want that.
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Ea makes statement March 2 making paysites ok? on: 2009 March 03, 02:19:28
I would be very surprised if Drea didn't contact some of the higher-ups about this--they probably gave her the go-ahead.  But they also made sure that it used nonbinding language for the same reason they keep the EULA anti-paysite.  Thus, it's useless, except for the fact that it gives Thomas and Co. something to rub in our faces.

This thread is going too quickly for me to keep up, but one more thing: EA sticks up for TSR because they have a lot in common: they're both money-guzzling scum.  EA probably sees TSR as somewhat similar to itself in its younger days and wants to help it "grow," so to speak.

Fake edit: That was well put, BlueSoup.  I hope the sheep actually take the time to read it.
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