Have you tried instead to hand paint your highlights in with a light colour on a low opacity on a separate layer? It's a good way to make highlights, and (unlike the dodge tool) won't cause you to have to start over from scratch if you go too far.

D'uh! That's how I always do it when I make clothing! Why I didn't think of applying it to hairs is a question I will think long about before answering. No: I'm just stupid sometimes

Oh lawd, my files always become a complete mess

I know I could and should create groups but I always think: "Ah, I'm soon finished anyway so why bother
now?" and after a while 20 new layers have appeared (not named properly, of course) and I have to scroll the layer palette up and down like a maniac to find "Duplicate 32" or whatever until I get angry and merge a bunch of layers I think I'm finished with, only to realize that one of them was very important and useful (but only when it's to late)...
Shall I go on? My chaos. Let me show u it.
Thanks for the fine compliment!

You're most welcome! I've seen your awesome art for the FAQ, you know, so I value your tips greatly. Thanks!
The blonde version of that hair reminds me of how Justin Hayward of the Moody Blues wore his hair back in the sixties, I'd like to have that when/if you put it up for download, CaptainBerg!
Moody Blues! A-MAZE-ing band! Just because you have so good taste, it's soon coming to a intarwebs near you, just for you

ETA: Hooray! I just realised that I succesfully have re-created this Rose hair, but for males! Yay! I phail!

(But not as much as Rose... Alphail.)