Clearly you missed the humor in my post. I don't know if that's from not understanding it or choosing to ignore it to twist it to something you feel you can mock. Either way you fail.
For what it's worth I didn't get it either.
Here is how I understood your post:
Eh, I've wanted to from time to time but I'd almost feel dirty about doing it.
"I don't like your posts but seeing as I am above commenting on it I wouldn't lower myself to do it/to your level."
You come from the land of cream cheese danish.
...ok, I just didn't get this. there might be a hidden joke about cheese and comming from a cheese land. I don't really know what the word "cheese" covers in regards to forum-behavior. Also I never knew a 'danish' was supposed to have cheese in it? Isn't it mostly jam and regular cream? Please enlighten me

Plus I get the impression that you're way younger than me and it would be like kicking a toddler in the face. Sure, the kid cries but there is also no challenge in it.
"I am so high above you that you are as weak/feeble as a toddler to me".
Clearly a "I am better than you" statement....and might I ad I generally don't find things funny when it includes hurting defenceless beings, be they children, toddlers or animals.