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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Peggy - I just noticed this on: 2007 May 17, 13:02:29
Quote from: "missnaughty"
Peggy's hair is as useful as a chocolate teapot!!!   :lol:

Mmmm, chocolate.
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 May 13, 17:49:36
I wouldn't use it. I don't like how most of the hair looks like it's relatively short and straight, while the one in front is curly and long.
Also the hair on top, I can't quite figure out what it's supposed to be. It looks like it's bangs but combed back. But if so what's keeping it in place? I's looks unnatural.

In short it looks like a sims hair but with something plastered on that looks out of place.

The colouring is nice though.

I'm good at criticizing peoples creations things I don't like. Go me!  :twisted:
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Simbella: Vive la Revolution...or something like that on: 2007 May 13, 14:43:11
To save a money for eye bleach:
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I have a treasure on: 2007 May 07, 00:33:59
Quote from: "Feverish"

I don't play maxis couples.
I don't use maxis genetics or maxis clothing.
Most of my time is spent downloading.
I download many things to make many sims and hardly ever play at all.
I've had to download houses because I fall asleep while building.
Now, I fall asleep while furnishing the houses.
One minute I'm picking wallpaper and the next I'm snoring.

Hihi, that's almost like a poem. Smiley

And I can understand you, I find the maxis clothes and families boring as well. But I do like building stuff and furnishing. That's the thing I think is great about sims, it has so many ways to be played.
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I have a treasure on: 2007 May 06, 23:51:00
Quote from: "missangelica"

I hope that explains some things

It did indeed Smiley
...mmm... I want Cream cheese danish now.
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I have a treasure on: 2007 May 06, 23:08:34
Quote from: "missangelica"
Clearly you missed the humor in my post.  I don't know if that's from not understanding it or choosing to ignore it to twist it to something you feel you can mock.  Either way you fail.

For what it's worth I didn't get it either.
Here is how I understood your post:

Quote from: "missangelica"

Eh, I've wanted to from time to time but I'd almost feel dirty about doing it.

"I don't like your posts but seeing as I am above commenting on it I wouldn't lower myself to do it/to your level."
Quote from: "missangelica"

You come from the land of cream cheese danish.

...ok, I just didn't get this. there might be a hidden joke about cheese and comming from a cheese land. I don't really know what the word "cheese" covers in regards to forum-behavior. Also I never knew a 'danish' was supposed to have cheese in it? Isn't it mostly jam and regular cream? Please enlighten me Smiley

Quote from: "missangelica"

Plus I get the impression that you're way younger than me and it would be like kicking a toddler in the face. Sure, the kid cries but there is also no challenge in it.

"I am so high above you that you are as weak/feeble as a toddler to me".

Clearly a "I am better than you" statement....and might I ad I generally don't find things funny when it includes hurting defenceless beings, be they children, toddlers or animals.
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I have a treasure on: 2007 May 06, 22:45:20
Quote from: "Hecubus"
Maz....why did you show me that?

....I'm scared.

Hold me?

Uhm, do you see what I am currently wearing? *looks at avatar* You might wanna rethink that request. Not that I would mind, I'm just warning you because, you know, you got an axe! And I'm feeling a bit, 'exposed' right now.
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I have a treasure on: 2007 May 06, 22:07:26
Don't worry Bigtruckgirl. I got protection... Like the men in the video. "gee, rrr, double-e, n, leaves."
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I have a treasure on: 2007 May 06, 21:56:38
*Maz jiggles his jib in the general direction of Doursim, missangelica and Quinctia...*nyah nyah*... then starts doing the YATTA dance*.
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Simbella: Vive la Revolution...or something like that on: 2007 May 06, 16:20:08
Quote from: "alia"

Basically, if you're a new poster with only 5-100 posts and you post something that goes against the general consensus (read: Bella's views) you're considered a troll and they will either ignore you or ban you.

That's another thing I really hate.
Just because someone write alot doesn't mean they are smart or should be listened too. It encourages a type of behaviour where the people who yell the highest is listened too.
And newcomers is treated like inferiors just because they are new.
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Simbella: Vive la Revolution...or something like that on: 2007 May 06, 03:01:53
Quote from: "Bliss"
I get the idea of act young, be young, but some people take it pretty far.  There are several women on that forum that I would absolutely hate to run into in meatworld.  

That's not acting young, that's acting* immature and stupid.
And congratulation "the meatworld" that's a great word! Cheesy I want it. That says it all, no confusions about "what is real in the real world".
Meat= food and sex. That about covers what's real. Wink

*Acting being used without any references to the actual meaning of the word; to pretend. It's merely filler, ignore it for all purposes.

Quote from: "MizzKitty"
Only seeing Maz and my cats gets lonely too  :lol:  And boring.

12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Simbella: Vive la Revolution...or something like that on: 2007 May 05, 21:32:52
That whole attitude of "It's my site I can do as I please if you don't like it you can just f* off." ...I really hate that attitude.
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / WTF H&M? What kinda sellout-ripoff is this? on: 2007 May 05, 18:16:11
I have the misfortune of next to no encounters with Dr. Who. Sad
However this one is great!!: Cybermen vs Daleks

And MizzKitty, Is it possible to be gay and love breast at the same time? I mean rbig lovely boobies! Mmm....boobies *droll*.
There that should mark me as a man of the hetero persuasion again. BOOBIES!

*runs around showing of his jib*  :lol:
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / WTF H&M? What kinda sellout-ripoff is this? on: 2007 May 05, 00:58:24
Quote from: "missangelica"


(And yes, Pescado is our modern day Blackadder.  We are his Baldricks.)

LOL, noooooo! Now I smell even more funny... and suddenly I got an urge for tunips.
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / WTF H&M? What kinda sellout-ripoff is this? on: 2007 May 02, 12:45:11
Quote from: "Bigtruckgirl"
so the mental image is not as bad as I thought it might be. Cheesy

Why thanks you Smiley

And might I add...
Quote from: "Pescado"

Arr! I likes the cut of yer jib.

RUN AWAY!!! (in the humble words of Sir Robin the Brave)
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