In bodyshop most hairs look nice. But once the sim starts moving, the animation is quite weird. This time it's the bangs that move through the head, the last ponytail was animated, but just the lower third which moves were really weird, same with some other new hair. And some pretty old hairs moved through the body as a whole.
I don't know if it is really hard to animate a hair in a nice way, but I'd prefer stiff hair over weird animation. I hoped that their animation skills developed and improved since they first tried, and some hairs have been ok when only certain parts were animated, but things like these are just a sign for bad work.
I don't actually know how she animates hair, but the meshes I looked at are all set at skin wghts:1 which severely limits how you can animate. I had to change this value to do something simple like fix the neck gap. I don't know much about other ways to make hair than with milkshape or the ways people first made hair, since I only started to fool with it this year, so I don't know why you would do it this way. I suspect that this causes the jerky animation. Someone like Nouk would know better, however. By contrast if you look at one of her hairs, she's assigning the same vertex to multiple bones to get a much nicer and smoother result.
Or both, since not all of us visit SFV, and not everyone who visits SFV goes here
I'll do that when I'm done, though it's just going to have his (her?- is juice a girl?) original animation, which I will not vouch for

Make sure you demand a cut of whatever Peggy and her Minions of EVILLE are making off their craptacular crap, since you know... You actually did their work for them, since they couldn't be bothered.
Ah if only, then I could stay home from work today! Hmmm...I'm a pretty good hair mesh fixer right now, but learning the making from scratch perhaps I'm ignoring a lucrative opportunity..... :twisted: