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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Peggy's new pay hair on: 2007 July 08, 23:00:07
Quote from: "Blodeuwedd"
I'm having problems with this peggy hair now...

I'm sure it is almost the same meah as the one in the begining of the thread...
Let me know if somebody fixed this one as well...

What problems are you having?  I don't mind taking a look at it, but it would help if I knew what I was looking for Smiley
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Peggy's new pay hair on: 2007 June 26, 13:00:11
Quote from: "Dark Lunaris"
Uhh.. okay.. I DL'd free hair off peggy and the bone assignments SUCKED nuts.

I had to reassign all the bones myself. But I thought "Oh, I guess they don't care about FREE hair".

But now you say they make the same LAZY bone assignments on pay hair?

That's F@%^ing BULLcrap in a hat!

I am appalled

The bone assignements on all of the hair are not up to current standards.  Part of the problem is that however they make the hair, they are using older methods so that they only use 1 SknWght, and have to assign each Vert 100%, so they get jerky animation and neck gaps.  

I like the general hairstyles and use some.   I usually leave the animation as is because I don't feel like reassigning everything (and considering how high poly these are it's a pain).  I fixed this particular mesh because the animation generally made it unusable for teens.   The gaps actually bother me more, and I usually get around to fixing thse on hairs I use frequently.
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Peggy's new pay hair on: 2007 June 20, 14:39:00
Okay here is my fix.  As an added bonus I fixed the neck gap on the other ages, while I was poking at it.  I tested it a bit in that I looked at all the ages and made sure they didn't blow up when they were animating (which seems to be more than was done originally).  It could use some more testing, so guniea helpful testers are welcome.  I didn't change the animations, except to make the teen hair and scalp not move independantly of the rest of the sim, and to be identical to the other ages in animation.  So if the animations are funky you know who to call Smiley.

This is just a mesh replacement and not recolors, so it needs to replace the original Peggy mesh and you need to have recolors installed for it to work.  Let me know if it works (or not) for you.  If all is well with it I'll post it on SFV as well.  Smiley
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Peggy's new pay hair on: 2007 June 20, 12:19:42
Quote from: "Carisssa"
In bodyshop most hairs look nice. But once the sim starts moving, the animation is quite weird. This time it's the bangs that move through the head, the last ponytail was animated, but just the lower third which moves were really weird, same with some other new hair. And some pretty old hairs moved through the body as a whole.
I don't know if it is really hard to animate a hair in a nice way, but I'd prefer stiff hair over weird animation. I hoped that their animation skills developed and improved since they first tried, and some hairs have been ok when only certain parts were animated, but things like these are just a sign for bad work.

I don't actually know how she animates hair, but the meshes I looked at are all set at skin wghts:1 which severely limits how you can animate.  I had to change this value to do something simple like fix the neck gap.  I don't know much about other ways to make hair than with milkshape or the ways people first made hair, since I only started to fool with it this year, so I don't know why you would do it this way.  I suspect that this causes the jerky animation.  Someone like Nouk would know better, however.  By contrast if you look at one of her hairs, she's assigning the same vertex to multiple bones to get a much nicer and smoother result.  

Or both, since not all of us visit SFV, and not everyone who visits SFV goes here

I'll do that when I'm done, though it's just going to have his (her?- is juice a girl?) original animation, which I will not vouch for Smiley

Make sure you demand a cut of whatever Peggy and her Minions of EVILLE are making off their craptacular crap, since you know... You actually did their work for them, since they couldn't be bothered.

Ah if only, then I could stay home from work today!  Hmmm...I'm a pretty good hair mesh fixer right now, but learning the making from scratch perhaps I'm ignoring a lucrative opportunity..... :twisted:
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Peggy's new pay hair on: 2007 June 20, 03:42:00
A quick look at the teen hairmesh in milkshape shows that someone was drunk or rushed when it was made since every single bone in the entire teen mesh is assigned to b_hair.  I fixed the hair group (and fixed the neck gap as an added bonus) before I realized it was all of the layers not just the one.  I'm going to fix it all since I like the hair, but I'm too sleepy now Smiley
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / what's your pirate name? on: 2007 June 16, 10:43:20
Your Pirate Name Is...

Dirty Buxom Betty

What's Your Pirate Name?

Which sounds more like a hooker name, but whatever....

Also Mad Mary Kidd
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 June 12, 20:51:11
Oh for the love of Mike!  I'm usually all about seeing both sides of an argument, but I can't see a rational reason not to post poly counts unless you're worried that yours are too high and your dl counts (and pay?) will go down. And saying that they take too long to get is silly.  When you are working on the mesh in your program or putting it in SimPe you can easily get a count and note it.

That response by Dot was just absurd.  What does having the info hurt anyone?  If they don't understand it, they'll just ignore it or look it up or ,worst case scenario, not dl something that really is okay because they don't understand it (and who cares?).  If you really think people will freak out post the poly count of a comparable Maxis object for comparison.

I've grown to heartily dislike TSR over the past year, but if this an indication of the culture over there, I could begin to despise it .
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Top 10 worst Paysites since TS1 days on: 2007 May 29, 15:57:02
Pandora Sims 2 deserves a mention I think.  As far as I can tell, it contains mostly other people's free mods (yellow pee, censor blur remover, warlok skins, etc) with a scant few "original" mods, clothes and such to justify the pay.
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / EAxis even more bossy with mesh creators? on: 2007 May 16, 10:21:44
Quote from: "PirateBrad"
That's weird...I can't remove meshes with S2PCI either,it always turns into empty packages,even when I follow thru tiggerypum's tuts

Did you give the new package a different name rather than replacing the original?  Other than that, I can't think of why you would get empty packages, since it's been working well for me, though maybe I've just been lucky.
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / EAxis even more bossy with mesh creators? on: 2007 May 15, 23:49:10
I'm not sure why that's happening, but I can still remove meshes from packages with Clean Installer,  save them and open them back up just fine.  I'm using an upatched Seasons game and I just checked it with a few packages, and it works without a problem.
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 May 13, 18:06:51
I'd use it  on YA's and teens mostly.  My only small nitpick is that the hairline one the swept back part on the top looks a little abrupt where the texture on the side of the head is beautiful and you can see where the hair is attached to the scalp.  I know that it wouldn't be as dramatic on the top of the head, but it feels like the attachment should be slightly less linear and more like rooted hair if that makes sense.

Otherwise ZOMG it's so cute!! Smiley
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