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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2010 April 22, 04:10:53
Yeah, gotta admit, I don't mind those undies. I kinda love transparent clothes, though, I'm a big perve.

God I hate that model so much.
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2010 March 31, 09:44:00
Haha the impaling comment made me lol. Nicely done fway Smiley
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2010 March 29, 10:57:51
That wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the weird way it ties up.

What skin is that? The collarbone is a bit harsh.
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2010 March 25, 12:25:14
Thanks guys. I'm glad you like it, it took ages so I'm kinda relieved it's done and am now secretly dreading making the male skin.  Grin
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2010 March 25, 10:56:11
The butt part of the undies aren't too bad. The front is too wrinkley.

The bad part is the bra. The wrinkles make it look like she's wearing a bra 2 cup sizes too big.
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2010 March 25, 10:29:22
I made a skin. Took frigging forever but I'm happy with the end result Smiley

7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2010 March 25, 01:24:42
It's not so much the shape for me but the sequins, they look like they are shining wrong at the crotch. It might have been better to just not have any shininess down there.
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2010 March 23, 13:00:28
That swimsuit would be cool if it had nice straps and the crotch looked a bit better.
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2010 March 23, 08:09:27
Isn't that keyhole thing upside down?
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2010 March 21, 05:54:05
What's with that building at the right? O_o
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2010 March 19, 03:37:25
Does anyone else see those little dots on that dress?  Are they meant to be part of the "shinyness"?

It looks like she's embossed a spotty texture into the dress.
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2010 March 12, 01:26:44
It looks like a deformed slice of bread.

So true. I lol'd. Cheesy
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2010 March 11, 01:33:17
Lmao. I made a Hugh Laurie once, he didn't look much like him. Most of my earlier sims looked nothing like their celebrity counterparts though. *snort*
I don't even know what he looks like in-game. Back then I didn't even bother checking them ingame because it ran so damn slowly.  Grin
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Can Haz Yer Facebook Account, too? on: 2010 March 11, 01:25:50
The problem with facebook apps is that your friends apps can get YOUR info unless you have your privacy settings setup correctly.

What your friends can share about you through applications and websites
When your friend visits a Facebook-enhanced application or website, they may want to share certain information to make the experience more social. For example, a greetings card application may use your birthday information to prompt your friend to send a card.

If your friend uses an application that you do not use, you can control what types of information the application can access. Please note that applications will always be able to access your publicly available information (name, Profile picture, gender, current city, networks, friend list and pages) and information that is visible to everyone.

15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2010 February 17, 00:29:16
They are stunning. Your friend is very talented! Smiley
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