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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 May 10, 14:57:42
Wow. I never expected TSR to make an announcement about trojans, let alone in this manner.

It's the comments that frankly make me gag. "OMG your such a SAINT for telling us this! I'm liek you're biggest fan!" The hell?

The Sims community seems to have caught the eye of hackers and phishers.  I just saw one warning that there was a Sims 3 "demo" link being sent out that contained a virus.
Edited to add link.

Me like Grin
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 May 08, 22:06:38
This really isn't on topic, but it is about TSR. Is anyone else having a problem get on their site?

3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 May 08, 11:34:20
Where does this woman find the time to fuck around like that all the time? Seriously, isn't she a nurse or something? Aren't hospitals notoriously understaffed?

Thank god she is Ultimate Fail at it. Imagine how much worse everything would be if she was actually any good at all this scheming.
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2009 May 07, 21:14:26
I like duct tape, it's handy stuff. Grin

Tell me about it. It's what's keeping my graphics card in my computer right now Cheesy
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 May 07, 19:04:20
Yes, I knew it was coming!  *Chimes in* Although, I have to say I'm kinda bummed that all I am is "Involved in some way."

Possibly you sit and give orders. Or you are such a clever haxxor you haven't been pinned down yet.

Screw that, she just jacks directly into the matrix and hacks away, Shadowrun style. Cool
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 May 07, 18:11:45
If Atwa did fall for Thomass, then our course of action is of course clear. Pescado must seduce this woman and turn her over to our side. There is no other way.
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: NEW TSR LEGAL THREAT! on: 2009 May 04, 11:22:32
No need for all that when you can dunk their pacifier in some brandy. It's what my dad did and I turned out JUST FINE! Grin
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 May 03, 19:06:08
Never take what Pes says too seriously Wink
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2009 May 01, 12:23:05
Bah, finished reading all 90 pages just to reach this anti-climax. What a downer.
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 April 25, 09:27:24
Well, I'm back. Long story short, I've had to do some prioritising in my life and my sims time got cut back a whole lot, so I've decided to just focuss on actually playing the game (and taking pictures) and keeping up with the paysite fight. I don't actually have the time to relaunch this thing, but anyone else is most welcome to.

Sorry to leave you all hanging like that Sad
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 18, 16:49:05
Sorry for disappering from the phorum for a while. Things are a bit hectic in real life at the moment. I'm taking a bit of a break right now, so if anyone wants to take over this little project, be my guest. I'm very, very sorry, but I've got things to deal with right now. Everyone who offered their time and effort, thank you. And sorry for temporarily souping.
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 07, 19:28:07
elencha, forget about what I said about the censor blur, it can be put in a lot easier than edited out. Thanks for that movie. And the hours of fun I'll have trying to explain to my boyfriend why he walked in on me watching the pixel people go at it. Wink

Mheyin, that would be awesome. No rush, obviously. I'll get to work making some pics and movies of my own.

If anyone else has something, feel free to put it on Mediafire.
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 07, 16:42:05
Oh dang. You wanted to keep the censor blur? Oops...  Shocked And here I was making (or attempting to make) something that wold rival Caligiula...


I kinda wanna see that. I'm having second thoughts about the blur...

You're all more than welcome to use my contest guy if you want.
Rod Donovan

Oh lordy, he's my worst nightmare simmerized. Brilliant. Thanks for that Cheesy
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 07, 15:52:47
Ok, are we really going to try and go for high quality on the pron anyway?

God no. We're going for disgusting, tacky and all-round reprehensible. I definitely want a "Pets" section.  Cheesy The site itself will be pretty low-quality as well, blinkies and yellow font and too many images splattered around. (I suck at coding anyway, so that works.) The idea is to have some movies and image galleries. Previews if you will, with some (fake) paypal buttons here and there that lead to a page explaining that this is a proof of concept site.

For those of you trying their hand at editing (I'll be trying that out as well), the cheaper, the better. Especially tacky music-wise. If you feel like ripping the audio from a real clip, be my guest. Oh, and I almost forgot, don't remove the censor blur! We wouldn't want to give away the fine goods for free, now would we? Wink

As for the site itself, I'll start work on it soon enough. RL is keeping me busy at the moment.
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 06, 19:26:21
The free ones were on ISA (and maybe Sexy Sims 2) before the whole Walt disaster happened, but I found them here:

Maybe just asking would be the smartest thing to do. In fact I'd just need anims, clothing and such is provided for nicely by the paysite crew.
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