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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2009 November 02, 13:48:06
I, too, really like the windows and I like the rich color you chose for the wood pieces and how they really go with the lovely stained glass.
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 October 26, 14:20:07
You stupid bitch. He was convicted of raping my CHILD.

If I were you, I really would not brag about letting a pedophile have access to my children.  It's actually real sick.

There are still 2 pages of posts to read through, but I have to say this:  Go away, you self-righteous asshole.  It's one thing for you to come and call people here tight wads or debate the legality of the Booty (which I do NOT download from and I donate to respectable free sites whenever I am able).  But this is going too far.  I don't know Paden, but I am quite sure that she did not know that her ex was a pedophile.  It is something easily hidden and hard to prove (or disprove, for that matter).  Your comment makes light of a tragic situation that occurred to her and her child.  You come here preaching about how you own a business and how people here should be ashamed of themselves for supporting this site and how you have a moral high ground.  Bullshit.  You should be ashamed of yourself for this comment and you should apologize to Paden and her child. 

3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3 on: 2009 October 21, 16:42:22
Oooh, new curtains.  I have been waiting for curtains to start being made.  I love simple curtains and EA never gives us those.

Snagged the curtains.  According to the creator, they are fully recolorable with no pattern distortion.  Can't wait until I have time to try them.  Love curtains.  Hate that EA gave us so many curtains with crap on them and so many that are only designed to fit one type of window.
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3 on: 2009 October 20, 17:15:57
I haven't noticed any of his houses lacking a toilet, even if he was forced to stick it in the basement.  It's really hard to build small houses with more than 1 bedroom for a newly made sim -- if you are trying to save a little money or a little room, having your sims use the kitchen sink is a good compromise. 

It's really not THAT difficult.  Of course, that is the challenge of building a starter home: providing as much value as possible with a very limited amount of funds.

A big part of Plastic Box's schtick is building 2 story starter homes with a split staircase.  However, those staircases waste a lot of space and money (as do basements).  Also, I question whether it really is a starter when it is built on a small lot, and one has to purchase a larger lot to use it in game.

But the question really is: would you buy a house with bathrooms which did not have a sink?  Or one where the only toilet was in the basement?

Maybe a better use of available funds would be to buy the damn sink (and the space to put it in)  and not that extra tree to prettify the place.

You know, I'm not always keen on things that people post here as pretties, just because they aren't my style.  But I do appreciate the work and skill that went into making them.  This thread isn't "let's pick apart something created by a free creator just because it isn't quite to our taste."  MTS has a LOT of lots uploaded and, at least in my opinion, Plasticbox is one of the best lot creators.  You say don't make it a little prettier by adding a tree, just add the bathroom sink that none of the sims use autonomously and that has the same interactions as the kitchen sink.  I say, leave out extraneous items to make the house a little prettier so my sims are happier living there.  And I think the split staircases are cool and I really wish that EA would allow us to stack foundation tiles to make it easier to make them.  It's a matter of taste.  And regardless of whether or not his/her houses (or any items) are to your taste, given that there is nothing wrong with the playability of the lots and they are from a free creator, I don't really see where you get off being so critical.
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3 on: 2009 October 19, 16:28:18
Just in case anyone missed it (and I don't think I saw it posted in this thread yet) the always-talented Plasticbox has been uploading a ton of things for TS3, including adorable lots and some gorgeous siding.

But have you noticed that a lot of these houses have bathrooms which lack toilets, sinks, and sometimes both?  I mean, how do you feel about a bathroom which has a toilet, but no sink?

I haven't noticed any of his houses lacking a toilet, even if he was forced to stick it in the basement.  It's really hard to build small houses with more than 1 bedroom for a newly made sim -- if you are trying to save a little money or a little room, having your sims use the kitchen sink is a good compromise.  While I don't download houses, I have really been impressed by Plasticbox's creativity in cramming everything in.  Not to mention that his houses always have some neat touch with their roof or a neat little alcove, or something. 
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Freesite Creation Finds - Round THREE - The Sims 3 on: 2009 October 08, 14:20:37
I've been too busy to play Sims 3 (*cough* too busy with WoW, that is).  I was wondering if anyone had tried out the new couch at SimsArtGallery?  It looks lovely, so I was wondering how it was in-game.
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR charging for bucketfill on: 2009 September 10, 15:03:26
Act's posts make me think that he/she has never actually read any comments on the MTS downloads.  I see loads of helpful criticism, suggestions, ways to fix, as well as praise all the time.  When Neriana was talking about being tired of the overt niceness, whe was talking about MTS not allowing people to strike back at Chaz for being an asshole and bashing Stefan's lovely sim.  At least, that's how I recall things. 
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: SimsDivine is closing in October on: 2009 August 28, 13:51:07
Oh, dang.  Many, many lovely things at that site.  Such a shame when quality sites close.

I can't visit the site here at work to read the news.  Have any plans been made for hosting an archive of the downloads?
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 August 18, 20:41:28
Had this really big urge to go to TSR and comment under any celebrity that Chaz did that Stefan has also done and comment "Stefan did it better" or "doesn't look anything like him/her."

And it is very, very indicative of the differing attitudes that comments on something at MTS can be compliments and also constructive criticism/suggestion to help the item be better.  I don't believe that constructive criticism is welcome at TSR.  Of course, most people just post something to get their kudos point.  Doubt they even actually look at or try out the item.  (Not to mention that TSR prompts you for a comment when you download -- you aren't even encouraged to see how it looks in game and then come back and comment)
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 August 17, 19:11:58
Bah, I can't see MTS from work.  I'll have to try and remember to go see what Chaz wrote under Stefan's sim.  Chaz wishes he could make such lovely sims.
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 August 13, 21:40:10
The braids definitely made me go WTF.  But the thing I definitely don't get is that skirt from Peggy's site -- who would wear a skirt that comes up to their boobs but barely covers their ass?
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Prettiest Freesite Creation Find: Round Two (Apparently) on: 2009 August 08, 19:09:05
OH, OH, OH.  White stairs for Sims 3.

Still sad that creators have to spend time on this, though, because EA got its head stuck up its butt and left stairs non-recolorable.
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Prettiest Freesite Creation Find: Round Two (Apparently) on: 2009 August 01, 04:53:28
I've never really gotten into Sims in Paris' items only because the screenshots of everything are so bright and kinda weird.  However, I saw this recolor Livingroom 6 over at SAU and I must say it looks like a rather nice set (not to mention the cabinet recolors are very lovely).

Recolors by Sesame found

ETA:  If you are a fan of the Jonesi blanket, Amythestfenix (whose recolors I LOVE) has done it in all her linen solids here:
Note that you can also get towels, the whodunit lamp, and various curtain sets in those solids over at Laden Swallow:
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Prettiest Freesite Creation Find: Round Two (Apparently) on: 2009 July 31, 16:14:47
At work, so I can't find any pretties, but I have to say that I'm beginning to worship at the altar of SimsArtGallery.  Such a nice variety of artwork.  Lots of different paintings was one of my biggest weaknesses in Sims 2.

Also, what's the word on that modern living room set?  How does it look in game?  Curious how custom objects are looking out of the gate but I've been too busy with dr appts and work to test it myself.
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Prettiest Freesite Creation Find: Round Two (Apparently) on: 2009 July 28, 20:21:40
This is all rather exciting.  I had sims 2 from the very beginning (and played sims 1) but for some reason only got into cc a couple years ago.  So I missed all the beginning stuff.  It's fun seeing what new thing people have come up with every day for 3.  Like the necklaces at BogSims (retarded EA giving us bracelets but tying necklaces to specific shirts/outfits).  I'm heading right over to check out the living chairs as dining chairs and Papercat's site.  And the ripped jeans at Dr. House's recommendation.

We will know we have arrived when we can have a version of the Shakerlicious kitchen in our Sims 3 game (omg, I love that kitchen so much and crave it for 3).  That's the thing I probably want most.  Well, that and more house plants and more paintings.  Not enough artwork and such for our houses.

ETA:  More paintings up at Sims Art Gallery.  And she was able to recolor the calla lily plant.

I LOVE that we are getting non-default paintings.  If anyone knows of other sites producing pretty paintings, I demand you share!
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