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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: NEW TSR LEGAL THREAT! on: 2009 April 09, 01:45:41
I can't help but wonder whether or not Thoma$$ has surrounded himself with so many yesmen and groupies that he has no one that will actually be willing to step up and say, "Hey man, you might want to at least proofread that letter a little bit."  Or even better, "Hey man, DON'T DO THIS, they'll know you made this shit up."  It is his own delusion and refusion to hear different opinions that will ultimately do him in.
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Ea makes statement March 2 making paysites ok? on: 2009 March 30, 20:15:45
Does the hacking-MTS2 situation make Thoma$$ criminally liable?  If so, would Maxoids wind up sharing the responsibility if they cover up information/accept money, etc?  
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 March 24, 18:01:55
The crap latex... the feathers, just... what the shit is that?
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Prettiest Freesite Creation Find: Round Two (Apparently) on: 2009 March 21, 02:15:47
Those stairs have me in jawdrop mode.  They're really amazing!  I wish I was that good at arranging things in real life.
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 21, 02:13:54
I'll do my best, elencha, although I'm sure it's not phail to begin with!  I'm not going to have a lot of spare time over the weekend but as long as you are not in a hurry...  just PM me whenever you'd like to send it over.  Smiley
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2009 March 19, 03:32:48
The word you're looking for for chasing off JW's is "apostate."  Tell them you're been made an apostate by the church and they have to get away from you asap so that your rational way of thinking won't infect them.  Don't worry about calling them names too much - they call you "worm food" under their breath when they are leaving.
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 19, 03:27:04
I'll be glad to put more sim models (that show the epic worst of what paysites have to off.)  I have some software that allows for video edittng.  If someone else films the clips and then sends them to me, I can edit them together on an epic bow chick woo woo track of doom.  That should give us all a little something to do if you want.

8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2009 March 15, 21:05:47
Yeah, I think if you're young enough to have boobs that are that perky with no support, you're too damned young to be going outside dressed like that.
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 08, 18:51:07
Never heard "cheesecake" before either.  It's kind of awesome, methinks.

I have five simpr0n stars loaded with as much crudinsky as I could force myself to load into my game.  Ugh.  They are:

John Hanger, wannabe manskank
Shane Holder, legend of the pizza delivery circuit
Anita Hivtest, she's 19.  No, really.
Antoine Lone, token poolboy twink
Conchita Mi, hot "latina", unless your film calls for hot "asian".  also, "hot" is a relative term

10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2009 March 08, 06:52:49
That makes me think that I should start scanning the metric buttload of fabric swatches left over from my years in costuming.  It didn't dawn on me that, hey people may be able to use these for textures.  I'll have to start digging some out.   I've got some neat ones.
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Ea makes statement March 2 making paysites ok? on: 2009 March 08, 05:58:59
Somehow I don't think anyone involved, EAxis, Drea, A$$, Steven, and whatever other buttlicker du jour will be able to get the reaction they want from us because they are too scared to do exactly what it would take to get it down.  EAxis would have to police the exchange constantly, which they don't have the time to do.  Saying "it's really ok" without an actuall legal change to the EULA can't exactly stop the signal. 
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 08, 05:52:28
Well I've got a whole roster of talents "actors" just waiting for their turn on the casting couch.  I've got skanques, sleezys, obviously stoned, questionable test results, etc. etc. who would make perfect call ladies and an obligatory overweight poolboy.  I can put them on mediafire if anyone wants to use them.
Also, I had a theory that at the end of the films, you could always run the credits south park style, with every contributor being the same name.  I say credits should go like this:   mods:  your mom
             penis hacks:  your mom
            crotchless pvc panties:  your mom
           "trashed" make up set:  your mom...  etc. ad infinitum.
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2009 March 08, 05:05:51
Soggy, I am digging that bedding like whoa.  It actually comes close to a bedspread that I used to have IRL.  I love finding content like that!
I'm still just trying to work my wait through the gimp tutorials - maybe one of these days I too will produce something slightly nomable.  Until then, I love seeing the awesomeness that goes on here.
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sim Smut on: 2009 March 06, 23:53:01
Of all the threads to delurk in, I choose this one.  Sigh.

I couldn't mod my way out of a paper bag, but I'm not too shabby at making models and sets.  The main reason I don't upload them normally is because I'm always afraid that I'm not going to credit/link properly and offend the creator, so if part of the point is to create additional butthurt for paycrap makers, then everything should be fine.  I'd be glad to create and upload some if someone could use them as a timesaver if they are going to make these, erm, provocative art films.  I have to admit that I think this is a hilarious way to prove a point.
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